Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act/Title I/Subtitle H

Subtitle H—Amendments to Subtitle H (Investment for Quality and Innovation)


Sec. 1801. Technical amendment to Subtitle H.

Subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is amended by inserting after the subtitle heading and before section 198 the following:

``PART I—Additional corporation activities to support national service´´.

Sec. 1802. Additional Corporation activities to support national service.

(a) Technical amendments.—Section 198 (42 U.S.C. 12653) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a), by striking ``subsection (r)´´ and inserting ``subsection (g)´´;
(2) in the matter preceding paragraph (1) of subsection (b), by striking ``to improve the quality´´ and all that follows through ``including—´´ and inserting ``to address emergent needs through summer programs and other activities, and to support service-learning programs and national service programs, including—´´;
(3) by striking subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (h), (i), (j), (l), (m), and (p) and redesignating subsections (g), (k), (n), (o), (q), (r), and (s) as subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i), respectively.
(b) Global Youth Service Days.—Section 198 (42 U.S.C. 12653), as amended in subsection (a), is further amended—
(1) in subsection (g) (as redesignated by subsection (a)(3))—
(A) in the subsection heading, by striking ``National´´ and inserting ``Global´´;
(B) by striking ``National Youth´´ each place it appears and inserting ``Global Youth´´;
(C) in paragraph (1)—
(i) by striking the first sentence and inserting ``April 24, 2009, and April 23, 2010, are each designated as ‘Global Youth Service Days’.´´; and
(ii) in the second sentence, by striking ``appropriate ceremonies and activities´´ and inserting ``appropriate youth-led community improvement and service-learning activities´´;
(D) in paragraph (2)—
(i) by inserting ``and other Federal departments and agencies´´ after ``Corporation´´; and
(ii) by striking ``ceremonies and activities´´ and inserting ``youth-led community improvement and service-learning activities´´; and
(E) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``and other Federal departments and agencies´´ after ``Corporation´´.
(c) Call to Service Campaign and September 11th Day of Service.—Section 198 (42 U.S.C. 12653), as amended by subsection (a), is further amended by adding at the end the following:
``(j) Call to Service Campaign.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Serve America Act, the Corporation shall conduct a nationwide ‘Call To Service’ campaign, to encourage all people of the United States, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, or economic status, to engage in full- or part-time national service, long- or short-term public service in the nonprofit sector or government, or volunteering. In conducting the campaign, the Corporation may collaborate with other Federal agencies and entities, State Commissions, Governors, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, businesses, institutions of higher education, elementary schools, and secondary schools.
``(k) September 11th Day of Service.—
``(1) Federal activities.—The Corporation may organize and carry out appropriate ceremonies and activities, which may include activities that are part of the broader Call to Service Campaign under subsection (j), in order to observe the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance at the Federal level.
``(2) Activities.—The Corporation may make grants and provide other support to community-based organizations to assist in planning and carrying out appropriate service, charity, and remembrance opportunities in conjunction with the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.
``(3) Consultation.—The Corporation may consult with and make grants or provide other forms of support to nonprofit organizations with expertise in representing families of victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and other impacted constituencies, and in promoting the establishment of September 11 as an annually recognized National Day of Service and Remembrance.´´.

Sec. 1803. Repeals.

(a) Repeals.—The following provisions are repealed:
(1) Clearinghouses.—Section 198A (42 U.S.C. 12653a).
(2) Military installation conversion demonstration programs.—Section 198C (42 U.S.C. 12653c).
(3) Special demonstration project.—Section 198D (42 U.S.C. 12653d).
(b) Redesignation.—Section 198B (42 U.S.C. 12653b) is redesignated as section 198A.

Sec. 1804. Presidential awards.

Section 198A(a)(2) (as redesignated by section 1803(b)) (42 U.S.C. 12653b(a)(2)) is further amended by striking ``section 101(19)´´ and inserting ``section 101´´.

Sec. 1805. New fellowships.

Part I of subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following new sections:

