130340Hand-book of Volapük — 201887Charles E. Sprague



When a verb refers to the habitual performance of an action, this may be indicated by adding the letter i (pronounced as a separate syllable) to the tense augment. Thus,

ai-, äi-, ei-, ii-', oi-, ui-.
pai-, päi-, pei-, pii-, poi-, pui-.

In English we have no special form for habitual action , but, on the other hand, we use the verb to be with the participle in -ing to express action continuing temporarily.

Fidob bodi, I am eating bread. Aifidob bodi, I eat bread (am in the habit of eating bread). Äpenob penedi, I wrote a letter, or I was writing a letter. Äipenob penedis mödik, I used to write many letters. The form "to be ----ing" is adopted in Volapük. Binob penöl, I am writing. Ai- is also used as a prefix denoting universality with other words. Aikel, whoever; aikitim, whenever; aikiöp, wherever.