Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 24

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 24
3890116Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 241910


1. And þā sē Hǣlend ūt ēode of þām temple; him tō gēnēalǣhton hys leorningcnihtas þæt hī him ætȳwdon þæs temples getimbrunge.[1]

2. Þā andswarode hē him and cwæð, Gesēoþ gē eall þis? Sōð ic secge ēow, Ne bið hēr lǣfed stān uppan stāne þe ne bēo tōworpen.[2]

3. Đā hē sæt uppan Oliuetes dūne, þā comun hys leorningcnihtas dīhlīce, and cwǣdon, Sege ūs hwænne þās ðing gewurþun? and hwilc tācn sī þīnes tōcymys, and worulde geendunge?[3]

4. Đā andswarode hē him and cwæð, Warniað þæt ēow nān man ne beswīce.[4]

5. Manega cumaþ on mīnum naman, and cweðaþ, Ic eom Crīst; and beswīcaþ manega.[5]

6. Witodlīce gē gehȳrað gefeoht and gefeohta hlīsan; warnigeað þæt gē ne bēon gedrēfede; ðās þing sceolun gewurþan, ac nys þonne gȳt sē ende.[6]

7. Þēod winð ongēn þēode, and rīce ongēn rīce; and manncwealmas bēoð, and hungras wīde geond land, and eorþan styrunga.[7]

8. Ealle þās þing synt þǣra sāra anginnu.[8]

9. Ðonne syllað hī ēow on gedrēfednysse, and ofslēað ēow; and ealle menn ēow hatigeað for mīnum naman.[9]

10. And þonne bēoð manega ungetrȳwsode, and belǣwað betwyx him, and hatigað him betwȳnan.[10]

11. And manega lēase wītegan cumað, and beswīcað manega.

12. And for þām þe unryhtwīsnys rīxað, manegra lufu ācōlaþ.[11]

13. Witodlīce sē þe þurhwunað oð ende sē byþ hāl.[12]

14. And þis godspel byþ bodod ofer ealle eorþan on gewittnysse eallum þēodum; and þonne cymð sēo geendung.[13]

15. Ðonne gē gesēoð þā onsceonunge þǣre tōworpennysse þe sē wītega gecwæð, Daniel, þā hē stōd on hāligre stōwe,—ongyte sē ðe hit rǣt,—[14]

16. Flēon þonne tō muntum, þā þe on Iudea lande synt.[15]

17. And sē þe ys uppan hys hūse, ne gā hē nyþyr þæt hē ǣnig þing on his hūse fecce.[16]

18. And sē þe is on æcyre, ne cyrre hē þæt he hys tunecan nyme.[17]

19. Wā ēacniendum and fēdendum on þām dagum![18]

20. Biddað þæt ēower flēam on wintra oððe on restedæge ne gewurþe.[19]

21. Witodlīce þonne byð swā mycel gedeorf, swā næs of middangeardes fruman oþ þis, nē nū ne gewurð.[20]

22. And būton þā dagas gescyrte wǣrun, nǣre nān mann hāl gewordyn; ac for þām gecorenum þe hē gecēas þā dagas bēoð gescyrte.[21]

23. Đonne gyf ēow hwā segð, Nū Crīst ys hēr, oþþe ðǣr; ne gelȳfe gē him.[22]

24. Þonne cumað lēase Crīstas and lēase wītegan, and dōð mycle tācn and forebēacn, þæt ðā bēoþ on gedwolan gelǣdde, gyf hyt bēon mæg, þe gecorene wǣrun.[23]

25. Witodlīce ic hyt ēow foresǣde.[24]

26. Gyf hig ēow secgeað,[25] Hēr hē ys on wēstene; ne fare gē ūt: gyf hig secgeað, Hēr hē is on þurhfērun; ne gelȳfe gē.[26]

