Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 26

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 26
3890118Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 261910


1. Witodlīce þā sē Hǣlend hæfde ealle þās sprǣca geendud, þā cwæð hē tō hys leorningcnihtum,[1]

2. Wite gē þæt æfter twām dagum bēoð ēastro,[2] and mannes Bearn byþ geseald þæt hē sī on rōde āhangen.

3. Đā wǣron gesamnode þā ealdras þǣra sācerda, and hlāfordas þæs folces, to ðǣra sācerda ealdres botle þe wæs genemned Kaiphas;[3]

4. and hig hæfdon mycel gemōt þæt hig woldon þone Hǣlend mid fācne besyrwan, and ofslēan.[4]

5. Hig cwǣdon witodlīce sume þæt hyt ne mihte bēon on þām frēolsdæge, þē lǣs tō mycel styrung wurde on þām folce.[5]

6. Đā sē Hǣlynd wæs on Bethania, on Symones hūse þæs hrēoflan,[6]

7. ðā genēalǣhte him tō sum wīf, sēo hæfde box mid dēorwyrðre sealfe, and āgēat uppan hys hēafud þǣr hē sæt.[7]

8. Þā gesāwun hys leorningcnihtas þæt, and wurdon gebolgene, and cwǣdon, Tō hwan ys þiss forspilled?[8]

9. Þis mihte bēon geseald tō myclum wurþe, and þearfum gedǣled.[9]

10. Þā sē Hǣlend hyt wiste, þā cwæð hē tō heom, Hwī synt gē grame þysum wīfe? witodlīce gōd weorc hēo worhte on me.[10]

11. Symle gē habbað þearfan mid ēow; ac gē nabbað mē symle.

12. Hēo dyde þās sealfe on mīnne līchaman þæt ic wǣre gesmyryd tō bebyrgynne.[11]

13. Sōð ic secge ēow, Swa hwǣr swā þys godspel byð gebodud on eallum middanearde, byð gesǣd on hyre gemynd þæt hēo ðiss dyde.[12]

14. Đā fērde ān of þām twelfum, þe wæs genemned Iudas, sē wiþersaca, tō þǣra sācerda ealdrum,

15. and cwæð tō heom, Hwæt wylle gē mē syllan, and ic hyne belǣwe ēow? Đā behēton hig hym þrītig scyllinga.[13]

16. And syþþan hē smēade geornlīce þæt hē hyne wolde belǣwan.

17. Þā on þām forman gearcungdæge genēalǣhton ðā leorningcnihtas tō þām Hǣlende, and þus cwǣdon, Hwǣr wylt ðū þæt wē gegearwion þē þīne ðēnunga tō ēastron?[14]

18. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlynd, Farað on þās ceastre tō sumum menn, and secgeað him, Sē Lārēow segð, Mīn tīma ys gehende þæt ic mid þē wyrce mīne ēastro mid mīnum leorningcnihtum.[15]

19. And þā leorningcnihtas dydon swā sē Hǣlynd heom bebēad; and hig gegearwodon him ēasterþēnunga.[16]

20. On þām ǣfene sæt sē Hǣlynd mid hys twelf leorningcnihtum æt gereorde.[17]

21. And þā hī ǣtun, hē cwæð tō him, Witodlīce ic secge ēow þæt ān ēower belǣwð mē.[18]

22. Đā wurdon hig swīþe geunrōtsode, and ongann ānra gehwylc cweðan, Drihtyn, cwyst þū eom ic hyt?[19]

23. And hē andswarode and þus cwæð, Sē þe bedȳpð on disce mid mē hys hand sē mē belǣwð.[20]

24. Witodlīce mannes Sunu færþ, swā hit āwriten ys be him; wā þām menn þurh þone þe byþ mannes Sunu belǣwed! betere wǣre þām menn þæt hē nǣfre nǣre ācenned.[21]

25. Þā cwæð Iudas þe hyne belǣwde, Cwyst þū, Lārēow, hwæðer ic hyt sī? Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Þū hyt sǣdest.[22]

26. Witodlīce þā hig ǣtun, sē Hǣlend nam hlāf, and hyne geblētsode, and bræc, and sealde hys leorningcnihtum, and cwæð, Onfōþ, and etað; þis ys mīn līchama.[23]

