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Sultan Mahmud*[1] used to wage war on foreign countries and to oppress his people at home. His whole dominions lay consequently desolate. Upon this his minister thought that it was imperative to contrive some stratagem by which the king would turn out a good ruler. Accordingly, whenever he spoke to the king he used to relate how he had once been a pupil of a certain Sannyasin and had learnt the language of birds.

One day, as the king and the minister were returning from the hunt, two owls were sitting screaming upon a tree by the road-side. The king, hearing the noises, called upon his minister to tell him what the birds were conversing about. The premier listened for a short time, as though he really understood the conversation, and then

  1. * (There have been so many Mahamud Shahs in the Dakhan that it is difficult to say which of them is meant in this story. The probability is it refers to the very notable doings of the Tughlaks, of whom Sultan Mahmud Tughlak was the last {1394-1413 A.D.) —Ed., Ind. Ant.)