Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 23

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 23
3890115Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 231910James Wilson Bright


1. Þā spræc sē Hǣlynd to þām folce and tō hys leorningcnyhton,[1]

2. and cwæð, Bōceras and Pharisei sǣtun ofer Moyses lārēowsetl:[2]

3. healdaþ and wyrceað swā hwæt swā hig secgeaþ; and ne dō gē nā æfter heora worcum: hig secgeað, and ne dōð.[3]

4. Hig bindað hefige byrþyna þe man āberan ne mæg, and lecgeað þā uppan manna exla; and nellað hig þā mid heora fingre æthrīnan.[4]

5. Ealle heora worc hig dōð þæt menn[5]gesēon; hig tōbrǣdaþ hyra healsbēc, and mǣrsiað heora rēafa fnadu;[6]

6. hig lufigeað þā fyrmystan setl on gebēorscypum, and þā fyrmystan lārēowsetl on gesomnungum,[7]

7. and þæt hig man grēte on strǣtum, and þæt menn hig lārēowas nemnon.[8]

8. Ne gyrne gē þæt ēow man lārēowas nemne; ān ys ēower lārēow; gē synt ealle gebrōþru.[9]

9. And ne nemne gē ēow fædyr ofer eorþan; ān ys ēower Fædyr, sē þe on heofonum ys.[10]

10. Nē ēow man ne nemne lārēowas; for þām ān, Crīst, is ēower Lārēow.[11]

11. Sē þe ēower yltst sȳ, bēo sē ēower þēn.[12]

12. Witodlīce sē þe hyne ūpp āhefð se byþ genyþerud; and sē þe hyne sylfne geēaðmēt sē byð ūpp āhafyn.[13]

Đys [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg on þǣre nygeðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

13. Wā ēow, bōcyras and Pharisei, līccetteras! for þām gē belūcað heofona rice beforan [14] mannum; nē gē in ne gāþ, nē gē ne geþafiað þæt ōðre in gān.[15]


15. Wā ēow, bōcyras and Pharisei, līccetteras! for þām gē befarað sǣ and eorþan þæt gē dōn ānne elþēodigne; and þonne hē gewordyn byð, gē gedōð hyne helle bearn twȳfealdlīcor þonne ēow.[16]

16. Wā ēow blindan lāttēowas! gē secgeað swā hwylc swā swereþ on temple, þæt hē ys nāht; swā hwā swā swereð on þæs temples golde, sē ys scyldig.[17]

17. Ēalā gē dysegan and blindan! hwæþer ys māre, ðe þæt gold, þe þæt templ ðe þæt gold gehālgað?[18]

18. And swā hwā swā swereþ on þām wēofode, þæt ys nāht; swā hwylc swā swereþ on þǣre offrunge þe ofer þæt wēofud ys, sē ys gyltig.[19]

19. Ēalā gē blindan! hwæþer ys māre, þe offrung, þe þæt wēofud þe gehālgað þā offrunge?[20]

20. Witodlīce sē þe swereþ on wēofude, hē swereð on him and on eallum þām þe him ofer synt.[21] {{nop} 21. And sē þe swereð on temple, hē swereð on him and on þām þe him on eardiað.[22]

22. And sē ðe swerað on heofonan, hē sweryð on Godes þrymsetle and on þām þe ofer þæt sitt.[23]

23. Wā ēow, bōceras and Pharisei, liccetteras! gē þe tēoðiað mintan, and dile, and cymen, and gē forlēton þā þing þe synt hefegran þǣre ǣ, dōm, and mildheortnysse, and gelēafan; þās þing hyt gebyrede þæt gē dydon, and þā ōðre ne forlētun.[24]

24. Lā blindan lāttēowas, gē drehnigeað þone gnætt aweg, and drincað þone olfynd.[25]

25. Wā ēow, bōceras and Pharisei, līccetteras! for þām gē clǣnsiað þæt wiðūtan ys caliceas and dixas, and gē synt innan fulle rēaflāces and unclǣnnysse.[26]

26. Ēalā þū blinda Phariseus, clǣnsa ǣryst þæt wiðinnan ys calicys and discys, þæt hyt sī clǣne þæt wiðūtan ys.[27]

27. Wā ēow, bōcyras and Pharisei, līccetteras![28] for þām gē synt gelīce hwītum byrgenum, þā þinceað mannum ūtan wlitige, and hig synt innan fulle dēadra bāna and ealre fȳlþe.[29]

28. And swā gē ætȳwað mannum ūtan rihtwīse, innan gē sunt fulle līccettunge and unrihtwīsnesse.[30]

29. Wā ēow, bōcyras and Pharisei, līccetteras! gē þe timbriað wītegena byrgene, and glengað rihtwīsra gemyndstōwa,[31]

30. and gē cweþað, Gyf wē wǣrun on ūre fædera dagum, nǣre wē heora gefēran on þǣra wītegena blōdes gyte.[32]

31. Witodlīce gē synt ēow sylfum to gewittnysse þæt gē synt þǣra bearn ðe ofslōgon þā wītegan.[33]

32. And gefylle gē þæt gemet ēowra fædera.[34]

32. Ēalā gē nǣddran and nǣddrena cynn, hū flēo gē fram helle dōme?[35]

Đys godspel sceal on sancte Stefanes mæssedæg.

