4381247Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 17: A Decree


A Decree

The Academy of Art, as a State Institution, is hereby declared dissolved. The Higher Art School is thus dissociated from the Academy of Art, with all corresponding credits and capital, and reorganized into an independent art school.

The Museum of the Academy of Art is placed in the hands of the Commissariat of Education.

All moneys and the entire property of the Academy of Art are declared the property of the Soviet Republic, to be used as a fund designed to meet special needs of art culture.

Chairman of Soviet of People's Commissaries,
V. Ulianoy (Lenin).
People's Commissaires:
A. Lunacharsky, Stalin and G. Chicherin.
Chief Clerk of the Soviet of People's Commissaires,
V. Bonch-Bruevitch.
Secretary of the Soviet,
N. P. Gorbunov.