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Religion, Philosopliy, Sociology, Etc.

BHAGAVAD GITA with Sri Sankar^'s Commentary. By A. Mahadeva Sastri, Cloth, Rs, 4. Board, Rs 3. LECTURES ON GNANA-YOGA. By Swan.i Viveka- nanda. Rs. 2-8. Contents ;— The Song of the Sanyasin ; The Necessity of a universal Religion ; the Real and Apparent Man ^ Maya and Illusion ; Maya and the Evolution of the Con- ception of God ; Maya and Freedom ; The Absolute and Manifestation ; Cosmos — Macrocosm and Microcosm Reincarnation, In-mortality ; Is the Soul Immortal ; Unity in Diversity ; God in everything ; Realization ; Freedom of the Soul ; Practical Vedanta ; Parts. I, II, III and IV, Vedanta. LALITA SAHASRANAMA with Bhaskararaya's Commentary. By 1?. Anantakrishna Sastri. Rs. 3. VISHNU SAHASRANAMA with Sri Sankara's Commentary. By R. Anantakrishna S•^stri. Rs. 1-8. SIVA SAHASRANAMA STOTRA° with Sri Nila- kanta's Commentary. By R. Anantakrishna Sastri. Re. 1. THE HOLY LIVES OF THE AZHWARS OR THE DR A VIDA SAINTS. By A. Govindacharya. Re. 1-8- THE RATIONALE OF HOLY IMAGE WORSHIP- By A. Govindacharya As. 8-