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BY ALFEED CHATTERTON, ofessor of Engineer i7ig, on Special Duty, Madras. CONTENTS.

Introduction. Development of Lift Irrigation. The cost of Raising Water. Irrigation by Pumping. The Value of Windmills in India. Windmill Irrigation in America. Water-lifts. Underground Water-supply. Well Irrigation. Irrigation by Pumping at Melrosapuram. Irrigation by Artesian Wells. Irrigation by Pumping in the United States.

The publishers would like to point out that this is the first book in the English language on this very important subject.


The articles reprinted in the following pages have been collected from a variety of sources and brought together in the hope that they may afford useful practical information to those interested in the development of the agricultural resources of this country. Between the various articles the only connecting link is that they all deal with various phases of the question of lift irrigation. These papers contain a fairly complete record of the experimental work done in Madras during the last ten years in connection with raising water for irrigation. One of them deals with irrigation by pumping in the United States, and nearly all of them contain proposals, many of which have recently been carried into practical operation with a fair amount of success.

Price Rs. Two.

To Subscribers of the "Indian Review" Re. 1-8.

The annual subscription tO the "INDIAN REVIEW" is Rs. 5 (five), Subscription can commence from any month. Any one who wishes to buy books at the reduced rates must remit Rs. 5 one year's subscription to the Review in advance. Those in arrears cannot have concession rates.

G. A. Natesan & Co., Esplanade, Madras.