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its existence. That reason, dependent on time, has passed away. Without it, that friendship has also passed away. Thou art by nature my foe. From circumstances thou becamest my friend. That state of things has passed away. The old state of enemity that is natural has come back. Through thy power I was freed from a great danger. Through my power thou hast been freed from a similar danger. Each of us has served the other. There is no need of uniting ourselves again in friendly intercourse. amiable one, the object thou hadst has been accomplished. The object I had has also been accomplished. Thou hast now no need for me except to make me thy food. I am thy food. Thou art the eater. I am weak. Thou art strong. There cannot be a friendly union between us when we are situated so unequally. I know that thou art hungry. I know that it is thy hour for taking food. Thou art seeking for thy prey, with thy eyes directed towards me. Thou hast sons and wives. Seeing me with thee, would not thy dear spouse and thy loving children cheerfully eat me up?"