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take the net with us. When united even weak creatures can do much." Hearing this, the doves soared up into the sky, saying there cannot be any better suggestion. The fowler amazed thought of catching them when they alighted again, and followed them staring at the sky till they disappeared from his view, when he went home in grief.

"When the birds saw this they asked Chitragriva the next thing to be done. He answered:—"I have a friend, the rat-king Hiranayaka, who dwells at Vichithravana on the banks of the Gandak. He can save us by biting the net strings with his strong teeth. Let us go to him." They took his advice and went to Hiranayaka. But the rat hearing the noise of their wings was sore afraid and would not leave his hole. Chitragriva called to him in a loud voice and said:—"Friend why do you not speak to us?" The rat knew his voice and came out at once.

"I am delighted to see my good friend Chitragriva." When he saw the pigeons caught in the net, he was startled, and said:—"Friend,