``SEC. 198B. ServeAmerica Fellowships.
``(a) Definitions.—In this section:
``(1) Area of national need.—The term ‘area of national need’ means an area involved in efforts to—
``(A) improve education in schools for economically disadvantaged students;
``(B) expand and improve access to health care;
``(C) improve energy efficiency and conserve natural resources;
``(D) improve economic opportunities for economically disadvantaged individuals; or
``(E) improve disaster preparedness and response.
``(2) Eligible Fellowship Recipient.—The term ‘eligible fellowship recipient’ means an individual who is selected by a State Commission under subsection (c) and, as a result of such selection, is eligible for a ServeAmerica Fellowship.
``(3) Fellow.—The term ‘fellow’ means an eligible fellowship recipient who is awarded a ServeAmerica Fellowship and is designated a fellow under subsection (e)(2).
``(4) Small service sponsor organization.—The term ‘small service sponsor organization’ means a service sponsor organization described in subsection (d)(1) that has not more than 10 full-time employees and 10 part-time employees.
``(b) Grants.—
``(1) In general.—From the amounts appropriated under section 501(a)(4)(B) and allotted under paragraph (2)(A), the Corporation shall make grants (including financial assistance and a corresponding allotment of approved national service positions), to the State Commission of each of the several States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico with an application approved under this section, to enable such State Commissions to award ServeAmerica Fellowships under subsection (e).
``(2) Allotment; Administrative Costs.—
``(A) Allotment.—The amount allotted to a State Commission for a fiscal year shall be equal to an amount that bears the same ratio to the amount appropriated under section 501(a)(4)(B), as the population of the State bears to the total population of the several States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
``(B) Reallotment.—If a State Commission does not apply for an allotment under this subsection for any fiscal year, or if the State Commission’s application is not approved, the Corporation shall reallot the amount of the State Commission’s allotment to the remaining State Commissions in accordance with subparagraph (A).
``(C) Administrative costs.—Of the amount allotted to a State Commission under subparagraph (A), not more than 1.5 percent of such amount may be used for administrative costs.
``(3) Number of positions.—The Corporation shall—
``(A) establish or increase the number of approved national service positions under this subsection during each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014;
``(B) establish the number of approved positions at 500 for fiscal year 2010; and
``(C) increase the number of the approved positions to—
``(i) 750 for fiscal year 2011;
``(ii) 1,000 for fiscal year 2012;
``(iii) 1,250 for fiscal year 2013; and
``(iv) 1,500 for fiscal year 2014.
``(4) Uses of grant funds.—
``(A) Required uses.—A grant awarded under this subsection shall be used to enable fellows to carry out service projects in areas of national need.
``(B) Permitted uses.—A grant awarded under this subsection may be used for—
``(i) oversight activities and mechanisms for the service sites of the fellows, as determined necessary by the State Commission or the Corporation, which may include site visits;
``(ii) activities to augment the experience of fellows, including activities to engage the fellows in networking opportunities with other national service participants; and
``(iii) recruitment or training activities for fellows.
``(5) Applications.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, a State Commission shall submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may require, including information on the criteria and procedures that the State Commission will use for overseeing ServeAmerica Fellowship placements for service projects, under subsection (e).
``(c) Eligible Fellowship recipients.—
``(1) Application.—
``(A) In general.—An applicant desiring to become an eligible fellowship recipient shall submit an application to a State Commission that has elected to participate in the program authorized under this section, at such time and in such manner as the Commission may require, and containing the information described in subparagraph (B) and such additional information as the Commission may require. An applicant may submit such application to only 1 State Commission for a fiscal year.
``(B) Contents.—The Corporation shall specify information to be provided in an application submitted under this subsection, which—
``(i) shall include—
``(I) a description of the area of national need that the applicant intends to address in the service project;
``(II) a description of the skills and experience the applicant has to address the area of national need;
``(III) a description of the type of service the applicant plans to provide as a fellow; and
``(IV) information identifying the local area within the State served by the Commission in which the applicant plans to serve for the service project; and
``(ii) may include, if the applicant chooses, the size of the registered service sponsor organization with which the applicant hopes to serve.
``(2) Selection.—Each State Commission shall—
``(A) select, from the applications received by the State Commission for a fiscal year, the number of eligible fellowship recipients that may be supported for that fiscal year based on the amount of the grant received by the State Commission under subsection (b); and
``(B) make an effort to award one-third of the fellowships available to the State Commission for a fiscal year, based on the amount of the grant received under subsection (b), to applicants who propose to serve the fellowship with small service sponsor organizations registered under subsection (d).
``(d) Service Sponsor Organizations.—
``(1) In general.—Each service sponsor organization shall—
``(A) be a nonprofit organization;
``(B) satisfy qualification criteria established by the Corporation or the State Commission, including standards relating to organizational capacity, financial management, and programmatic oversight;
``(C) not be a recipient of other assistance, approved national service positions, or approved summer of service positions under the national service laws; and
``(D) at the time of registration with a State Commission, enter into an agreement providing that the service sponsor organization shall—
``(i) abide by all program requirements;
``(ii) provide an amount described in subsection (e)(3)(b) for each fellow serving with the organization through the ServeAmerica Fellowship;
``(iii) be responsible for certifying whether each fellow serving with the organization successfully completed the ServeAmerica Fellowship, and record and certify in a manner specified by the Corporation the number of hours served by a fellow for purposes of determining the fellow's eligibility for benefits; and
``(iv) provide timely access to records relating to the ServeAmerica Fellowship to the State Commission, the Corporation, and the Inspector General of the Corporation.
``(2) Registration.—
``(A) Requirement.—No service sponsor organization may receive a fellow under this section until the organization registers with the State Commission.
``(B) Clearinghouse.—The State Commission shall maintain a list of registered service sponsor organizations on a public website.
``(C) Revocation.—If a State Commission determines that a service sponsor organization is in violation of any of the applicable provisions of this section—
``(i) the State Commission shall revoke the registration of the organization;
``(ii) the organization shall not be eligible to receive assistance, approved national service positions, or approved summer of service positions under this title for not less than 5 years; and
``(iii) the State Commission shall have the right to remove a fellow from the organization and relocate the fellow to another site.
``(e) Fellows.—
``(1) In general.—To be eligible to participate in a service project as a fellow and receive a ServeAmerica Fellowship, an eligible fellowship recipient shall—
``(A) within 3 months after being selected as an eligible fellowship recipient by a State Commission, select a registered service sponsor organization described in subsection (d)—
``(i) with which the recipient is interested in serving under this section; and
``(ii) that is located in the State served by the State Commission;
``(B) enter into an agreement with the organization—
``(i) that specifies the service the recipient will provide if the placement is approved; and
``(ii) in which the recipient agrees to serve for 1 year on a full-time or part-time basis (as determined by the Corporation); and
``(C) submit such agreement to the State Commission.
``(2) Award.—Upon receiving the eligible fellowship recipient's agreement under paragraph (1), the State Commission shall award a ServeAmerica Fellowship to the recipient and designate the recipient as a fellow.
``(3) Fellowship Amount.—
``(A) In general.—From amounts received under subsection (b), each State Commission shall award each of the State’s fellows a ServeAmerica Fellowship amount that is equal to 50 percent of the amount of the average annual VISTA subsistence allowance.
``(B) Amount from service sponsor organization.—
``(i) In general.—Except as provided in clause (ii) and subparagraph (E), the service sponsor organization shall award to the fellow serving such organization an amount that will ensure that the total award received by the fellow for service in the service project (consisting of such amount and the ServeAmerica Fellowship amount the fellow receives under subparagraph (A)) is equal to or greater than 70 percent of the average annual VISTA subsistence allowance.
``(ii) Small service sponsor organizations.—In the case of a small service sponsor organization, the small service sponsor organization may decrease the amount of the service sponsor organization award required under clause (i) to not less than an amount that will ensure that the total award received by the fellow for service in the service project (as calculated in clause (i)) is equal to or greater than 60 percent of the average annual VISTA subsistence allowance.
``(C) Maximum living allowance.—The total amount that may be provided to a fellow under this subparagraph shall not exceed 100 percent of the average annual VISTA subsistence allowance.
``(D) Proration of amount.—In the case of a fellow who is authorized to serve a part-time term of service under the agreement described in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), the amount provided to a fellow under this paragraph shall be prorated accordingly.
``(E) Waiver.—The Corporation may allow a State Commission to waive the amount required under subparagraph (B) from the service sponsor organization for a fellow serving the organization if—
``(i) such requirement is inconsistent with the objectives of the ServeAmerica Fellowship program; and
``(ii) the amount provided to the fellow under subparagraph (A) is sufficient to meet the necessary costs of living (including food, housing, and transportation) in the area in which the ServeAmerica Fellowship program is located.
``(F) Definition.—In this paragraph, the term ‘average annual VISTA subsistence allowance’ means the total average annual subsistence allowance provided to VISTA volunteers under section 105 of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4955).
``(f) Compliance with ineligible service categories.—Service under a ServeAmerica Fellowship shall comply with section 132(a). For purposes of applying that section to this subsection, a reference to assistance shall be considered to be a reference to assistance provided under this section.
``(g) Reports.—Each service sponsor organization that receives a fellow under this section shall, on a biweekly basis, report to the Corporation on the number of hours served and the services provided by that fellow. The Corporation shall establish a web portal for the organizations to use in reporting the information.
``(h) Educational awards.—A fellow who serves in a service project under this section shall be considered to have served in an approved national service position and, upon meeting the requirements of section 147 for full-time or part-time national service, shall be eligible for a national service educational award described in such section. The Corporation shall transfer an appropriate amount of funds to the National Service Trust to provide for the national service educational award for such fellow.

