Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons or by Other New Analogous Methods. Entry into Force: 4 September 1900.
This is the official United States government translation published in the first volume of the United States Treaty Series (Bevans).

3835920Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 — Hague IV, 1 (1899)


  • Declaration signed at The Hague July 29, 1899
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification February 5, 1900
  • Ratified by the President of the United States April 7, 1900
  • Procès-verbal of first deposit of ratifications (including that of the United States) at The Hague dated September 4, 1900
  • Entered into force September 4, 1900
  • Proclaimed by the President of the United States November 1, 1901
  • Expired September 4, 1905; a new declaration on the same subject was signed on October 18, 1907[1]

32 Stat. 1839; Treaty Series 393



The Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, duly authorized to that effect by their Governments, inspired by the sentiments which found expression in the Declaration of St. Petersburg of the 29th November (1lth December), 1868,[2]

Declare that:

The Contracting Powers agree to prohibit, for a term of five years, the launching of projectiles and explosives from balloons, or by other new methods of similar nature.

The present Declaration is only binding on the Contracting Powers in case of war between two or more of them.

It shall cease to be binding from the time when, in a war between the Contracting Powers, one of the belligerents is joined by a non-Contracting Power.

The present Declaration shall be ratified as soon as possible.

The ratifications shall be deposited at The Hague.

A procès-verbal shall be drawn up on the receipt of each ratification, of which a copy, duly certified, shall be sent through the diplomatic channel to all the Contracting Powers.

The non-Signatory Powers may adhere to the present Declaration. For this purpose they must make their adhesion known to the Contracting Powers by means of a written notification addressed to the Netherlands Government, and by it forthwith communicated to all the other Contracting Powers.

In the event of one of the High Contracting Parties denouncing the present Declaration, such denunciation shall not take effect until a year after the notification made in writing to the Netherlands Government, and by it forthwith communicated to all the other Contracting Powers.

This denunciation shall only affect the notifying Power.

In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Declaration, and affixed their seals thereto.

Done at The Hague the 29th July, 1899, in a single copy, which shall be kept in the archives of the Netherlands Government, and of which copies, duly certified, shall be sent through the diplomatic channel to the Contracting Powers.

  • For Germany:
    • Münster Derneburg[seal]
  • For Austria-Hungary:
    • Welsersheimb[seal]
    • Okolicsanyi[seal]
  • For Belgium:
    • A. Beernaert[seal]
    • Cte. de Grelle Rogier[seal]
    • Chr Descamps[seal]
  • For China:
    • Yang Yu[seal]
  • For Denmark:
    • F. Bille[seal]
  • For Spain:
    • El Duque de Tetuan[seal]
    • W. R. de Villa Urrutia[seal]
    • Arturo de Baguer[seal]
  • For the United States of America:
    • Andrew D. White[seal]
    • Seth Low[seal]
    • Stanford Newel[seal]
    • A. T. Mahan[seal]
    • William Crozier[seal]
  • For the United States of Mexico:
    • A. de Mier[seal]
    • J. Zenil[seal]
  • For France:
    • Leon Bourgeois[seal]
    • G. Bihourd[seal]
    • d'Estournelles de Constant[seal]
  • For Greece:
    • N. Delyanni[seal]
  • For Italy:
    • Nigra[seal]
    • A. Zannini[seal]
    • G. Pompilj[seal]
  • For Japan:
    • I. Motono[seal]
  • For Luxembourg:
    • Eyschen[seal]
  • For Montenegro:
    • Staal[seal]
  • For the Netherlands:
    • v. Karnebeek[seal]
    • den Beer Poortugael[seal]
    • T. M. C. Asser[seal]
    • E. N. Rahusen[seal]
  • For Persia:
    • Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh[seal]
  • For Portugal:
    • Conde de Macedo[seal]
    • Agostinho d'Ornellas de Vasconcellos[seal]
    • Conde de Selir[seal]
  • For Roumania:
    • A. Beldiman[seal]
    • J. N. Papiniu[seal]
  • For Russia:
    • Staal[seal]
    • Martens[seal]
    • A. Basily[seal]
  • For Servia:
    • Chedo Miyatovitch[seal]
  • For Siam:
    • Phya Suriya Nuvatr[seal]
    • Visuddha[seal]
  • For the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway:
    • Bildt[seal]
  • For Switzerland:
    • Roth[seal]
  • For Turkey:
    • Turkhan[seal]
    • M. Noury[seal]
    • Abdullah[seal]
    • R. Mehemed[seal]
  • For Bulgaria:
    • D. Stancioff[seal]
    • Major Hessaptchieff[seal]


  1. TS 546, post, p. 739.
  2. For text, see American Journal of International Law, Supp. 1, p. 95; British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 58, p. 16.

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