Hidden thoughts brought to light
by John Axford
Hidden thoughts brought to light
3712997Hidden thoughts brought to light — Hidden thoughts brought to lightJohn Axford

Hidden Thoughts brought to Lightː


Increase of Knowledge



The Money, Weights, and Measures, mentioned in the Old and New Testament, with their Value, and how much it is in English current Money, whether in Gold or Silver. In Troy Weight, eight Drams make an Ounce, twelve Ounces a Pound, and (illegible text) Weight being the most ancient, what follows it counted and cast up by it in Coin, Weight, &c.

There are three sorts or Kinds of Shekels, also of Talents mentioned in the Scripture of Truth.

First, the common Shekel, which was a Quarter of an Ounce, or two Drams, worth fifteen Pence,

The King's Shekel weighed three Drams, worth one Shilling and Ten-pence Halfpenny

The Shekel of the Sanctuary, or Temple, weighing four Drams, or Half an Ounce, worth two shillings and Sixpence.

Also there are three Sorts of Talents, the Common one which weighed three thousand Quarters of an Ounce, or common Shekel which is six thousand Drams, and worth one hundred and eighty-seven Pounds ten Shillings

The King's Talent weighed three thousand of the King's Shekels, which is nine thousand Drams and worth two hundred and eighty one Pounds and five Shillings

The Talent of the Temple weighed three thousand Shekels of the Temple, which is one thousand, five hundred Ounces and comes to three hundred and seventy five Pounds.

A Silvering, or piece of Silver often mentioned is worth two Shillingss and Six-pence.

The common Shekel of Gold is two Drams and worth fifteen Shillings.

The King's Shekel of Gold is three Drams, and worth one Pound two Shillings and Six pence

The Shekel of Gold of the Temple is four Drams or Half an Ounce, and worth one Pound ten Shillings.

The common Talent of Gold is worth two thousand two hundred and fifty Pounds.

The King's Talent of Gold is worth three thousand three hundred and seventy-five Pounds.

The Talent of Gold of the Sanctuary is worth four thousand five hundred Pounds,

The Jews had another Weight called Mina being not of so much Use as the other; the common Mina of Silver which is six Drams, or thirty seven Shillings and Six pence

The King's Mina being eighty Drams, is fifty Shillings.

The Mina of the Temple is one hundred Drams, that is, three Pounds, two Shillings and Six pence.

There is likewise a Gerah, which is one Penny Halfpenny.

Now follows what the Money, through the whole Bible is worth; with the Names of the Chapters and Verse or Verses where it is mentioned.

Genesis xx. 16.

And to Sarah, King Ahimelech said; I have given to thy Brother one thousand Pieces of Silver, which were called Silverings, is one hundred and twenty five Pounds

Gen. xxiii. 16. And Abraham bought a Burying-place for four hundred Shekels of Silver, current Money with the Merchant, which were common Shekels, is twenty-five Pounds.

Gen. xxiv. 22 That the Man took a golden Ear-ring of Half a Shekel Weight, which is seven Shillings and Six pence; and two Bracelets for her Arms, of ten Shekels Weight of Gold, which is seven Pounds, ten Shillings.

Gen. xxxvii. 28. Joseph's Brethren sold him for twenty Pieces of Silver, which is two Pounds, ten Shillings

Gen. xlv 22. He gave to Benjamin three hundred Pieces of Silver, which is thirty-seven Pounds ten Shillings

Exod. xxv, 39 Of a Talent of pure Gold shall he make it, with all the Vessels; is four thousand five hundred Pounds

Exod. xxx 23 Every one that is numbered to give Half a Shekel of Siver of the Sanctuary is one Shilling and Three pence.

Exod. xxx vii, 23. 24. And he made the seven Lamps and the Snuffers, and the Snuff dishes, of pure Gold, of a Talent Weight is four thousand five hundred Pounds, English current Money

Exod xxxviii 24 All the Gold that was occupied, the Gold of the Offering was twenty-nine Talents, and seven hundred and thirty Shekels, after the Shekel of the Sanctuary; is one hundred and twenty one thousand, five hundred and ninety-five Pounds.

Ver 25 And the Silver of them that was numbered of the Congregation, one hundred Talents, and seven hundred and seventy-five Shekels, after the Shekel of the Sanctuary, comes to thirty seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-one Pounds, seventeen Shillings and Six-pence

Ver 27. And of the hundred Talents of Silver were cast the Sockets of the Sanctuary, and the Sockets of the Vail, one hundred Sockets, a Talent for a Socket; is thirty-seven thousand five hundred Pounds

Ver 28 And of the thousand seven hundred and seventy-five Shekels, he made Hooks for the Pillars; is two hundred and twenty-one Pounds, sixteen Shillings and Eight-pence.