``SEC. 198C. Silver Scholarships and Encore Fellowships.
``(a) Silver Scholarship Grant Program.—
``(1) Establishment.—The Corporation may award fixed-amount grants (in accordance with section 129(l)) to community-based entities to carry out a Silver Scholarship Grant Program for individuals age 55 or older, in which such individuals complete not less than 350 hours of service in a year carrying out projects of national need and receive a Silver Scholarship in the form of a $1,000 national service educational award. Under such a program, the Corporation shall establish criteria for the types of the service required to be performed to receive such award.
``(2) Term.—Each program funded under this subsection shall be carried out over a period of 3 years (which may include 1 planning year), with a 1-year extension possible, if the program meets performance levels developed in accordance with section 179(k) and any other criteria determined by the Corporation.
``(3) Applications.—To be eligible for a grant under this subsection, a community-based entity shall—
``(A) submit to the Corporation an application at such time and in such manner as the Chief Executive Officer may reasonably require; and
``(B) be a listed organization as described in subsection (b)(4).
``(4) Collaboration encouraged.—A community-based entity awarded a grant under this subsection is encouraged to collaborate with programs funded under title II of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 in carrying out this program.
``(5) Eligibility for fellowship.—An individual is eligible to receive a Silver Scholarship if the community-based entity certifies to the Corporation that the individual has completed not less than 350 hours of service under this section in a 1-year period.
``(6) Transfer to trust.—The Corporation shall transfer an appropriate amount of funds to the National Service Trust to provide for the national service educational award for each silver scholar under this subsection.
``(7) Support services.—A community-based entity receiving a fixed-amount grant under this subsection may use a portion of the grant to provide transportation services to an eligible individual to allow such individual to participate in a service project.
``(b) Encore Fellowships.—
``(1) Establishment.—The Corporation may award 1-year Encore Fellowships to enable individuals age 55 or older to—
``(A) carry out service projects in areas of national need; and
``(B) receive training and development in order to transition to full- or part-time public service in the nonprofit sector or government.
``(2) Program.—In carrying out the program, the Corporation shall—
``(A) maintain a list of eligible organizations for which Encore Fellows may be placed to carry out service projects through the program and shall provide the list to all Fellowship recipients; and
``(B) at the request of a Fellowship recipient—
``(i) determine whether the requesting recipient is able to meet the service needs of a listed organization, or another organization that the recipient requests in accordance with paragraph (5)(B), for a service project; and
``(ii) upon making a favorable determination under clause (i), award the recipient with an Encore Fellowship, and place the recipient with the organization as an Encore Fellow under paragraph (5)(C).
``(3) Eligible recipients.—
``(A) In general.—An individual desiring to be selected as a Fellowship recipient shall—
``(i) be an individual who—
``(I) is age 55 or older as of the time the individual applies for the program; and
``(II) is not engaged in, but who wishes to engage in, full- or part-time public service in the nonprofit sector or government; and
``(ii) submit an application to the Corporation, at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may require, including—
``(I) a description of the area of national need that the applicant hopes to address through the service project;
``(II) a description of the skills and experience the applicant has to address an area of national need; and
``(III) information identifying the region of the United States in which the applicant wishes to serve.
``(B) Selection basis.—In determining which individuals to select as Fellowship recipients, the Corporation shall—
``(i) select not more than 10 individuals from each State; and
``(ii) give priority to individuals with skills and experience for which there is an ongoing high demand in the nonprofit sector and government.
``(4) Listed organizations.—To be listed under paragraph (2)(A), an organization shall—
``(A) be a nonprofit organization; and
``(B) submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may require, including—
``(i) a description of—
``(I) the services and activities the organization carries out generally;
``(II) the area of national need that the organization seeks to address through a service project; and
``(III) the services and activities the organization seeks to carry out through the proposed service project;
``(ii) a description of the skills and experience that an eligible Encore Fellowship recipient needs to be placed with the organization as an Encore Fellow for the service project;
``(iii) a description of the training and leadership development the organization shall provide an Encore Fellow placed with the organization to assist the Encore Fellow in obtaining a public service job in the nonprofit sector or government after the period of the Encore Fellowship; and
``(iv) evidence of the organization’s financial stability.
``(5) Placement.—
``(A) Request for placement with listed organizations.—To be placed with a listed organization in accordance with paragraph (2)(B) for a service project, an eligible Encore Fellowship recipient shall submit an application for such placement to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may require.
``(B) Request for placement with other organization.—An eligible Encore Fellowship recipient may apply to the Corporation to serve the recipient’s Encore Fellowship year with a nonprofit organization that is not a listed organization. Such application shall be submitted to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation shall require, and shall include—
``(i) an identification and description of—
``(I) the organization;
``(II) the area of national need the organization seeks to address; and
``(III) the services or activities the organization carries out to address such area of national need;
``(ii) a description of the services the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient shall provide for the organization as an Encore Fellow; and
``(iii) a letter of support from the leader of the organization, including—
``(I) a description of the organization’s need for the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient's services;
``(II) evidence that the organization is financially sound;
``(III) an assurance that the organization will provide training and leadership development to the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient if placed with the organization as an Encore Fellow, to assist the Encore Fellow in obtaining a public service job in the nonprofit sector or government after the period of the Encore Fellowship; and
``(IV) a description of the training and leadership development to be provided to the Encore Fellowship recipient if so placed.
``(C) Placement and award of fellowship.—If the Corporation determines that the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient is able to meet the service needs (including skills and experience to address an area of national need) of the organization that the eligible fellowship recipient requests under subparagraph (A) or (B), the Corporation shall—
``(i) approve the placement of the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient with the organization;
``(ii) award the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient an Encore Fellowship for a period of 1 year and designate the eligible Encore Fellowship recipient as an Encore Fellow; and
``(iii) in awarding the Encore Fellowship, make a payment, in the amount of $11,000, to the organization to enable the organization to provide living expenses to the Encore Fellow for the year in which the Encore Fellow agrees to serve.
``(6) Matching funds.—An organization that receives an Encore Fellow under this subsection shall agree to provide, for the living expenses of the Encore Fellow during the year of service, non-Federal contributions in an amount equal to not less than $1 for every $1 of Federal funds provided to the organization for the Encore Fellow through the Encore Fellowship.
``(7) Training and assistance.—Each organization that receives an Encore Fellow under this subsection shall provide training, leadership development, and assistance to the Encore Fellow, and conduct oversight of the service provided by the Encore Fellow.
``(8) Leadership development.—Each year, the Corporation shall convene current and former Encore Fellows to discuss the Encore Fellows’ experiences related to service under this subsection and discuss strategies for increasing leadership and careers in public service in the nonprofit sector or government.
``(c) Evaluations.—The Corporation shall conduct an independent evaluation of the programs authorized under subsections (a) and (b) and widely disseminate the results, including recommendations for improvement, to the service community through multiple channels, including the Corporation’s Resource Center or a clearinghouse of effective strategies.´´.

