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to his purohit's daughter, then to his own daughter, thirdly to the daughter of the wealthiest merchants of the locality, and lastly to the girl in question. As the king had no male issue, he transferred one-half of his kingdom with the necessary army to Chandrasarma, retained him at his own place and lived happily. Chandrasarma had four lodgings prepared for his four wives, kept each of them in a separate house, performed his daily ablutions in the house of his; Brahman wife, and lived happily, not swerving from the injunctions laid down in the Sastras. Some time after the king died and as he had left no sons, Chandrasarma was installed king of the whole realm by the ministers, purohits, and the people. He had by his Brahman wife a son named Varuruchi ; by the second, Vikramarka ; by the third, Bhatti; and by the fourth, Hari. All the four sons were well educated. Chandrasarma being very much pleased with the noble qualities of Vikramarka, and as he was moreover the collateral grandson of the late monarch, installed him king and made