Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 22

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 22
3890114Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 221910


1. Đā sǣde hē hym eft ōðer bigspel and þus cwæð,[1]

2. Heofona rīce ys gelīc geworden þām cyninge þe macude hys suna gyfta,[2]

3. and sende his þēowas and clypode þā gelaðodan tō þām gyftum; þā noldon hī cuman.[3]

4. Đā sende hē eft ōðere þēowas, and sǣde þām gelaþedon, Nū ic gegearwode mīne feorme; mīne fearras and mīne fugelas synt ofslegene, and ealle mīne þing synt gearwe; cumað tō þām gyftum.[4]

5. Đā forgȳmdon hig þæt, and fērdun, sum tō his tūne, sum tō hys mangunge.[5]

6. And þā ōþre nāmon hys þēowas, and mid tēonan geswencton, and ofslōgon.[6]

7. Đā sē cyning þæt gehȳrde, þā wæs hē yrre; and sende hys here tō, and fordyde þā manslagan, and hyra burh forbærnde.[7]

8. Þā cwæð hē tō hys þēowum,[8] Witodlīce þās gyfta synt gearwe, ac þā ðe gelaþode wǣron ne synt wyrþe.[9]

9. Gāð nū witodlīce to wega gelǣtum, and clypiað to þisum gyftum swā hwylce swā gē gemēton.[10]

10. Đā ēodon þā þēowas ūt on þā wegas, and gegaderedon ealle ðā þe hig gemētton, gōde and yfele; þā wǣrun þā gyfthūs mid sīttyndum mannum gefyllede.[11]

11. Đā ēode sē cyning in þæt hē wolde gesēon þā ðe þǣr sǣton, þā geseah hē þǣr ǣnne mann þe næs mid gyftlīcum rēafe gescrȳd;[12]

12. þā cwæð hē, Lā frēond, hūmeta ēodest þū in, and næfdest gyftlīc rēaf? Đā gesuwode hē.[13]

13. And sē cyning cwæþ tō hys þēnon, Gebindað hys handa and hys fēt, and wurpaþ hyne on þā ūttran þȳstro; þǣr byþ wōp and tōþa grīstbitung.[14]

14. Witodlīce manega synt gelaþode, and fēawa gecorene.[15]

Đys godspel sceal on xxiii. wucan ofer pentecosten.

15. Đā ongunnon þā Pharisei rǣdan þæt hig woldon þone Hǣlend on hys sprǣce befōn.[16]

16. Þā sendon hī him hyra leorningcnihtas tō mid þām Herodianiscum, and þus cwǣdon, Lārēow, wē witon þæt þū eart sōðfæst, and þū lǣrst Godes weg mid sōðfæstnysse, and ðū ne wandest for nānon menn, nē þū ne bescēawast nānes mannes hād.[17]

17. Sege ūs, Hwæt þincð þē? ys hyt ālȳfed þæt man Cāsere gaful sylle, þe na?[18]

18. Þā sē Hǣlend hyra fācn gehȳrde, þā cwæð hē, Lā līcceteras, hwī fandige gē mīn?[19]

19. Ætȳwað mē þæs gafoles mynyt. Đā brōhton hī him ānne pening.[20]

20. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Hwæs anlīcnys ys þis and ðis ofergewrit?[21]

21. Hig cwǣdon, Þæs Cāsyres. Đā cwæð hē, Āgyfað þām Cāsere þā þing þe ðæs Cāsyres synt, and Gode þā ðing þe Godes synt.[22]

22. Þā hig þæt gehȳrdon, þā wundrodon hig, and forlēton hyne, and fērdon on weg.[23]

23. On þām dæge cōmon tō him Saducei, þā secgeað þæt nān ǣryst ne sȳ, and hig āxodon hyne,[24]

24. and cwǣdon, Lāreow, Moyses[25] sǣde gif hwā dēad syg, and bearn næbbe, þæt his brōðor nyme hys wīf, and strȳne him bearn.[26]

25. Witodlīce mid ūs wǣrun seofun gebrōþru; and sē forma fette wīf, and forð fērde, and lǣfde hys brēþer his wīf būtan bearne;[27]

26. and sē ōðer eal swā, and sē þrydda, oþ ðone seofoþan.[28]

27. Þā æt sīþemestan forþ fērde þæt wīf.[29]

28. Hwylces þǣra seofona byð þæt wīf on þām ǣriste? ealle hig hæfdon hig.[30]

29. Đā andswarode sē Hǣlend hym and cwæð, Gē dweliað, and ne cunnon hālige gewritu, nē Godes mægen.[31]

30. Witodlīce ne wīfiað hig, nē hig ne ceorliað on þām ǣryste, ac hig synt swylce Godes englas on heofone.[32]

31. Ne rǣdde gē be dēadra manna ǣryste þæt ēow fram Gode gesǣd wæs,[33]

32. Ic eom Abrahames God, and Isaaces God, and Iacobes God? Nys God nā dēadra, ac lybbyndra.[34]

33. Þā þæt folc þæt gehȳrde, þā wundrudon hig hys lāre.[35]

Đys [godspel] sceal on þǣre wucan ofer pentecosten.