Sec. 1806. National Service Reserve Corps.

Subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following:

``PART II—National Service Reserve Corps
``SEC. 198H. National Service Reserve Corps.
``(a) Definitions.—In this section—
``(1) the term ‘National Service Reserve Corps member’ means an individual who—
``(A) has completed a term of national service or is a veteran;
``(B) has successfully completed training described in subsection (c) within the previous 2 years;
``(C) completes not less than 10 hours of volunteering each year (which may include the training session described in subparagraph (B)); and
``(D) has indicated interest to the Corporation in responding to disasters and emergencies in a timely manner through the National Service Reserve Corps; and
``(2) the term ‘term of national service’ means a term or period of service under section 123.
``(b) Establishment of National Service Reserve Corps.—
``(1) In general.—In consultation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Corporation shall establish a National Service Reserve Corps to prepare and deploy National Service Reserve Corps members to respond to disasters and emergencies in support of national service programs and other requesting programs and agencies.
``(2) Grants or contracts.—In carrying out this section, the Corporation may enter into a grant or contract with an organization experienced in responding to disasters or in coordinating individuals who have completed a term of national service or are veterans, or may directly deploy National Service Reserve Corps members, as the Corporation determines necessary.
``(c) Annual Training.—The Corporation shall conduct or coordinate annual training sessions, consistent with the training requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for individuals who have completed a term of national service or are veterans, and who wish to join the National Service Reserve Corps.
``(d) Designation of Organizations.—
``(1) In general.—The Corporation shall designate organizations with demonstrated experience in responding to disasters or emergencies, including through using volunteers, for participation in the program under this section.
``(2) Requirements.—The Corporation shall ensure that every designated organization is—
``(A) prepared to respond to disasters or emergencies;
``(B) prepared and able to utilize National Service Reserve Corps members in responding to disasters or emergencies; and
``(C) willing to respond in a timely manner when notified by the Corporation of a disaster or emergency.
``(e) Databases.—The Corporation shall develop or contract with an outside organization to develop—
``(1) a database of all National Service Reserve Corps members; and
``(2) a database of all nonprofit organizations that have been designated by the Corporation under subsection (d).
``(f) Deployment of National Service Reserve Corps.—
``(1) Major disasters or emergencies.—If a major disaster or emergency is declared by the President pursuant to section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122), the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, in consultation with the Corporation, may task the National Service Reserve Corps to assist in response.
``(2) Other disasters or emergencies.—For a disaster or emergency that is not declared a major disaster or emergency under section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122), the Corporation may directly, or through a grant or contract, deploy the National Service Reserve Corps.
``(3) Deployment.—Under paragraph (1) or (2), the Corporation may—
``(A) deploy interested National Service Reserve Corps members on assignments of not more than 30 days to assist with local needs related to preparing or recovering from the incident in the affected area, either directly or through organizations designated under subsection (d);
``(B) make travel arrangements for the deployed National Service Reserve Corps members to the site of the incident; and
``(C) provide funds to those organizations that are responding to the incident with deployed National Service Reserve Corps members, to enable the organizations to coordinate and provide housing, living stipends, and insurance for those deployed members.
``(4) Allowance.—Any amounts that are utilized by the Corporation from funds appropriated under section 501(a)(4)(D) to carry out paragraph (1) for a fiscal year shall be kept in a separate fund. Any amounts in such fund that are not used during a fiscal year shall remain available to use to pay National Service Reserve Corps members an allowance, determined by the Corporation, for out-of-pocket expenses.
``(5) Information.—
``(A) National service participants.—The Corporation, the State Commissions, and entities receiving financial assistance for programs under subtitle C of this Act, or under part A of title I of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4951 et seq.), shall inform participants about the National Service Reserve Corps upon the participants’ completion of their term of national service.
``(B) Veterans.—The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall inform veterans who are recently discharged, released, or separated from the Armed Forces about the National Service Reserve Corps.
``(6) Coordination.—In deploying National Service Reserve Corps members under this subsection, the Corporation shall—
``(A) avoid duplication of activities directed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and
``(B) consult and, as appropriate, partner with Citizen Corps programs and other local disaster agencies, including State and local emergency management agencies, voluntary organizations active in disaster, State Commissions, and similar organizations, in the affected area.´´.

Sec. 1807. Social Innovation Funds pilot program.

Subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following:

``PART III—Social Innovation Funds Pilot Program
``SEC. 198K. Funds.
``(a) Findings.—Congress finds the following:
``(1) Social entrepreneurs and other nonprofit community organizations are developing innovative and effective solutions to national and local challenges.
``(2) Increased public and private investment in replicating and expanding proven effective solutions, and supporting new solutions, developed by social entrepreneurs and other nonprofit community organizations could allow those entrepreneurs and organizations to replicate and expand proven initiatives, and support new initiatives, in communities.
``(3) A network of Social Innovation Funds could leverage Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to replicate and expand proven solutions and invest in supporting new innovations to tackle specific identified community challenges.
``(b) Purposes.—The purposes of this section are—
``(1) to recognize and increase the impact of social entrepreneurs and other nonprofit community organizations in tackling national and local challenges;
``(2) to stimulate the development of a network of Social Innovation Funds that will increase private and public investment in nonprofit community organizations that are effectively addressing national and local challenges to allow such organizations to replicate and expand proven initiatives or support new initiatives;
``(3) to assess the effectiveness of such Funds in—
``(A) leveraging Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges;
``(B) providing resources to replicate and expand effective initiatives; and
``(C) seeding experimental initiatives focused on improving outcomes in the areas described in subsection (f)(3); and
``(4) to strengthen the infrastructure to identify, invest in, replicate, and expand initiatives with effective solutions to national and local challenges.
``(c) Definitions.—In this section:
``(1) Community organization.—The term ‘community organization’ means a nonprofit organization that carries out innovative, effective initiatives to address community challenges.
``(2) Covered entity.—The term ‘covered entity’ means—
``(A) an existing grantmaking institution (existing as of the date on which the institution applies for a grant under this section); or
``(B) a partnership between—
``(i) such an existing grantmaking institution; and
``(ii) an additional grantmaking institution, a State Commission, or a chief executive officer of a unit of general local government.
``(3) Issue area.—The term ‘issue area’ means an area described in subsection (f)(3).
``(d) Program.—From the amounts appropriated to carry out this section that are not reserved under subsections (l) and (m), the Corporation shall establish a Social Innovation Funds grant program to make grants on a competitive basis to eligible entities for Social Innovation Funds.
``(e) Periods; amounts.—The Corporation shall make such grants for periods of 5 years, and may renew the grants for additional periods of 5 years, in amounts of not less than $1,000,000 and not more than $10,000,000 per year.
``(f) Eligibility.—To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (d), an entity shall—
``(1) be a covered entity;
``(2) propose to focus on—
``(A) serving a specific local geographical area; or
``(B) addressing a specific issue area;
``(3) propose to focus on improving measurable outcomes relating to—
``(A) education for economically disadvantaged elementary or secondary school students;
``(B) child and youth development;
``(C) reductions in poverty or increases in economic opportunity for economically disadvantaged individuals;
``(D) health, including access to health services and health education;
``(E) resource conservation and local environmental quality;
``(F) individual or community energy efficiency;
``(G) civic engagement; or
``(H) reductions in crime;
``(4) have an evidence-based decisionmaking strategy, including—
``(A) use of evidence produced by prior rigorous evaluations of program effectiveness including, where available, well-implemented randomized controlled trials; and
``(B) a well-articulated plan to—
``(i)(I) replicate and expand research-proven initiatives that have been shown to produce sizeable, sustained benefits to participants or society; or
``(II) support new initiatives with a substantial likelihood of significant impact; or
``(ii) partner with a research organization to carry out rigorous evaluations to assess the effectiveness of such initiatives; and
``(5) have appropriate policies, as determined by the Corporation, that protect against conflict of interest, self-dealing, and other improper practices.
``(g) Application.—To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (d) for national leveraging capital, an eligible entity shall submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may specify, including, at a minimum—
``(1) an assurance that the eligible entity will—
``(A) use the funds received through that capital in order to make subgrants to community organizations that will use the funds to replicate or expand proven initiatives, or support new initiatives, in low-income communities;
``(B) in making decisions about subgrants for communities, consult with a diverse cross section of community representatives in the decisions, including individuals from the public, nonprofit private, and for-profit private sectors; and
``(C) make subgrants of a sufficient size and scope to enable the community organizations to build their capacity to manage initiatives, and sustain replication or expansion of the initiatives;
``(2) an assurance that the eligible entity will not make any subgrants to the parent organizations of the eligible entity, a subsidiary organization of the parent organization, or, if the eligible entity applied for funds under this section as a partnership, any member of the partnership;
``(3) an identification of, as appropriate—
``(A) the specific local geographical area referred to in subsection (f)(2)(A) that the eligible entity is proposing to serve; or
``(B) the issue area referred to in subsection (f)(2)(B) that the eligible entity will address, and the geographical areas that the eligible entity is likely to serve in addressing such issue area;
``(4)(A) information identifying the issue areas in which the eligible entity will work to improve measurable outcomes;
``(B) statistics on the needs related to those issue areas in, as appropriate—
``(i) the specific local geographical area described in paragraph (3)(A); or
``(ii) the geographical areas described in paragraph (3)(B), including statistics demonstrating that those geographical areas have high need in the specific issue area that the eligible entity is proposing to address; and
``(C) information on the specific measurable outcomes related to the issue areas involved that the eligible entity will seek to improve;
``(5) information describing the process by which the eligible entity selected, or will select, community organizations to receive the subgrants, to ensure that the community organizations—
``(A) are institutions—
``(i) with proven initiatives and a demonstrated track record of achieving specific outcomes related to the measurable outcomes for the eligible entity; or
``(ii) that articulate a new solution with a significant likelihood for substantial impact;
``(B) articulate measurable outcomes for the use of the subgrant funds that are connected to the measurable outcomes for the eligible entity;
``(C) will use the funds to replicate, expand, or support their initiatives;
``(D) provide a well-defined plan for replicating, expanding, or supporting the initiatives funded;
``(E) can sustain the initiatives after the subgrant period concludes through reliable public revenues, earned income, or private sector funding;
``(F) have strong leadership and financial and management systems;
``(G) are committed to the use of data collection and evaluation for improvement of the initiatives;
``(H) will implement and evaluate innovative initiatives, to be important contributors to knowledge in their fields; and
``(I) will meet the requirements for providing matching funds specified in subsection (k);
``(6) information about the eligible entity, including its experience managing collaborative initiatives, or assessing applicants for grants and evaluating the performance of grant recipients for outcome-focused initiatives, and any other relevant information;
``(7) a commitment to meet the requirements of subsection (i) and a plan for meeting the requirements, including information on any funding that the eligible entity has secured to provide the matching funds required under that subsection;
``(8) a description of the eligible entity's plan for providing technical assistance and support, other than financial support, to the community organizations that will increase the ability of the community organizations to achieve their measurable outcomes;
``(9) information on the commitment, institutional capacity, and expertise of the eligible entity concerning—
``(A) collecting and analyzing data required for evaluations, compliance efforts, and other purposes;
``(B) supporting relevant research; and
``(C) submitting regular reports to the Corporation, including information on the initiatives of the community organizations, and the replication or expansion of such initiatives;
``(10) a commitment to use data and evaluations to improve the eligible entity's own model and to improve the initiatives funded by the eligible entity; and
``(11) a commitment to cooperate with any evaluation activities undertaken by the Corporation.
``(h) Selection criteria.—In selecting eligible entities to receive grants under subsection (d), the Corporation shall—
``(1) select eligible entities on a competitive basis;
``(2) select eligible entities on the basis of the quality of their selection process, as described in subsection (g)(5), the capacity of the eligible entities to manage Social Innovation Funds, and the potential of the eligible entities to sustain the Funds after the conclusion of the grant period;