27. And hē genam þone calic, þanciende, and sealde hym, þus cweþende, Drincað ealle of þisum;[24]

28. þis is witodlīce mīnes blōdes calic nīwre ǣ, þæt byð for manegum āgoten on synna forgyfenysse.[25]

29. Witodlīce ic secge ēow þæt ic ne drince heonun forð of þysum eorðlīcan wīne, ǣr þām dǣge þe ic drince þæt nīwe mid ēow on mīnes Fæder rīce.[26]

30. Đā hig hæfdon heora lofsang gesungene, þā fērdon hig uppan Oliuetes dūne.[27]

31. Đā sǣde sē Hǣlend heom, Ealle gē wurþað geuntrēowsode on mē on þysse nihte: hyt ys āwriten, Þurh þæs hyrdes slege byð sēo heord tōdrǣfed.[28]

32. Witodlīce æfter þām þe ic of dēaþe ārīse, ic cume tō ēow on Galilea.[29]

33. Đā andwyrde Petrus him and þus cwæð, Đēah þe hig ealle geuntrēowsion on þē, ic nǣfre ne geuntrēowsige.

34. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Sōþ ic secge þē þæt on þissere nihte, ǣr þām þe cocc crāwe þrīwa, þū wiðsæcst mīn.[30]

35. Đā sǣde Petrus him, Witudlīce þēah þe ic scyle sweltan mid þē, ne wiþsace ic þīn. Gelīce þām cwǣdon ealle ðā ōþre leorningcnihtas.[31]

36. Đā cōm sē Hǣlynd mid him on þone tūn þe is genemned Gezemani, and sǣde hys leorningcnihtum, Sittað hēr, oð þæt ic gā hider geond and mē gebidde.[32]

37. And hē genam Petrum and Zebedeus twēgen suna, and ongann unrōtsian and bēon unrōt.[33]

38. Đā sǣde sē Hǣlynd heom, Unrōt ys mīn sāwl oþ dēað; gebīdað hēr, and waciað mid mē.[34]

39. And þā hē wæs lȳthwōn þanon āgān, hē āfēoll on hys ansȳne, and hyne gebæd and þus cwæð, Fæder mīn, gyf hyt bēon mæge, gewīte þēs calic fram mē; þēah hwæþere nā swā swā ic wylle, ac swā swā þū wylt.[35]

40. And hē cōm tō hys leorningcnihtum, and hē gemētte hig slǣpende; and hē sǣde Petre, Swā, ne mihton gē nū wacian āne tīd mid mē?[36]

41. Waciaþ and gebiddað ēow þæt gē in ne gān on costunge; witudlīce sē gāst is hræd, and þæt flǣsc ys untrum.[37]

42. Eft ōþre sīðe hē fērde, and hyne gebæd and cwæþ, Mīn Fæder, gyf þēs calic ne mæge gewītan būton ic hyne drince, gewurþe þīn willa.[38]

43. And hē cōm eft, and gemētte hig slǣpende; sōðlīce heora ēagan wǣron gehefegode.[39]

44. And hē forlēt hig eft and fērde, and hyne gebæd þryddan sīðe, cweþende þæt ylce gebed.

45. Þā cōm hē tō hys leorningcnihtum, and sǣde heom, Slāpað eallunga, and restað ēow; nū genēalǣcþ sēo tīd, and mannes Sunu byð geseald on synfulra hand.[40]

46. Ārīsað, uton faran; nū genēalǣcð sē þe mē belǣwð.[41]

47. Đā hē þās þing spræc, þā cōm Iudas, ān of þām twelfum, and micel folc mid hym mid swurdum and sāhlum, āsende fram þǣra sācerda ealdrum and þæs folces ealdrum.[42]

48. Sē þe hyne belǣwde sealde heom tācn and cwæð, Swā hwæne swā ic cysse, sē hyt is; nimaþ hyne.[43]

49. And hē genēalǣhte hrædlīce tō þām Hǣlende, and cwæð, Hāl bēo þū, Lārēow; and he cyste hyne.[44]

50. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Ēalā frēond, tō hwan becōm þū? Đā genēalǣhton hig, and þone Hǣlend genāmon.[45]

51. Witudlīce ān þǣra þe mid þām Hǣlende wæs ābrǣd hys swurd, and āslōh of ānys þǣra sācerda ealdres þēowan ēare.[46]

52. Đā cwæð sē Hælend tō hym, Dō þīn swurd on hys scǣþe; witodlīce ealle þā ðe swurd nymað, mid swurde hig forwurþað.[47]