Ver 29 And the Brass of the Offering was seventy Talents, and two thousand four hundred Shekels; it eight thousand eight hundred and fifty Pound Weight, or seventy-nine ton and a half.

Levit xxvii 3 4 The Estimation of a Male from twenty years old to sixty, fifty Shekels of Silver of the Sanctuary is six Pounds five Shillings. If a Female, thirty shekels; is three Pound fifteen shillings.

Ver 5 If it be from five to twenty Years old, the Male twenty shekels; fifty shilling: a Female ten shekels, twenty-five shillings.

Ver 6 If from a Month to five Years old, of a Male five shekels, twelve shillings and six-pence, Female three shekels, seven shillings six pence,

Ver 7 If from sixty and upwards, of a Male, fifteen Shekels thirty-seven Shillings Six pence; Female, ten Shekels, twenty-five Shillings.

Num iii 57 Thou shalt even take five Shekels of the Sanctuary for every Person by the Poll; is twelve shillings and Six-pence a Man.

Ver 50 Of the First-born of the Children of Israel took he a thousand three hundred sixty-five Shekels of the Sanctuary, which is one hundred seventy Pounds twelve Shillings and Six-pence.

Num vii 12 13 14 And Nashen the Son of Aminadab, first made his Offering of a Silver Charger weighing one hundred and thirty Shekels of the Sanctuary, which is sixteen Pound five Shillings; a Silver Bowl of seventy Shekels, is eight Pound fifteen Shillings; a Gold Spoon of ten Shekels fifteen Pounds. This Prince's Offering, in Gold and Silver amounts to forty Pounds, and those of the twelve Princes to four hundred and eighty.

Num xxxi 32 And the Gold of the Offerings to the Lord by the Captains, amounted to sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Shekels is twenty five thousand one hundred twenty five Pounds.

Deut xxii 19 And shall condemn him in one hundred Shekels of Silver, which being common, is six Pound five Shillings

Ver 29 Shall give to the Damsel's Father fifty Shekels of Silver, common, is three Pound two Shillings and Six-pence.

Joshua vii 21 And Achan said, I saw among the Spoils a goodly Babylonish Garment, and two hundred Shekels of Silver, common, twelve Pound ten Shillings and a Wedge of Gold of fifteen Shekels, common, thirty seven Pound ten Shillings

Judges ix 4 And they gave him seventy Pieces of Silver, eight Pounds fifteen Shillings. Judges xvi 5. And the Lords of the Philistines offered Delilah to entice Samson every one of 'em eleven hundred Pieces of silver, one hundred and thirty-seven Pounds ten Shillings; and there being five of them, the whole Sum amounted to five hundred and eighty seven Pounds ten Shillings.

Judges. xvii. 2 And Micah told his Mother he had the eleven hundred Shekels of Silver, which is sixty eight Pounds fifteen Shillings.

Ezra viii 26 I even weigh'd into their Hands six hundred and fifty Talents of Silver, being of the Sanctuary, is two hundred forty three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds: of Silver Vessels one hundred Talents thirty seven thousand five hundred Pounds; of Gold Vessels, an hundred Talents four hundred and fifty thousand Pounds; and twenty Basons of Gold of a thousand Drams, at seven Shillings and Six-pence a Dram is five hundred and twenty five Pounds. In all seven hundred thirty thousand seven-hundred and seventy five Pounds.

Esther iii. 11. And I will pay a thousand Talents of Silver, being the King's, is two hundred eighty one thousand two hundred and fifty Pounds,

I Sam ix 36 And shall bow to him for a Piece of Silver, which is Three-halfpence Farthing.

I Sam ix. 8. I have the fourth Part of a Shekel of Silver, which is Three pence three Farthing

I Sam xvii 4. 5. Goliah of Gath, whose Height was six Cubits and a Span, was armed with a Coat of Mail weighing five thousand shekels of Brass that is, one hundred and four Pound two Ounces. The Staff of this Spear was like a Weaver's Beam. And his Spear's Head weigh'd six hundred Shekels of Iron, which is twelve Pounds and a Half.

2 Sam xiv. 26. When Absalom poll'd his Head at every Year's End, he weigh'd the Hair at two hundred Shekels by the King's Weight, which is six Pound three Ounces,

2. Sam. xviii 11. 12. And Jacob told the Man I would have given thee ten Shekels of Silver, being the King's, is eighteen Shillings and Nine pence; that the Man answer'd. If I should receive a thousand shekels &c ninety-three Pound fifteen Shillings.

