Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 21

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 21
3890113Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 211910


Đys [godspel] sceal on þǣre fēorðan wucan ǣr myddawyntra.

1. And þā hē genēalǣhte Hierusalem, and cōm tō Bethfage, tō Oliuetes dūne, þā sende hē hys twēgen leorningcnihtas,[1]

2. And sǣde him, Farað on þæt castel þæt foran ongēn ēow ys, and þonne sōna finde gyt āne assene getiggede and hyre folan mid hyre; untīgeað hig, and lǣdað to mē.[2]

3. And gyf hwā ēow ǣnig þing tō cwyð, secgeað þæt Drihten hæfð þyses nēode; and þonne forlǣt hē ēow hrædlīce.[3]

4. Eall þis wæs geworden þæt wǣre gefylled þæt þurh Esaiam þone wītegan gecweden wæs,[4]

5. Secgeað hēahnesse dehter, Nū þīn Cyning þē cymð tō, gedæfte, and rīt uppan tamre assene, and hyre folan.[5]

6. Þā fērdon hys leorningcnihtas and dydon swā hē him bebēad,

7. and lǣddon þā assene tō him and hyre folan, and lēdon hyra rēaf uppan hig, and setton hyne anuppan.[6]

8. Witodlīce þæt folc strehton hyra rēaf on þone weg; sume hēowun þǣra trēowa bōgas, and strewodun on þone weg.[7]

9. Þæt folc þæt þār beforan fērde and þæt þār æfter fērde clypodon and cwǣdon, Hāl sȳ þū, Dauides sunu; sȳ geblētsod sē þe cōm on Drihtenes naman; sȳ him hǣl on hēhnessum![8]

10. Đā hē fērde tō Ierusalem, þā wearð eall sēo burhwaru onstyred, and cwǣdon, Hwæt is þēs?[9]

11. Þā cwæð þæt folc, Þis ys sē Hǣlend, wītega, of Nazareth on Galilea.[10]

12. Þā sē Hǣlend intō þām temple ēode, hē ādrāf ūt ealle þā þe cēapodun innan þām temple, and þāra mynetera sceamelas and hyra setlu þāra þe culfran sealdon hē tōbræc;[11]

13. and cwæþ tō him, Hyt ys āwriten, Mīn hūs ys gebedhūs; witodlīce gē worhtun þæt tō þēofa cote.[12]

14. Đā ēodan tō him þā blindan and þā healtan; and hē hī gehǣlde.[13]

15. Witodlīce þā ðāra sācerda ealdras and þā bōceras gesāwun þā wundru þe sē Hǣlend worhte, and gehȳrdon hū þā cild clypodun on þām temple and cwǣdon, Sȳ Dauides sunu hāl! ðā wǣron hig yrre,[14]

16. and cwǣdun, Gehȳrst þū hwæt þās cweðaþ? Þā cwæð hē, Witodlīce; ne rǣddon gē nǣfre, Þū fulfremedest lof of cilda and of sūcendra mūþe?[15]

17. And hē forlēt hī þā, and fērde of þǣre byrig tō Bethania, and lǣrde hī þār be Godes rīce.[16]

18. On morgen þā hē eft tō þǣre byrig fōr, þā hingrede hyne.[17]

19. And hē geseh ān fīctrēow wið þone weg; þā ēode hē tō him, and ne funde on him būton þā lēaf āne; ðā cwæð hē, Ne wurþe nǣfre wæstm of þē ācenned. Đā sōna forscranc þæt fīctrēow.[18]

20. And his leorningcnihtas wundrodon[19] and cwǣdon, Lōca, nū hū hrædlīce þæt fīctrēow forscranc!

21. Þā andswarode hē him and cwæð, Sōþ ic ēow secge, Gyf gē habbað gelēafan and ne twȳniað, ne dō gē nā þæt ān be þām fīctrēowe, ac ēac þēh gē cweþan tō þisum munte, Āhefe þē ūpp and feall innan þā sǣ,[20]

22. and ealles þæs þe gē biddaþ gē bēoð tīþa, gyf gē gelȳfað.

Đys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre fīftan wucan ofer pentecosten.

23. Đā hē cōm intō þām temple, þā cōmon þāra sācerda ealdras him tō, and cwǣdon, On hwylcre mihte wyrcsð þū þās þing? and hwā sealde þē þisne anweald?[21]

24. Þā andswarode sē Hǣlend him and cwæð, And ic āhsige ēow ānre sprǣce; gyf gē mē þā sprǣce secgeað, þonne secge ic ēow on hwylcum anwealde ic þās þing wyrce.[22]

25. Hwæðer wæs Iohannes fulluht? þe of heofonum, þe of mannum? Đā cwǣdon hig betwux him, Gyf wē secgaþ, Of heofone, þonne cwyð hē, For hwām ne gelȳfde ge him?[23]

26. Gyf wē secgað, Of mannum, wē ondrǣdað þis folc; ealle hig hæfdon Iohannem for ānne wītegan.[24]

27. Đā andswaredon hig and cwǣdon, Wē nyton. Þā cwæð hē, Nē ic ēow ne secge of hwylcum anwealde ic þās þing wyrce.

28. Hū þincð ēow? Ān mann hæfde twēgen suna; þā cwæð hē tō þām yldran suna, Gā and wyrce tō dæg on mīnum wīngearde.[25]

29. Đā cwæð hē, Ic nelle; ēode þēh syðþan tō þām wingearde.[26]

30. Þā cwæð hē eal swā tō þām ōðrum. Đā andswarode sē him and cwæð, Hlāford ic gā; and ne ēode swā þēah.[27]

31. Hwæðer þāra twēgra dyde þæs fæder willan? Þā cwǣdon hig, Sē æftera. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Sōð ic ēow secge þæt mānfulle and myltystran gāð beforan ēow on Godes rīce.[28]

32. Iohannes cōm on rihtwīsnesse wege, and gē ne gelȳfdon him; witodlīce mānfulle and myltystran gelȳfdon; and gē gesāwon, and ne dydon syðþan nāne dǣdbōte þæt gē gelȳfdon on him.[29]

Đys [godspel] sceal on þǣre ōðre wucan innan lenctene on frīgedæg.