``(3) include among the grant recipients eligible entities that propose to provide subgrants to serve communities (such as rural low-income communities) that the eligible entities can demonstrate are significantly philanthropically underserved;
``(4) select a geographically diverse set of eligible entities; and
``(5) take into account broad community perspectives and support.
``(i) Matching funds for grants.—
``(1) In general.—The Corporation may not make a grant to an eligible entity under subsection (d) for a Social Innovation Fund unless the entity agrees that, with respect to the cost described in subsection (d) for that Fund, the entity will make available matching funds in an amount equal to not less than $1 for every $1 of funds provided under the grant.
``(2) Additional requirements.—
``(A) Type and sources.—The eligible entity shall provide the matching funds in cash. The eligible entity shall provide the matching funds from State, local, or private sources, which may include State or local agencies, businesses, private philanthropic organizations, or individuals.
``(B) Eligible entities including State Commissions or local government offices.—
``(i) In general.—In a case in which a State Commission, a local government office, or both entities are a part of the eligible entity, the State involved, the local government involved, or both entities, respectively, shall contribute not less than 30 percent and not more than 50 percent of the matching funds.
``(ii) Local government office.—In this subparagraph, the term ‘local government office’ means the office of the chief executive officer of a unit of general local government.
``(3) Reduction.—The Corporation may reduce by 50 percent the matching funds required by paragraph (1) for an eligible entity serving a community (such as a rural low-income community) that the eligible entity can demonstrate is significantly philanthropically underserved.
``(j) Subgrants.—
``(1) Subgrants authorized.—An eligible entity receiving a grant under subsection (d) is authorized to use the funds made available through the grant to award, on a competitive basis, subgrants to expand or replicate proven initiatives, or support new initiatives with a substantial likelihood of success, to—
``(A) community organizations serving low-income communities within the specific local geographical area described in the eligible entity's application in accordance with subsection (g)(3)(A); or
``(B) community organizations addressing a specific issue area described in the eligible entity's application in accordance with subsection (g)(3)(B), in low-income communities in the geographical areas described in the application.
``(2) Periods; amounts.—The eligible entity shall make such subgrants for periods of not less than 3 and not more than 5 years, and may renew the subgrants for such periods, in amounts of not less than $100,000 per year.
``(3) Applications.—To be eligible to receive a subgrant from an eligible entity under this section, including receiving a payment for that subgrant each year, a community organization shall submit an application to an eligible entity that serves the specific local geographical area, or geographical areas, that the community organization proposes to serve, at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the eligible entity may require, including—
``(A) a description of the initiative the community organization carries out and plans to replicate or expand, or of the new initiative the community organization intends to support, using funds received from the eligible entity, and how the initiative relates to the issue areas in which the eligible entity has committed to work in the eligible entity's application, in accordance with subsection (g)(4)(A);
``(B) data on the measurable outcomes the community organization has improved, and information on the measurable outcomes the community organization seeks to improve by replicating or expanding a proven initiative or supporting a new initiative, which shall be among the measurable outcomes that the eligible entity identified in the eligible entity's application, in accordance with subsection (g)(4)(C);
``(C) an identification of the community in which the community organization proposes to carry out an initiative, which shall be within a local geographical area described in the eligible entity's application in accordance with subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (g)(3), as applicable;
``(D) a description of the evidence-based decisionmaking strategies the community organization uses to improve the measurable outcomes, including—
``(i) use of evidence produced by prior rigorous evaluations of program effectiveness including, where available, well-implemented randomized controlled trials; or
``(ii) a well-articulated plan to conduct, or partner with a research organization to conduct, rigorous evaluations to assess the effectiveness of initiatives addressing national or local challenges;
``(E) a description of how the community organization uses data to analyze and improve its initiatives;
``(F) specific evidence of how the community organization will meet the requirements for providing matching funds specified in subsection (k);
``(G) a description of how the community organization will sustain the replicated or expanded initiative after the conclusion of the subgrant period; and
``(H) any other information the eligible entity may require, including information necessary for the eligible entity to fulfill the requirements of subsection (g)(5).
``(k) Matching funds for subgrants.—
``(1) In general.—An eligible entity may not make a subgrant to a community organization under this section for an initiative described in subsection (j)(3)(A) unless the organization agrees that, with respect to the cost of carrying out that initiative, the organization will make available, on an annual basis, matching funds in an amount equal to not less than $1 for every $1 of funds provided under the subgrant. If the community organization fails to make such matching funds available for a fiscal year, the eligible entity shall not make payments for the remaining fiscal years of the subgrant period, notwithstanding any other provision of this part.
``(2) Types and sources.—The community organization shall provide the matching funds in cash. The community organization shall provide the matching funds from State, local, or private sources, which may include funds from State or local agencies or private sector funding.
``(l) Direct support.—
``(1) Program authorized.—The Corporation may use not more than 10 percent of the funds appropriated for this section to award grants to community organizations serving low-income communities or addressing a specific issue area in geographical areas that have the highest need in that issue area, to enable such community organizations to replicate or expand proven initiatives or support new initiatives.
``(2) Terms and conditions.—A grant awarded under this subsection shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as a subgrant awarded under subsection (j).
``(3) Application; matching funds.—Paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (j) and subsection (k) shall apply to a community organization receiving or applying for a grant under this subsection in the same manner as such subsections apply to a community organization receiving or applying for a subgrant under subsection (j), except that references to a subgrant shall mean a grant and references to an eligible entity shall mean the Corporation.
``(m) Research and evaluation.—
``(1) In general.—The Corporation may reserve not more than 5 percent of the funds appropriated for this section for a fiscal year to support, directly or through contract with an independent entity, research and evaluation activities to evaluate the eligible entities and community organizations receiving grants under subsections (d) and (l) and the initiatives supported by the grants.
``(2) Research and evaluation activities.—
``(A) Research and reports.—
``(i) In general.—The entity carrying out this subsection shall collect data and conduct or support research with respect to the eligible entities and community organizations receiving grants under subsections (d) and (l), and the initiatives supported by such eligible entities and community organizations, to determine the success of the program carried out under this section in replicating, expanding, and supporting initiatives, including—
``(I) the success of the initiatives in improving measurable outcomes; and
``(II) the success of the program in increasing philanthropic investments in philanthropically underserved communities.
``(ii) Reports.—The Corporation shall submit periodic reports to the authorizing committees including—
``(I) the data collected and the results of the research under this subsection;
``(II) information on lessons learned about best practices from the activities carried out under this section, to improve those activities; and
``(III) a list of all eligible entities and community organizations receiving funds under this section.
``(iii) Public information.—The Corporation shall annually post the list described in clause (ii)(III) on the Corporation's website.
``(B) Technical assistance.—The Corporation shall, directly or through contract, provide technical assistance to the eligible entities and community organizations that receive grants under subsections (d) and (l).
``(C) Knowledge management.—The Corporation shall, directly or through contract, maintain a clearinghouse for information on best practices resulting from initiatives supported by the eligible entities and community organizations.
``(D) Reservation.—Of the funds appropriated under section 501(a)(4)(E) for a fiscal year, not more than 5 percent may be used to carry out this subsection.´´.

