Folk-lore of the Telugus/Cheats will surely be cheated

2733817Folk-lore of the Telugus — Cheats will surely be cheated1919G. R. Subramiah Pantulu



In the village of Yachavara there lived a Sudra named Isukathakkidigadu (lit. the holder of a quantity of sand). One day he wanted to go to another village and started with a ser of sand tied to the liem of his garment. At Machavara, an adjacent village, lived another Sudra, Pedathakkidigadu (lit. the holder of a quantity of cowdung), who also wanted to go to another village, and started with a viss of cowdung tied to the hem of his garment. They met each' other accidentally in the evening, went to the same village, and seated themselves on the pial of a rest-house. Isukathakkidi saw the bundle of Pedathakiddi, took it to be a quantity of food, and resolved to reserve it for his own use, and so asked him what it was. Whereupon Pedathakiddi, who entertained the same desires about the bundle of Isukathakkidi, told him that it contained a quantity of food, and asked Isukathakkidi what the contents of his bundle were. To which he replied:—"I have rice with me, but I regret I have not, like you, brought other food with me. I feel exceedingly hungry, but what can I do?" Pedathakkiddigadu, hearing the pitiful words of his friend, said:—"Do not feel sorry. Let us exchange our bundles. I do not feel hungry just now." They mutually consented to the proposal, exchanged their bundles, and each fearing the other went to a place afar off in different directions, untied their bundles and were extremely amazed.

Moral:—"Entertain not thoughts of deceiving others, lest they deceive you.