27. Witodlīce swā swā līgyt færð fram ēastdǣle and ætȳwð oþ westdǣl, swā byð mannes Suna tōcyme.[27]

28. Swā hwǣr swā hold byþ, þæder bēoð earnas gegaderude.[28]

29. Sōna æfter þǣra daga gedrēfydnesse, sēo sunne byð forsworcen, and sē mōna hys lēoht ne sylð, and steorran feallaþ of þǣre heofenan, and þǣre heofenan mægenu bēoþ āstyrede:[29]

30. and þonne ætȳwð mannes Suna tācn on heofonan; and þonne wēpað ealle eorþan mǣgþa, and gesēoð mannes Sunu cumende on heofonan, genipum mid myclum mægene and mægenþrymme.[30]

31. And hē āsent hys englas mid bȳman and mycelre stefne, and hī gegaderigað hys gecorenan of fēower middaneardes endum, of heofona hēahnyssum oð hyra gemǣru.[31]

32. Leornigeað bigspell be þām fīctrēowe: þonne hys twig byþ hnesce, and lēaf ācennede, gē witun þæt sumor ys gehende;[32]

33. and wite gē swā, þonne gē þās þing gesēoð, þæt hē ys on durum gehende.[33]

34. Sōð ic secge ēow þæt ðēos cnēorys ne gewīt, ǣr þām þe ealle þās þing gewurðon.[34]

35. Heofone and eorþe gewītað; witodlīce mīne word ne gewītað.[35]

36. Nāt nān mann be þām dæge nē be þǣre tīde, nē furðun englas, būton Fæder āna.[36]

37. Witodlīce swā swā on Noes dagum wæs, swā byð mannes Suna tōcyme.[37]

38. Swā hī wǣrun on þām dagum ǣr þām flōde, etende, and drincynde, and wīfigende, and gyfta syllende, oð þone dæg þe Noe on þā earce eode,[38]

39. and hī nyston ǣr þæt flōd cōm, and nam hig ealle; swā byð mannes Suna tōcyme.[39]

40. Ðonne bēoð twēgen on æcyre; ān byð genumen, and ōðer byþ lǣfyd.[40]

41. Twā bēoð æt cwyrne[41] grindende; ān byð genumen, and ōðer byþ lǣfed. Twēgen bēoþ on bedde; ān byð genumen, and ōþer byð lǣfed.[42]

Đys godspel sceal to mænies confessores mæssedæge.

42. Wacigeað witodlīce, for þām þe gē nyton on hwylcyre tīde ēower Hlāford cuman wyle.[43]

43. Witað þæt gyf sē hīredes ealdor wiste on hwylcere tīde sē þēof tōwerd wǣre, witodlīce hē wolde wacigean, and nolde geþafigan þæt man hys hūs underdulfe.[44]

44. And for þām bēo gē gearwe; for þām ðe mannes Sunu wyle cuman on þǣre tīde þe gē nyton.[45]

45. Wēnst þū hwā sȳ getrȳwe and glēaw þēow, þone geset hys hlāfurd ofer his hīred þæt hē him on tīde mete sylle?[46]

46. Ēadig ys sē þēow þe hys hlāfurd hyne gemēt þus dōndne, þonne hē cymð.[47]

47. Sōþ ic ēow secge þæt ofer eall þæt hē āh hē hyne gesett.[48]

48. Gyf sē yfela þēowa ðencþ on hys heortan and cwyþ, Mīn hlāfurd uferað hys cyme;[49]

49. and āgynð bēatan hys efenþēowas, and yt and drincþ mid druncenum;[50]

50. þonne cymþ ðæs wēales hlāford on þām dæge ðe hē nā ne wēnþ, and on ðǣre tīde þe hē nāt,[51]

51. and tōdǣlþ hyne, and āsett hys dǣl mid līccetterum; þǣr byþ wōp and tōþa grīstbitung.[52]