Sec. 1808. Clearinghouses.

Subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is further amended by adding at the end the following:

``PART IV—National service programs clearinghouses; Volunteer Generation Fund
``SEC. 198O. National service programs clearinghouses.
``(a) In general.—The Corporation shall provide assistance, by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, to entities with expertise in the dissemination of information through clearinghouses to establish 1 or more clearinghouses for information regarding the national service laws, which shall include information on service-learning and on service through other programs receiving assistance under the national service laws.
``(b) Function of clearinghouse.—Such a clearinghouse may—
``(1) assist entities carrying out State or local service-learning and national service programs with needs assessments and planning;
``(2) conduct research and evaluations concerning service-learning or programs receiving assistance under the national service laws, except that such clearinghouse may not conduct such research and evaluations if the recipient of the grant, contract, or cooperative agreement establishing the clearinghouse under this section is receiving funds for such purpose under part III of subtitle B or under this subtitle (not including this section);
``(3)(A) provide leadership development and training to State and local service-learning program administrators, supervisors, service sponsors, and participants; and
``(B) provide training to persons who can provide the leadership development and training described in subparagraph (A);
``(4) facilitate communication among—
``(A) entities carrying out service-learning programs and programs offered under the national service laws; and
``(B) participants in such programs;
``(5) provide and disseminate information and curriculum materials relating to planning and operating service-learning programs and programs offered under the national service laws, to States, territories, Indian tribes, and local entities eligible to receive financial assistance under the national service laws;
``(6) provide and disseminate information regarding methods to make service-learning programs and programs offered under the national service laws accessible to individuals with disabilities;
``(7) disseminate applications in languages other than English;
``(8)(A) gather and disseminate information on successful service-learning programs and programs offered under the national service laws, components of such successful programs, innovative curricula related to service-learning, and service-learning projects; and
``(B) coordinate the activities of the clearinghouse with appropriate entities to avoid duplication of effort;
``(9) make recommendations to State and local entities on quality controls to improve the quality of service-learning programs and programs offered under the national service laws;
``(10) assist organizations in recruiting, screening, and placing a diverse population of service-learning coordinators and program sponsors;
``(11) disseminate effective strategies for working with disadvantaged youth in national service programs, as determined by organizations with an established expertise in working with such youth; and
``(12) carry out such other activities as the Chief Executive Officer determines to be appropriate.

