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from the minister, reached the island, saw the girl and thought that the minister was an unusually self-controlled man, for every man who had seen her had conceived a passion for her. Thus he praised the minister, and went and prostrated himself before the goddess Kali, and then approached the girl, who turned her back on him. The king then took hold of the hem of her garment and asked her not to treat him with contempt. The girl, understanding that he was the greatest of kings did according to his wishes. Some time after, the girl went to bathe in the waters of a tank for the observance of a vrata, when she was unfortunately devoured by a rakshasa. The king, on seeing this, immediately drew his sword and slew the rakshasa and drew the girl out of his body. The girl then informed the king why she was devoured by the rakshasa, and lived happily with the king as usual. The king then took her to his capital and remained there more than ever addicted to female allurements. The minister then poisoned himself and died." Vikramarka was then ques-