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At Chatrapur lived four poor friends, who, being in great distress and sorely puzzled how to eke out a livelihood, met at a certain spot to devise means for bettering their condition. They thereupon performed severe austerities to the Kali of the place, who, being pleased with them, appeared to them and asked them what they wanted. They asked her to confer riches and happiness on them. The Goddess thereupon gave each of them a talisman, which was to be carried on the head. They were told to go in a northerly direction, and wherever the talisman fell from the head to dig there, and take whatever came to each person's lot. The four friends set out on their errand, and went a certain distance, when the talisman of the first person fell from his head. When the spot was dug into, an enormous quantity of copper was found. The first man saw the others, and said that he was quite content with his lot, and