``SEC. 198P. Volunteer Generation Fund.
``(a) Grants authorized.—Subject to the availability of appropriations for this section, the Corporation may make grants to State Commissions and nonprofit organizations for the purpose of assisting the State Commissions and nonprofit organizations to—
``(1) develop and carry out volunteer programs described in subsection (c); and
``(2) make subgrants to support and create new local community-based entities that recruit, manage, or support volunteers as described in such subsection.
``(b) Application.—
``(1) In general.—Each State Commission or nonprofit organization desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Corporation may reasonably require.
``(2) Contents.—Each application submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) shall contain—
``(A)(i) a description of the program that the applicant will provide;
``(B) an assurance that the applicant will annually collect information on—
``(i) the number of volunteers recruited for activities carried out under this section, using funds received under this section, and the type and amount of activities carried out by such volunteers; and
``(ii) the number of volunteers managed or supported using funds received under this section, and the type and amount of activities carried out by such volunteers;
``(C) a description of the outcomes the applicant will use to annually measure and track performance with regard to—
``(i) activities carried out by volunteers; and
``(ii) volunteers recruited, managed, or supported; and
``(D) such additional assurances as the Corporation determines to be essential to ensure compliance with the requirements of this section.
``(c) Eligible Volunteer Programs.—A State Commission or nonprofit organization receiving a grant under this section shall use the assistance—
``(1) directly to carry out volunteer programs or to develop and support community-based entities that recruit, manage, or support volunteers, by carrying out activities consistent with the goals of the subgrants described in paragraph (2); or
``(2) through subgrants to community-based entities to carry out volunteer programs or develop and support such entities that recruit, manage, or support volunteers, through 1 or more of the following types of subgrants:
``(A) A subgrant to a community-based entity for activities that are consistent with the priorities set by the State’s national service plan as described in section 178(e), or by the Corporation.
``(B) A subgrant to recruit, manage, or support volunteers to a community-based entity such as a volunteer coordinating agency, a nonprofit resource center, a volunteer training clearinghouse, an institution of higher education, or a collaborative partnership of faith-based and community-based organizations.
``(C) A subgrant to a community-based entity that provides technical assistance and support to—
``(i) strengthen the capacity of local volunteer infrastructure organizations;
``(ii) address areas of national need (as defined in section 198B(a)); and
``(iii) expand the number of volunteers nationally.
``(d) Allocation of Funds.—
``(1) In general.—Of the funds allocated by the Corporation for provision of assistance under this section for a fiscal year—
``(A) the Corporation shall use 50 percent of such funds to award grants, on a competitive basis, to State Commissions and nonprofit organizations for such fiscal year; and
``(B) the Corporation shall use 50 percent of such funds make an allotment to the State Commissions of each of the several States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico based on the formula described in subsections (e) and (f) of section 129, subject to paragraph (2).
``(2) Minimum grant amount.—In order to ensure that each State Commission is able to improve efforts to recruit, manage, or support volunteers, the Corporation may determine a minimum grant amount for allotments under paragraph (1)(B).
``(e) Limitation on Administrative Costs.—Not more than 5 percent of the amount of any grant provided under this section for a fiscal year may be used to pay for administrative costs incurred by either the recipient of the grant or any community-based entity receiving assistance or a subgrant under such grant.
``(f) Matching Fund Requirements.—The Corporation share of the cost of carrying out a program that receives assistance under this section, whether the assistance is provided directly or as a subgrant from the original recipient of the assistance, may not exceed—
``(1) 80 percent of such cost for the first year in which the recipient receives such assistance;
``(2) 70 percent of such cost for the second year in which the recipient receives such assistance;
``(3) 60 percent of such cost for the third year in which the recipient receives such assistance; and
``(4) 50 percent of such cost for the fourth year in which the recipient receives such assistance and each year thereafter.´´.

Sec. 1809. Nonprofit Capacity Building Program.

Subtitle H of title I (42 U.S.C. 12653 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:

``PART V—Nonprofit Capacity Building Program
``SEC. 198S. Nonprofit capacity building.
``(a) Definitions.—In this section:
``(1) Intermediary nonprofit grantee.—The term ‘intermediary nonprofit grantee’ means an intermediary nonprofit organization that receives a grant under subsection (b).
``(2) Intermediary nonprofit organization.—The term ‘intermediary nonprofit organization’ means an experienced and capable nonprofit entity with meaningful prior experience in providing organizational development assistance, or capacity building assistance, focused on small and midsize nonprofit organizations.
``(3) Nonprofit.—The term ‘nonprofit’, used with respect to an entity or organization, means—
``(A) an entity or organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of such Code; and
``(B) an entity or organization described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 170(c) of such Code.
``(4) State.—The term ‘State’ means each of the several States, and the District of Columbia.
``(b) Grants.—The Corporation shall establish a Nonprofit Capacity Building Program to make grants to intermediary nonprofit organizations to serve as intermediary nonprofit grantees. The Corporation shall make the grants to enable the intermediary nonprofit grantees to pay for the Federal share of the cost of delivering organizational development assistance, including training on best practices, financial planning, grantwriting, and compliance with the applicable tax laws, for small and midsize nonprofit organizations, especially those nonprofit organizations facing resource hardship challenges. Each of the grantees shall match the grant funds by providing a non-Federal share as described in subsection (f).
``(c) Amount.—To the extent practicable, the Corporation shall make such a grant to an intermediary nonprofit organization in each State, and shall make such grant in an amount of not less than $200,000.
``(d) Application.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an intermediary nonprofit organization shall submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may require. The intermediary nonprofit organization shall submit in the application information demonstrating that the organization has secured sufficient resources to meet the requirements of subsection (f).
``(e) Preference and considerations.—
``(1) Preference.—In making such grants, the Corporation shall give preference to intermediary nonprofit organizations seeking to become intermediary nonprofit grantees in areas where nonprofit organizations face significant resource hardship challenges.
``(2) Considerations.—In determining whether to make a grant the Corporation shall consider—
``(A) the number of small and midsize nonprofit organizations that will be served by the grant;
``(B) the degree to which the activities proposed to be provided through the grant will assist a wide number of nonprofit organizations within a State, relative to the proposed amount of the grant; and
``(C) the quality of the organizational development assistance to be delivered by the intermediary nonprofit grantee, including the qualifications of its administrators and representatives, and its record in providing services to small and midsize nonprofit organizations.
``(f) Federal share.—
``(1) In general.—The Federal share of the cost as referenced in subsection (b) shall be 50 percent.
``(2) Non-Federal share.—
``(A) In general.—The non-Federal share of the cost as referenced in subsection (b) shall be 50 percent and shall be provided in cash.
``(B) Third party contributions.—
``(i) In general.—Except as provided in clause (ii), an intermediary nonprofit grantee shall provide the non-Federal share of the cost through contributions from third parties. The third parties may include charitable grantmaking entities and grantmaking vehicles within existing organizations, entities of corporate philanthropy, corporations, individual donors, and regional, State, or local government agencies, or other non-Federal sources.
``(ii) Exception.—If the intermediary nonprofit grantee is a private foundation (as defined in section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986), a donor advised fund (as defined in section 4966(d)(2) of such Code), an organization which is described in section 4966(d)(4)(A)(i) of such Code, or an organization which is described in section 4966(d)(4)(B) of such Code, the grantee shall provide the non-Federal share from within that grantee's own funds.
``(iii) Maintenance of effort, prior year third-party funding levels.—For purposes of maintaining private sector support levels for the activities specified by this program, a non-Federal share that includes donations by third parties shall be composed in a way that does not decrease prior levels of funding from the same third parties granted to the nonprofit intermediary grantee in the preceding year.
``(g) Reservation.—Of the amount authorized to provide financial assistance under this subtitle, there shall be made available to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014.´´.