  1. B, hælynd; B, ætywdun.
  2. A, andswarede; A, ealle; B, læfyd; A, om. stane.
  3. B, oliuetys; A, comon; A, digelice; B, cwædun sæge; B, ðinc; A, geweorðon; A, tacen; A, tocymes.
  4. B, warnigeað.
  5. B, minun.
  6. B, Witudlice; A, warniað, B, warnigað; B, þinc; A, sceolon geweorðan.
  7. A, ongean (twice); A, man-; A, eond.
  8. B, ðinc; A, synd; A, angin.
  9. A, men; A, hatiað, B, hategeað; B, minun.
  10. A, ungetreowsade, B, geuntrysude; A, betweox; A, hatiað.
  11. A, rycsað.
  12. B, Witudlice; B, ot (changed into oð)
  13. A, gewytnysse, B, gewitnysse; B, eallun þeodun.
  14. A, onscununge; B, toworþonnysse; B, wityga; A, þa he stod (standan above these words); B, halire.
  15. B, muntun; A, synd.
  16. A, nyðer; B, þinc; A, fecce on his huse (changed order).
  17. A, on hys æcere.
  18. B, eacniendon and fedendon; B, dagun.
  19. A, om. on wintra oððe (homœoteleuton); A, geweorðe.
  20. B, Witudlice; A, geweorð, B, gewyrð.
  21. B, butun; A, wæron; A, B, man; A, geworden; B, ðan gecorenun.
  22. B, sægþ; A, lyfe.
  23. A, mycele, B, micle; B, gecoryne; A, wæron.
  24. B, Witudlice.
  25. A, B, secgað.
  26. B, westynne; A, secgað, B, sycgað; A, þurhfarenne.
  27. Corp., Witolice, A, Witodlice, B, Witudlice; A, lyget; Corp., estdæle, A, eastdæle, B, iestdæle; B, ot (for oþ).
  28. A, þyder; A, gearnas gegaderode.
  29. A, gedrefednysae, B, gedrefydnysse; B, forsworcyn; B, hefonan (first time).
  30. A, tacen; A, heofenan, B, hefonan; B, manes; B, cumyndne; A, heofenan; Corp., B, genipod, A, genypon; A, mycelum, B, mycelun; B, mægyn-.
  31. A, gegaderiað; B, feowur; A, myddangeardes; B, endun; A, heofena; B, heahnyssun; B, ot; A, heora.
  32. A, Leorniað bygspel; Corp., B, -treowwe, A, -treowe; B, twi (for twig); A wyton; A, sumer, B, sumur.
  33. B, þinc; B, durun.
  34. A, om. þas; B, þinc; A, geweorðan.
  35. A, heofene, B, Hefone; B, witudlice; B, wurd.
  36. A, B, om. mann; B, þan; A furðon, B, furþon; B, butun.
  37. B, Witudlice; B, dagun.
  38. A, wæron; B, dagun; B, etynde; A, dryncende, B, drincende; B, ot.
  39. Corp., B, nysðon, A, nyston; B, tocyme (to- on the margin).
  40. A, æcere; B, genumon; A, læfed.
  41. A, cweorne.
  42. B, genumyn.
  43. Corp., Đ (for W), A, Waciað, B, Wacigað; B, witudlice; A, B, hwylcere.
  44. A, toweard; B, witudlice; A, wacian, B, wacigan; Corp., geþafigen, A, geþafian, B, geþafigan; B, undyr-.
  45. Corp., sunnu, A, B, sunu; B, nytun.
  46. Corp., B, Wens, A, Wenst; A, treowe; A, hlaford; A, om. he.
  47. Corp., B, Eadi, A, eadig; A, hlaford; A, donde.
  48. A, geset.
  49. A, hlaford.
  50. A, et and dryncð; B, druncenun.
  51. Corp., weles, A, weales, B, wieles.
  52. A, aset; A, lyceterum, B, liceterun; A, þær byþ . . . gristbitung (above the line).