130339Hand-book of Volapük — 1.231887Charles E. Sprague



Kikod ? why ? Kiplad or kiöp ? where ? Kipladi ? where (to what place) ? Kiüp or kitim ? when ? Liko ? how ? These are interrogativs which do not require -li.

Stadön, to be [in a certain state or condition], to do, as in "how do you do ?"

Liko stadol, o söl ! ? Stadob gudiko, danob ole (or danis). Li-ebinol lonedo in zif ? No lonedo, ekömob bletimo de Madrid. Binom-li Madrid zif jönik ? Binom lejönik; ilöfoböv blibön us lonedumo. Kiöp lom olik binom ? Lom obik binom in Boston, ab labob flenis mödik in zif at. Li-estudol flentapüki ? Estudob flentapüki ab no kanob pükön omi gudiko. Li.kapälol valikosi keli lilädol ? Si, o söl ! ti valikosi.

Have you seen my father to-day ? No, sir; is he not in the house ? Have you read the newspapers to-day ? I have not had time to read. How is your father to-day ? Thanks; he is (stadom) much better. His many friends will have much pleasure to know it.