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out a livelihood here. I intend, therefore, to quit this desert for a suitable abode." Whereupon Hiranayaka replied:—"Teeth, hair, nails, and men will not shine if their habitation is gone. The wise person ought, therefore, to give up the idea of quitting a residence." To which the crow replied:—"Friend, your words are weak. Elephants, lions and good men wander wheresoever they will. Crows, birds and cowards perish in their own place, not being able to quit it." Whereupon Hiranyaka said:—"Comrade, where is it that you want to go to?" To which the crow replied:—"We should not quit an old residence without examining a new one. Therefore it is that I have not spoken to you before fixing our new quarters. There is in the forest of Dandaka a tank called Karpuragaura. In it dwells my friend Manthara, the turtle-king. He is a charitable creature. That excellent tortoise will support me with plenty of fish food." Whereupon Hiranayaka said:—"What can I do here after you are gone ? Take me, therefore, along with you."