Education and Art in Soviet Russia
Document 18: Decree Concerning the Moscow Art Society
4381251Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 18: Decree Concerning the Moscow Art Society


Decree Concerning the Moscow Art Society

The Soviet of People’s Commissaires decrees:

1. Owing to the fact that the school of painting, sculpture and architecture under patronage of the Moscow Art Society has been placed within the jurisdiction of the Commissariat of People's Commissaires—the functioning of the Moscow Art Society is forthwith discontinued.

2. All the moneys, movable and real-estate properties of the Society are declared national property and entrusted to the Commissariat of People's Education, and to be used to meet the needs of the school of painting, sculpture and architecture, as well as for the organization and support of the task of art education in the Russian Soviet Republic.

Chairman of the S. P. C., V. Ulianoy (Lenin).

People's Commissaire of Education, Lunacharsky,

Chargé d'affaires of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, Viadimir Bonch-Bruevich.

Sec'y of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, N. Gorbunov.

Moscow, Kreml, July 12th, 1918.