Index:Folk-lore of the Telugus.djvu

Title Folk-lore of the Telugus
Author G. R. Subramiah Pantulu
Year 1919
Publisher G.A. Natesan & Co.
Location Madras
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Introduction 1
I. An Un-seasonable Advice 5
II. The King and the Wrestler 7
III. The Old Woman, the cock and the chafing dish 9
IV. The Deaf Friend 11
V. The Sagacious Minister 13
VI. The Lion and the Jackal 15
VII. Dream consciousness 17
VIII. The inevitability of the Law of Karma 19
IX. The Washerman Minister 21
X. The Brahmin and his two sons 24
XI. Durbuddhi and Subuddhi 27
XII. Concentration 30
XIII. Enquire before you Entrust 32
XIV. The Washerman of Benares 34
XV. To Escape Scot-free 36
XVI. Truth will come to Light 38
XVII. The Brahman and his two wives 40
XVIII. Vanity of human wishes 42
XIX. The Mussalman and the Robber 44
XX. The Swan and the Crow 46
XXI Castle-building 48
XXII The Path to Fame 50
XXIII Injustice as the result of ignorance 52
XXIV Child is Father of the Man 54
XXV The Boy and the Thief 55
XXVI Ingratitude 56
XXVII Keep to your Promise 58
XXVIII Pre-ordinance 59
XXIX Duped by the Majority 61
XXX Cheats will surely be cheated 63
XXXI The Tiger and its Council 65
XXXII A Wise Counsel 67
XXXIII The Talisman 69
XXXIV The Crane and the Fish 72
XXXV The Hare and the Elephants 74
XXXVI An Honest Servant 77
XXXVII The Three Fish 80
XXXVIII The Crane and the Swan 82
XXXIX King Sibi 84
XL The King and the Giant 86
XLI The Acquisition of Friends 105
XLII The Cat and the Mouse 125