2. Sam xxi 30. And he took the King of Amon's crown off his Head, which weighed a Talent of Gold, being the King's is three thousand three hundred and seventy five Pound.

1. Sam xxiv. 24. David bought the Threshing-floor, and the Oxen for fifty Shekels of Silver, of the Sanctuary; six Pound five Shillings.

1. Kings, ix 14 And Hiram sent the King six score Talents of Gold, being the King's, is four hundred and five thousand Pound

Ver 28. And they brought King Solomon from Ophir, four hundred and twenty Talents of Gold. Which is one million four hundred seventy thousand five hundred Pound.

1. Kings. x, 10 The Queen of Sheba gave the king six score Talents of Gold, four hundred five thousand Pound.

Ver 14 The weight of Gold that came to King Solomon in a Year, was six hundred and sixty-six talents two million two hundred and forty-seven thousand, seven hundred and fifty Pound.

Ver 16 King Solomon made, two hundred targets, of beaten Gold, six hundred Shekels to each target which is one hundred and eighty thousand pound the two hundred.

Ver 17 And he made three hundred Shields of gold, three Pound of Gold to a Shield, which in whole amounts to thirty six thousand Pound.

Ver 29 There come up a Chariot from Eygpt for six hundred Shekels of Silver, fifty-six Pound five Shillings and a Horse for one hundred and fifty Shekels of Silver, fourteen Pound one Shilling and Three pence.

1. Kings xvi 24 He bought the Hill Samaria of Shomer, for two Talents of Silver which being the King's Talent, amounts to five hundred and thirty two Pound ten Shillings

1. Kings xx 39 Thy Life shall go for his Life or thou shalt pay a Talent of Silver, being common is one hundred eighty-seven Pound ten Shilling

2. Kings v 23 Naamond said, Take two Talents of Silver, being of the King's is five hundred and sixty-two Pound ten Shilling.

2. Kings vi 27 The Famine at the Siege of Samaria was so great, that an Ass's Head was sold for fourscore Pieces of Silver, which is ten Pounds and the fourth Part of a Cab, or Half a Pint of Dove's Dung for five Pieces of Silver, which is twelve Shillings and Six-pence, They used the Dove's Dung instead of Salt.

2. Kings vii I Elisha said, Hear the Word of the Lord To-morrow shall a Measure of fine flour be sold for a Shekel, one Shilling and Three pence, and two Measures of Barley for a Shekel. A Measure is a Bushel.

2. King xv 19 20 Mandhen gave Paul a thousand Talent of Silver, which is two hundred and eighty one thousand two hundred and fifty Pound and he exacted of each wealthy Men fifty Shekels three Pound to Shillings and Six-pence.

1 Chron xxi 25 David gave two Drams for the place, six hundred Shekels of Gold being of the Sanctuary, is nine hundred Pound.

I Chron xxii 14 Now behold in my Troubles another Translation hath it in my Poverty I have prepared for the House of the Lord one hundred thousand Talents of Gold, being of the Sanctuary, is forty-five Thousand Million of Money a Million being a thousand thousand, or ten hundred thousand and a thousand thousand Talents of Silver, which is, English current Money, thirty seven million five hundred thousand Pound.

I Chron xxix 7 And gave for the Service of the House of God, five thousand Talents, and ten thousand Drams, being of the Sanctuary, is two million two hundred fifty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound; of Silver, ten thousand Talents, which is three million seven hundred and fifty Pounds; and of Brass, eighteen thousand Talents, which is two million two hundred and fifty thousand Pound Weight, or one thousand and four Ton, nine hundred and thirty two Pound; and of Iron, one hundred thousand Talents, that is twelve million five hundred thousand Pound, or five thousand five hundred and seventy-nine Ton, elven hundred and seventy-eight Pound.

2 Chron iii 8 And he overlaid it with fine Gold, of six hundred Talents of the Sanctuary; is two million seven hundred thousand Pound.

Ver 9. And the Weight of the Nails was fifty Shekels of Gold, which is seventy five Pound.

2 Chron viii 18 And they took from Ophir four hundred and fifty Talents of Gold, which is one million five hundred an eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifteen Pound.

