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MAITREYI. A VBDIC STORY //V SIX CMAPJERS. BY PANDIT SITANATH TATTVABHUSHAN. The Madras Mail—The story relates to the insti tutions and incidents in the lives of people %vho ii^ed 4,000 years ago, in the days of the Upanishads, of the pi'istine gloi'y of philosophic Hinduism. Indian Mirror.~Th& author has recalled to life the dead bones of a very ancient and classical anecdote, and embellished it with his own imagiiiation and philosophieai disquisition. Pandit Sitanath has made the Maitreyi of the Vedie age as she should be— catholic, stout-hearted and intellectual — and has thi'ough her mouth introduced and discussed many intricate philosophical and social topics. We wish tliis little book eveiy success. Price Annas Eight, To subscribers of the "Indian Review:" As. Four.

THE URArJIhSHADS. WITH TEXT ra BEVANAGARI, SANEARA's COMMENTARY AND ENGLI8H TBANSLATIOK. Published by V.C,SESHACRABEI,B.A„B,L.M.B.A,S. Vols. I, II, &r V. Translated by S. Sitakama Sasteiar, e.a. Vols. Ill & IV. TrauBiatod by Pandit Gakga Nath Jha, tnla. Cloth Bound. Paper Bound. 3{R, A. Vol. I.— I'sa Kenu and MmKnika. 2 ,, 11. —The Katlaa and Pvasua 1 8 „ III.— The Chha'ndogya --Part I, 2 The first 4 Adhya'yas. „ IV,- The Chhii'ndogya— Piu-t 11. 1 8 The lasl // Adhya'yas. „ V. — The Aitarea and Taittiriya 1 4 RS. 1 1 1 1 (i 1 Total 1 Sri... 8 4 6 ^a r-THE VOLUMES AR E AVAILABLE FOR SALE SE PALELY. G, A. NATESAN (fc CO., BSPLANADE, MADRAS^