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There was a weaver in the Karnataka, Haimantaka by name, who wove both coarse cloth and fine linen. Bat as his profits in the calling were very meagre, he was not able to make both ends meet. Adjacent to his abode was another of the same profession, Dhimanta who lived happily on the large income he derived by weaving coarse rough fabric. Once upon a time Haimantaka approached his wife and represented his grievances to her, told her how, despite his intelligence in his art, he was not able to eke out a livelihood, and how much better placed his brother-weaver was, though weaving only a coarse stuff.

"My talents are unknown to any one in the place," said he, and determined to quit his home for another place with the object of amassing as much wealth as possible.

His wife rejoined:— "Of what avail is your going to a distant quarter? You will get only as much as it has fallen to your lot to earn."