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The Web of Indian Life. By Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble). Rs. 1-12.

Contents.— 1. The Setting of the Warp; 2. The Eastern Mother; 3. Of the Hindu Women as Wife. 4 Love Strong as Death; 5. The Place of Women in the National Life; 6. The Immediate Problems of the Oriental Women; 7. The Indian Sage.i ; 8. Noblesse Oblige; A study of Indian Caste; 9. The Synthesis of Indian Thought; 10. The Oriental Experience; 11. The Wheel of Birth and Death; 12. The Story of the Great God; Siva or Mahadev; 13. The Gospel of the Blessed One; 14. Islam in India; 15, An Indian Pilgrimage; 16. On the Loom of Time.

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