Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 14

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 14
3890105Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 141910James Wilson Bright


1. On þǣre tīde gehȳrde Herodes sē fēorðan dǣles rīca þæs Hǣlendes hlīsan.

2. And þā sǣde hē his cnihtum, Þēs is Iohannes sē fulluhtere þe ic behēafdode; hē ārās of dēaþe; and for þan synd þās wundru gefremode on him.[1]

3. Sōðlīce Herodes nam Iohannem, and geband hyne, and sette on cwertern for þām wife Herodiaden, Philippes hys brōþer.

4. Iohannes him sǣde, Nys þē ālȳfed hī tō wīfe tō hæbbenne.[2]

5. And þā hē hyne ofslēan wolde, hē ādrēd him þæt folc, for þām þe hig hæfdon hyne for ǣnne wītegan.[3]

6. Đā on Herodes gebyrddæge tumbude þǣre Herodiadiscean dohtur beforan him; and hit līcode Herode.[4]

7. Þā behēt hē mid āþe hyre tō syllenne swā hwæt swā hēo hyne bǣde.[5]

8. Đā cwæð hēo, fram hyre mēder gemyngod, Syle mē on ānum disce Iohannes hēafod þæs fulluhteres.

9. Đā wæs sē cyning geunrēt for þām āðe, and for þām þe him sǣton mid.[6]

10. And hē āsende þā, and behēafdode Iohannem on þām cwerterne.[7]

11. And man brōhte þā his hēafod on ānum disce, and sealde þām mǣdene, and þæt mǣden hyre mēder.[8]

12. And þā genēalǣhton[9] his leorningcnihtas, and nāmon hys līchaman, and bebyrgdon hyne, and cōmon and cȳddon hyt þām Hǣlende.[10]

13. Đā sē Hǣlend þæt gehȳrde, þā fērde hē þanon onsundron on ānum scype; and þā þā gangendan mænigeo þæt gehȳrdon, hig fyligdon him of þām burgum.[11]

14. And þā hē þanon fērde, hē geseh mycele mænigu; and hē him gemiltsode, and gehǣlde þā untruman.[12]

15. Sōðlīce þā hyt wæs ǣfen geworden, him tō genēalǣhton hys leorningcnihtas, and him tō cwǣdon, Đēos stōw ys wēste, and tīma is forð āgān; forlǣt þās mænegeo þæt hī faron intō þās burga and him mete bicgean.[13]

16. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Nabbað hī nēode to farenne; sylle gē him etan.[14]

17. Þā andswarodun hig, Wē nabbað hēr būtun fīf hlāfas and twēgen fixas.[15]

18. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Bringaþ mē hider þā.

19. And þā hē hēt þā menegu ofer þæt gærs hī sittan; and hē nam þā fīf hlāfas and twēgen fixas, and beseah on þone heofon, and blētsiende bræc þā hlāfas, and sealde his leorningcnihtum, and hī þām folce.[16]

20. And hī ǣton ealle and wǣron gefyllede; and hī nāmon þā lāfa, twelf wylian fulle þǣra gebrytsena.[17]

21. Sōþlīce þǣra etendra getæl wæs fīf þūsenda wera, būtan wīfum and cildum.[18]

Đys godspel sceal in octabas Petri et Pauli.

22. And þā sōna hēt sē Hǣlend his leorningcnihtas on scyp āstīgan, and tōforan him faran ofer þone mūþan, oð þæt hē þā menegu forlēte.[19]

23. And þā hē hig forlǣten hæfde, hē ēode on þone munt, and hyne þǣr āna gebæd; sōþlīce þā hyt ǣfen wæs, hē wæs āna þǣr.[20]

24. Witodlīce wæs þæt scyp of þām ȳþum tōtorfod; for þām þe hyt wæs strang wind.[21]

25. Þā cōm sē Hǣlend embe þone fēorþan hancrēd tō him, ofer þā sǣ gangende.[22]

26. Đā hī gesāwon þæt, hī wurdon þā gedrēfede, and for þām ege clypodon and cwǣdon þus, Sōþlīce hyt ys scīnlāc.[23]

27. Đā spræc sē Hǣlend and cwæþ, Habbaþ gelēafan; ic hyt eom; nellen gē ēow ondrǣdan.[24]

28. Đā andswarode him Petrus and cwæð, [25] Drihten, gyf þū hyt eart, hāt mē cuman tō þē ofer þās wæteru.

29. Đā cwæð hē, Cum tō mē. Đā ēode Petrus of þām scype ofer þæt wæter þæt hē tō þām Hǣlende cōme.[26]

30. Þā hē geseh þone strangan wind, hē him ondrēd; ðā hē wearð gedofen, hē cwæð, Drihten, gedō mē hālne.[27]

31. And þā hrædlīce hē gefēng hyne, and þus cwæð, Lā lȳtles gelēafan, hwī twȳnedest þū?[28]

32. And þā hī wǣron on þām scype, geswāc sē wind.[29]

33. Sōþlīce þā þe on þām scype wǣron cōmon, and tō him gebǣdon, and þus cwǣdon, Sōþlīce þū eart Godes Sunu.

34. And þā hig ofer segelodon, hī cōmon on þæt land Genesareth.[30]

35. And þā þæt folc hyne gecnēow, hī sendon geond eall þæt land, and brōhton tō him ealle untrume;[31]

36. and hyne bǣdon þæt hig huruþinga his rēafes fnæd æthrinon; and swā hwylce his æthrinon wurdon hāle.[32]

  1. A, for þam; A, wundra gefremede.
  2. A, habbanne.
  3. A, anne.
  4. B, gebyrdæge; A, tumbade; A, herodiadiscan dohter.
  5. A, syllanne.
  6. A, geunrotsud.
  7. A, cwearterne.
  8. A, heafud.
  9. B, genealæhtun.
  10. A, bebyrigdon.
  11. B, hælynd; A, þanen; A, B, mænigu.
  12. A, þanen; A, geseah; B, manegu; A, gemyltsade.
  13. A, mænygeo; B, mænegu; A, B, bicgan.
  14. A, faranne.
  15. A, andswaredon; A, buton.
  16. A, mænegeo; A, bletsigende.
  17. A, B, brytsena.
  18. A, þusend.
  19. B, leorningc-; A, mænigu, B, mænegu.
  20. A, þar (second time).
  21. A, totorfud.
  22. A, ymbe; A, ofer þone sæ.
  23. A, wurdon gedrefede (om. þa); A, clypedon; A, þus cwædon (changed order).
  24. A, nellon.
  25. A, Petrus hym (changed order).
  26. A, com (for come).
  27. A, geseah.
  28. Corp., B, gefengc, A, gefeng; A, hwig tweonedest.
  29. A, and þa he wæs on þam scype þa geswac se wynd; B, he (for hi).
  30. A, seglodon; A, genezareth.
  31. A, eond (for geond).
  32. A, æthrynan; A, B, æthrynon (second time).