34. Þā þā Phariseiscean gehȳrdon þæt hē hēt þā Saduceiscan stylle bēon, þā ēodon hig tōgædere.[36]

35. And ān þe wæs þǣre ǣ lārēow āxode hyne, and fandode hys, þus cweðende,[37]

36. Lā Lārēow, hwæt ys þæt mǣste bebod on þǣre ǣ?

37. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Lufa Drihten þīnne God on ealre þīnre heortan, and on ealre þīnre sāwle, and on eallum þīnum mōde.[38]

38. Þis ys þæt mǣste and þæt fyrmyste bebod.[39]

39. Ōþyr ys þysum gelīc, Lufa þīnne nēhstan swā swā þē sylfne.[40]

40. On þysum twām bebodum byþ gefylled eall sēo ǣ.[41]

41. Þā þā Phariseiscan gegaderude wǣrun, þā cwæð sē Hǣlynd,[42]

42. Hwæt þincð ēow be Crīste? hwæs sunu ys hē? Hig cwǣdun, Dauides.[43]

43. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Hwī clypað Dauid hyne on Gāste Drihtyn, and cwyð,[44]

44. Drihten[45] cwæð tō mīnum Drihtne, Site on mīne swȳþran healfe, oð þæt ic gesette þīne fȳnd þē tō fōtscamole.[46]

45. Gyf Dauid hyne on Gāste Dryhten clypað, hū ys hē hys sunu?[47]

46. Đā ne mihton hig him nān word andswarian, nē nān ne dorste of ðām dæge hyne nān þing māre āxigean.[48]

  1. B, oðyr; A, bygspell, B, bigspell.
  2. A Heofena; Corp., gewurden, A, geworden, B, gewordyn; A, cynge, B, cincge; B, macode; Corp., gyfata (-a above the line), A, gifta, B, gyfta.
  3. A gelaðedan.-
  4. A, oðre; A, gelaðedan; A, synd (twice); A, ofslagene; B, þinc; B, gyftan.
  5. A, ferdon; Corp., B, manggunge, A, mangunge.
  6. B, oþore.
  7. B, cinc; A, forbærnde heora burh (changed order).
  8. B, þeowum.
  9. A, synd (twice); Corp., earwe, A, B, gearwe; A, gelaðede.
  10. B, gelætun; A, þyssum, B, þysun; B, gyftun; B, gemetun.
  11. A, gegaderodon; A, wæron; A, syttendum, B, sittyndun; B, mannun.
  12. B, cinc; B, ænne (æ changed from a); A, man; Corp., B, wæs, A, næs; A, gyftlicon, B, gyftlicun.
  13. A, ynn.
  14. A, þenum; A, weorpað; B, utteran; A, þeostro þar.
  15. A, synd.
  16. A, spæce.
  17. B, herodianiscun; A, lærest; A, nanum men.
  18. B, sæge; B, casyre; A, gafol.
  19. B, hælynd; A, heora; A, B, lyceteras.
  20. Corp., B, ætgywað, A, ætywað; A, gafeles mynet; A, ænne; Corp., B, peninc, A, penig.
  21. A, hælynd.
  22. Corp., casyres (changed above the line into caserys), A, caseres, B, casyrys; B, casyre; A, caseres, B, casyrys; A, synd (twice); B, þinc (second time).
  23. A, wundredon.
  24. A, B, secgað; A, acsedon.
  25. B, moises.
  26. B, beanr; A, broðer.
  27. A, wæron; A, seofon, B, sufun.
  28. A, eall; A, seofeðan, B, sufoþon.
  29. A, syðemystan.
  30. Corp., B, sufona, A, seofena.
  31. A, andswarede; B, hælynd; A, dwoliað (o changed into e).
  32. A, synd.
  33. A, wæs gesæd (changed order).
  34. A, lybbendra.
  35. A, wundredon, B, wundrydon.
  36. A, B, phariseiscan.
  37. Corp., B, æ ys (for æ), A, æ; A, acsode; B, cweþynde.
  38. B, hælynd; B, dryhtyn; B, eallun þinun.
  39. A, fyrmeste.
  40. A, Oðer; A, þyssum, B, þysun.
  41. A, þyssum, B, þysun; B, bebodun; B, gefyllyd.
  42. Corp., phariseiscean; A, B, phariseiscan; Corp., cw̄, A, B, cwæð; A, hælend.
  43. A, cwædon.
  44. B, hælynd; A, dryhten.
  45. B, dryhtyn.
  46. B, swiðeran; Corp., -sceamole (first e dotted for deletion), A, -sceamele, B, -scamole.
  47. B, dryhtyn; A, cleopað.
  48. B, þinc; A, acsian.