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Go and bathe in the tank close by and you can have it.' The greedy fell into the trap, went into the water, and was bogged in the mud. The tiger saw him and said:—'It is a pity you should have fallen into the mire. I will come and pull you out. Be not afraid.' Thus saying he approached him slowly and caught hold of him. The fool as he was dying, cried out:—'This is the result of my stupid covetousness.'"

The moral is that we should do nothing in a hurry.

One of the doves answered:—"What's the good of excessive caution? If we are to get our food, we must run risks." On this they all flew and were caught in the net.

When they found themselves entangled they turned on their adviser and abused him:—"This is what comes of following your advice."While the other pigeons reproved^ him Chitragriva said:—"What is the use of crying over spilt milk? We are in a mess, and must do our best to get out of it. A thought suggests itself to me. Let us all fly up together and