53. Wēnst þū þæt ic ne myhte biddan mīnne Fæder þæt hē sende mē nū mā þonne twelf ēorydu engla?[48]

54. Hū magon bēon gefyllede þā hālgan gewritu þe be mē āwritene synt, for þām þus hyt gebyrað tō bēonne?[49]

55. On þǣre tīde cwæð sē Hǣlend tō þām folce, Eall swā tō þēofe gē synt cumene mid swurdum and mid sāhlum mē tō nymenne; dæghwāmlīce ic sæt mid ēow on þām temple and lǣrde ēow, and gē mē ne nāmon.[50]

56. Đis eall ys geworden þæt ðǣra wītegena hālgan gewritu sȳn gefyllede. Þā flugon ealle þā leorningcnihtas, and forlēton hyne.[51]

57. And hig genāmon þone Hǣlend, and lǣddon hyne tō Caiphan þǣra sācerda ealdre þǣr ðā bōceras and þā ealdras gesamnod wǣron.[52]

58. Petrus hym fylide feorrane oð hē cōm tō þǣra sācerda ealdres botle; and hē in ēode, and sæt mid þām þēnum þæt hē gesāwe þone ende.[53]

59. Witodlīce þǣra sācerda ealdras and eall þæt gemōt sōhton lēase saga ongēn þone Hǣlend ðæt hig hyne tō dēaþe sealdon;[54]

60. and hig ne mihton nāne findan. Đā þā manega mid lēasum onsagum genēalǣhton, þā æt nēhstan cōmon twēgen þǣra lēogera, and cwǣdon,

61. Đēs sǣde, Ic mæg tōwurpan Godes templ, and æfter þrȳm dagum hyt eft getimbrigean.[55]

62. Đā ārās ealdor þǣra sācerda, and cwæð, Ne andwyrtst þū năn þing ongēn þā ðe þiss ðē onsecgeað?[56]

63. Sē Hǣlend suwode. Þā sē ealdor þǣra sācerda cwæð, Ic hālsige þē ðurh þone lyfiendan God þæt ðū secge ūs gyf þū sȳ Crīst, Godes Sunu.[57]

64. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlynd him tō, Þæt ðū sǣdest. Sōð ic ēow secge, Æfter þyson gē gesēoð mannes Bearn[58] sittende on þā swīðran healfe Godes mægenþrymmes, and cumendne on heofones wolcnum.[59]

65. Đā þǣra sācerda ealdor slāt hys āgyn rēaf, and cwæð, Þis ys bysmorsprǣc; tō hwī wilnige wē ǣnigre ōþre sage? nū gē gehȳrdon of hym gyltlīce sprǣce;[60]

66. hwæt ys ēow nū geþūht? Hig andwyrdon ealle and cwǣdon, Hē is dēaþes scyldig.[61]

67. Þā spǣtton hig on hys ansȳne, and bēoton hyne mid heora fȳstum; sume hyne slōgon on his ansȳne mid hyra brādum handum,[62]

68. and cwǣdon, Sege ūs, Crīst, hwæt is sē þe ðē slōh

69. Petrus sōðlīce sǣt ūte on þām cafertūne; þā cōm tō hym ān þēowyn, and cwæð, And þū wǣre mid þām Galileiscean Hǣlynde.[63]

70. And hē wiðsōc beforan eallum and cwæð, Nāt ic hwæt þū segst.[64]

71. Đā hē ūt ēode of þǣre dura, ðā geseah hyne ōþer wȳln, and sǣde þām ðe þǣr wǣron, And þēs wæs mid þām Nazareniscean Hǣlende.[65]

72. And hē wiðsōc eft mid āþe þæt hē hys nān þing ne cūðe.[66]

73. Đā æfter lȳtlum fyrste genēalǣhton þā ðe þǣr stōdun, and cwǣdon to Petre, Sōþlīce þū eart of hym, and þīn sprǣc þē geswutelað.[67]

74. Đā ætsōc hē and swerede þæt hē nǣfre þone man ne cūþe. And hrædlīce þā crēow sē cocc.[68]

75. Þā gemunde Petrus þæs Hǣlendes word þe hē cwæð, Ǣr ðām þe sē cocc crāwe, þrīwa ðū mē widsæcst. And hē ēode ūt, and wēop bityrlīce.[69]