33. Gehȳrað nū ōþer bigspel: Sum hīredes ealdor wæs sē plantode wingeard, and betȳnde hyne, and sette þǣr on wīnwringan, and getimbrode ānne stȳpel, and gesette þone mid eorþtylion; and fērde on elþēodignysse.[30]

34. Þā ðāra wæstma tīd genēalǣhte, þā sende hē hys þēowas tō þām eorðtylion þæt hig onfēngon his wæstmas.[31]

35. Đā nāmon hig hys þēowas, and swungon sumne, sumne hig ofslōgun, sumne hig oftorfodun.[32]

36. Đā sende hē eft ōðre þēowas sēlran þonne þā ǣrran wǣron; ðā dydon hig þām gelīce.[33]

37. Æt nēhstan hē sende hys sunu him tō, and cwæð, Hig forwandiað þæt hig ne dōn mīnum suna swā.[34]

38. Witodlīce þā ðā tylian þone sunu gesāwun, þā cwǣdon hig betwyx him, Đēs ys yrfenuma; uton gān and ofslēan hyne, and habban ūs hys ǣhta.[35]

39. Đā nāmon hig and ofslōgon hyne, and āwurpon wiðūtan þone wīngeard.[36]

40. Hwæt dēþ ðēs wīngeardes hlāford þām eorþtylion, þonne hē cymð?[37]

41. Đā cwǣdon hig, Hē fordēð þā yfelan mid yfele, and gesett hys wingeard myd ōþrum tilion þe him hys wæstm hyra tīdon āgyfon.[38]

42. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlynd, Ne rǣdde gē nǣfre on gewritum, Sē stān þe ðā timbriendan āwurpon ys geworden tō þǣre hyrnan hēafde; ðys ys fram Drihtne gewordyn, and hyt ys wundorlīc on ūrum ēagum.[39]

43. For þām ic secge ēow þæt ēow byð ætbrōden Godes rīce, and byð geseald þǣre þēode þe hys earnað.[40]

44. And sē þe fylþ uppan þysne stān, hē byð tobrȳsed; and hē tōbrȳsð þone ðe hē onuppan fylð.[41]

45. Þā þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā Pharisei hys bigspel gehȳrdon, þā ongēton hig þæt hē hit sǣde be him.[42]

46. Hī sōhton hyne, and ondrēdon þæt folc, for þām þe hī hæfdon hyne for ǣnne wītegan.

  1. A, bethphage; A, asende.
  2. A, ongean; A, getigede.
  3. Corp., B, þingc, A, þyng; A, B, secgað; A, þysses.
  4. B, Eal; A, gecwæden.
  5. A, B, Secgað; A, -nysse; A, þe cymð to ðe.
  6. B, hyra fola; A, heora reaf; A, onuppan.
  7. A, heora; A, on hys weg; A, heowon; B, þara; A, streowedon, B, strewedon.
  8. A, clypedon; A, B, dryhtnes; A, -nyssum.
  9. A, hierusalem; B, burg-.
  10. Corp., B, galiglea, A, galilea.
  11. A, ceapedon; A, heora setlu þæra.
  12. A, worhton.
  13. A, eodon.
  14. B, Witudlice; A, þæra; A, gesawon; A, clypedon, B, clypudun; B, cwædun; B, wærun.
  15. A, cwædon; Corp., cwæðaþ, A, B, cweþað; Corp., A, B, sacerda (for sucendra—Skeat).
  16. A, hig þær.
  17. A, mergen.
  18. B, læf; A, weorðe; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm.
  19. A, wundredon.
  20. A, tweoniað; A, þeah; A, cweðon; A, up; B, feal.
  21. A, þæra; A, hwylcere, B, hwilcre; A, wyrcst, B, wyrcaþ.
  22. A, om. and (before ic acsige); A, B, secgað; A, do (for wyrce).
  23. A, heofenum; A, betweox; A, heofene; A, gelyfdon.
  24. A, ænne.
  25. A, B, man; Corp., wingerde, A, wynearde, B, wingearde (a above the line).
  26. Corp., wingerde, A, wynearde, B, wingearde (a above the line).
  27. A, eall; A, andswarede, B, andswarude.
  28. A, hwæðer þær dyde (þær for þara; om. twegra); B, hælynd.
  29. Corp., myltysran, A, myltestran, B, myltystran.
  30. A, bigspell; Corp., wingerd, A, wyneard, B, wingeard (a above the line); A, ænne; A, elþeodiynsse.
  31. A, B, ðæra; Corp., weastma, A, B, wæstma; A, eorðtylian.
  32. A, ofslogon; A, oftorfodon.
  33. B, oþore.
  34. A, nyhstan; A, doð (for don).
  35. A, gesawon; A, betweox.
  36. A, wineard.
  37. B, wingeardes (a above the line); A, eorðtylian.
  38. B, hyfelan (for yfelan); Corp., B, wingerd, A, wyngeard; B, oðram; A, tylian; A, heora tydum agyfan.
  39. A, hælend; B, gewritun; A, geworden, B, gewurdyn (second time); B, urun eagun.
  40. B, ætbrodyn.
  41. B, tobrysyd; A, tobryst.
  42. B, hys (changed into þys); A, bygspell; A, ongeaton, B, ongetun.