34. Ic sende tō ēow wītegan and wīse bōcyras;[36] and gē hig ofslēað, and hōð, and swingað on ēowrum gesomnungum, and gē hig ēhtað of byrig on byrig:[37]

35. þæt ofer ēow cume ǣlc rihtwīs blōd þe wæs āgoten ofer eorþan, fram Abelys blōde þæs rihtwīsan oð Zacharias blōd, Barachias suna, þone gē ofslōgon betwyx þām temple and þām wēofode.[38]

36. Sōþ ic ēow secge, Ealle þās þing cumaþ ofer þās cnēorisse.[39]

37. Ēalā Ierusalem, ēalā Ierusalem, þū þe wītegan ofslihst, and mid stānum oftorfast þā ðe tō þē āsende synt! swīðe oft ic wolde þīne bearn gegaderigan, swā sēo henn hyre cīcenu under hyre fyþeru gegaderað, and þū noldest![40]

38. Witodlīce nū byþ ēower hūs ēow wēste forlǣten.[41]

39. Sōð ic secge ēow, Ne gesēoþ gē mē heonon forð, ǣr þām þe gē secgeon, Sȳ geblētsod sē þe cōm on Drihtnes naman.[42]

  1. A, hælend; A, -cnyhtum.
  2. Corp., cw̄., A, B, cwæþ; B, bocyras; A, sæton; B, ofyr moises.
  3. A, wyrcað; A, secgað (twice); B, æftyr hyra; A, weorcum, B, weorcun.
  4. A, byrþena; A, lecgað; A, upan; B, hyra.
  5. B, hyra; Corp., worc (above the line), A, B, weorc; A, men.
  6. A, tobredað heora; Corp., healsbæc, A, halsbæc, B, healsbec; B, hyra.
  7. A, lufiað; A, fyrmestan, B, fyrmysþan; B, -scypun; A, B, fyrmestan; A, B, gesamnungum.
  8. B, strætun; A, men.
  9. B, eowyr; A, synd; A, gebroðra.
  10. A, nemnon; A, fæder (twice); B, ofyr; A, heofenum, B, heofenon.
  11. B, eowyr.
  12. A, yldest syg; B, eowyr.
  13. B, Witudlice; A, ahefðe; A, genyðerod; A, geeadmet; A, up ahafen (up above the line).
  14. A, boceras; A, B, liceteras; A, heofena; B, mannun.
  15. A, inn; A, þafiað, B, geþafigeað; B, oþore.
  16. A, boceras ; A, lyceteras, B, liceteras; A, ænne; Corp., B, elþeodine, A, ælðeodigne; A, geworden, B, gewurdyn.
  17. A, latewas (a second t above the line); A, B, secgað.
  18. A, dysigan; A, tempel.
  19. B, sweryþ (twice); B, ofrunge; B, ofyr; A, weofod.
  20. B, hwæþyr; A, ofrung; A, weofod; A, ofrunge.
  21. B, sweryð; A, weofode; B, eallun; A, synd.
  22. B, eardigað.
  23. A, heofenan; A, swerað (second time); B, ofyr.
  24. B, bocyras; A, lyceteras, B, liceteras; B, teoðigað; A, myntan and dyle; Corp., cymyn (changed into cvmyn), A, cymen, B, cymyn; A, synd; A, hefigran, B, hefegeran; B, þinc; B, oðere; A, forlæton.
  25. A, lateowas (a second t above the line); A, drehniað; B, gnæt; A, olfend.
  26. B, bocyras; A, lyceteras, B, liceteras; B, clænsigað; A, calicas; B, dyxsas; A, synd.
  27. A, ærest; A, calices; A, disces.
  28. A, boceras; A, lyceteras, B, liceteras.
  29. A, synd (twice); B, hwitun byrgenun; A, þincað; B, mannun; B, banun.
  30. B, mannun; A, synd; A, B, licetunge; B, unryhtwisnysse.
  31. A, boceras; A, B, liceteras; B, timbrigað; A, byrgena; B, glencgað.
  32. A, wæron; B, dagun; A, næron; B, hyra; B, witegyna.
  33. B, Witudlice; A, synd (twice); B, sylfun; A, gewytnesse, B, gewitnysse.
  34. A, eowre, B, eowera.
  35. A, B, nædran; B, nædryna.
  36. A, boceras
  37. B, eowrun gesomnungun.
  38. A, abeles, B, abylys; A, betweox; B, þan (for þam; twice); A, weofede.
  39. B, ic secge eow (changed order); B, þinc; B, ofyr.
  40. Corp., gerusalem (second time), A, hierusalem (twice), B, gerusalem (twice); A, synd; A, gegaderian.
  41. B, Witudlice; B, eowyr.
  42. Corp., eow secge (marked for transposition); A, syngon (for secgeon), B, sycgon; A, sig gebletsod sig gebletsod.