  1. B, Witudlice; B, hælynd; A, geendod; B,-cnihtun.
  2. A, eastron.
  3. A, gesomnode; A, nemned caiphas.
  4. B, hælynd; Corp., B, mid, A, myd.
  5. B, cwadun witudlice; A, þy læs.
  6. A, hælend.
  7. Corp., B, mid, A, myd; Corp., deorwyrðe, A, B, deorwyrðre; A, heafod.
  8. A, gesawon; A, þys.
  9. A, mycelum; A, weorðe, B, wyrðe.
  10. B, hælynd; A, þæt wiste; A, B, hym; A, synd; B, þysun; B, witudlice.
  11. A, gesmyred; A, bebyrianne.
  12. A, hwar; A, gebodod; A, myddangearde; A, þys, B, þiss.
  13. A, hym, B, him (for heom); A, þryttig.
  14. A, -cnyhtas; B, hælynde; A, cwædon þus (changed order); B, cwædun; A, hwar.
  15. A, hælend; B, sumun; A, B, men; A, B, secgað; B, sægð; A, weorðie myne eastron; B, -cnihtun.
  16. A, hælend hym; A, -þenunge.
  17. A, hælend.
  18. A, æton; B, Witudlice; A, belæweð.
  19. A, B, ongan; A, dryhten.
  20. A, andswarede and he cw̄.; A, belæweð.
  21. A, B, men; A, men.
  22. B, Cwystu; B, hælynd.
  23. B, Witudlice; A, æton and se; A, bletsode; B, -cnihtun.
  24. A, heom; A, om. þus; A, þyssum, B, þysun.
  25. B, witudlice; A, -nesse, B,-nnysse.
  26. B, Witudilice; A, heonon.
  27. B, hyra; Corp., B, gesunggenne, A, gesungene; B, fer (for ferdon).
  28. B, hælynd; A, hym, B, him; A, weorðað.
  29. B, Witudlice.
  30. B, hælynd.
  31. A, om. witudlice.
  32. A, hælend; A, giezemani; B, -cnihtun; A, hyder eond.
  33. A, B, ongan.
  34. A, hælend; A, B, hym.
  35. A, þanen; A, afeol.
  36. B, -cnihtun A, B, myhte ge.
  37. A, costnunge; A, B, witodlice.
  38. A, gedrynce geweorðe.
  39. B, hyra.
  40. B, -cnihtun; A, B, hym; A, genealæceð.
  41. A, genealæceð.
  42. A, twelfon.
  43. A, B, hym (for heom).
  44. A, hrædlyce.
  45. B, hælynd.
  46. A, wytodlice; B, hælynde; A, sweord; A, anes.
  47. B, hælynd; A, sweord (twice); B, Witudlice; A, sweorde; A, forweorþað.
  48. A, eoredu.
  49. A, synd; A, gebyreð.
  50. B, hælynd; A, synd; A, sweordum; A, nymanne.
  51. B, witygyna.
  52. B, hælynd.
  53. A, fyligde; Corp., feorranne, A, feorenne, B, feorrane.
  54. B, Witudlice; A, ongean.
  55. B, sęde; A, toworpan; A, tempel; A, getymbrian.
  56. A, andwyrdst; A, ongean; A, þa ðe þys, B, ðe þis (om. þa); A, onsecgað.
  57. B, hælynd; A, swigade; A, lyfigendan.
  58. A, Hælend; A, þysum, B, þysun; A, sunu (for bearn).
  59. B, mægn-; Corp., cumendne (last n above the line); A, heofenes.
  60. A, B, agen; A, nu we (for nu ge); A, gyltelyce; A, specan (glossed spræce).
  61. Corp., andwerdon, A, andwyrdon, B, andwyrdan.
  62. B, hyra (for heora); A, heora (for hyra).
  63. A, þeowen; A, galileiscan hælende.
  64. B, sægst.
  65. A, geseh; A, þynen (dotted for deletion and with wiln above the line; for wyln); A, þar; A, nazareniscan.
  66. B, þæt he (he on the margin).
  67. B, lytlun; A, stodon; B, cwædun; A, gesweotolað.
  68. B, sweryde; A, om. þa.
  69. B, hælyndes; Corp., B, wurd, A, word; A, byterlice.