2. Chron ix 9. And she gave the King one hundred and twenty Talents of Gold, which is four hundred five thousand Pound.

Ver. 13. The Weight of Gold that came to King Solomon in one Year, was six hundred and sixty six Talents, which is two million, two hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound, according to the King's Talent

Ver. 15. And King Solomon made two hundred Targets of beaten Gold six hundred Shekels of Gold to one Target; in all, one hundred eighty thousand Pound

Ver 16 And three thousand Shields made of beaten Gold, three hundred Shekels went to one Shield, which, in all, comes to one hundred and thirty-five thousand Pound,

2 Chron xxv 6 He hired an hundred thousand valiant Men out of Israel for one hundred talents of Silver of the King's Talent is twenty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty five Pound.

1. Chron xxvii 8 And the Children of Ammon gave him the same Year, one hundred Talents of Silver, being common, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2 Chron xxxvi 3 And condemn'd the land in an hundred Talents of Silver, being common, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound; and a Talent of Gold, common, is two thousand two hundred and fifty Pound

Jerem xxxii 9 And I weigh'd him the Money even seventeen Shekels of Silver, being common, is twenty-one Shillings and Three-pence.

Ezek xlv 12 And the Shekel shall be twenty Gerahs: A Gerah is a Penny Halfpenny,

Hosea iii 2 I bought her unto me for fifteen Pieces of Silver, thirty-seven Shillings Six- pence.

Here follow the Coins and Money mention'd in the Apocrypha.

And he sent to Gabel of Rages, according to some Translations, ten Pound in Silver, is thirty Pound, but, in the English Translation ten Talents being Common, is one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five Pounds.

1. Maccabees xl 42. Demetrius King of Syria, offer'd to give yearly to the Jews to the building of the Temple, fifteen thousand Shekels of Silver, being of the Sanctuary, is a thousand Minas which, at thirty-seven Shillings and Six pence the Mina, is one thousand eight hundred seventy-five Pound; and would restore what had been yearly taken away, being five thousand Shekels of Silver which, is six hundred and twenty five Pound.

1. Macab. zii 19 He sent to Tryphon one hundred Talents of Silver being Common, is, eight thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2. Macab. xiv 24 Simon sent the Romans a large shield of Gold, weighing one thousand Pound, is forty thousand Pound, English Money.

2. Macab. xv 31 Or else give me for them five hundred Talents of Silver and for the other Tributes five hundred Talents, in the Whole, being common, it is one hundred eighty seven thousand five hundred Pound.

Ver 35 Yet we will give one hundred Talents to them being Silver, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2. Macab. iii II There were but four hundred Talents of Silver, of the Sanctuary one hundred fify thousand Pound; and two hundred Talents of Gold, nine hundred thousand Pound.

2. Macab iv 8 9. And he promis'd the King three hundred and three score Talents of Silver and of another Rent four score Talents, and besides this be promised him an hundred and fifty more in all five hundred and ninety Talents of Silver; being Common, is one hundred ten thousand six hundred a twenty five Pound.

Ver. 19. Which brought three hundred Drachmas of Silver for a Sacrifice, is nine Pound five Shillings and Six pence; promising the King three hundred Talents of Silver, Common, is fifty-six thousand two hundred and fifty Pound

2. Macab, viii. 10 Ordain'd also a Tribute for the King of two thousand Talents of Silver, Common, three hundred seventy thousand Pound

Ver. 11. Promising to sell four score and ten Jews for one Talent of Silver, Common, one hundred and eighty-seven Pound ten Shillings

Here begins the New Testament Coins, &c.

MATTHEW xvii. 27.

AND take the Fish that first cometh up; when thou hast open'd his Mouth, thou shalt find a Piece of Money, that take and give for me and thee which was called a Stater, or two Drachmas, worth two Shillings and Six-pence.

Matt xviii.24. and 28. One was brought to him which owed him ten thousand Talents, Common, one Million eight hundred and seventy-five thousand Pounds which was forgiven him, and one of his Fellow servants owed him five hundred Pence called Drachma seven-pence Halfpenny, is three Pound two shillings and six-pence, which he would not forgive.

Matt xxii 19 And they shewed him a Penny, being seven-pence Halfpenny.

Matt xxv 15 To one he gave five Talents, Common, nine hundred and thirty-seven Pound ten shillings: to another two Talents; three hundred and seventy-five Pound; to another one Talent, one hundred eighty-seven Pound ten shillings.

Matt xxvi 15 And they covenanted with Judas thirty Pieces of silver called also silverings, being half an Ounce of silver, two shillings and six pence, which comes to three Pound fifteen shillings.

Acts xix 19 And they counted the Price, and counted it fifty thousand Pieces of silver, which is six thousand two hundred and fifty Pound.

Measures mentioned in the Scriptures of Truth.

There are divers Kinds of Cubits, I The Common Cubit was from the Elbow to the long Finger's End, a Foot and Half, or Half a Yard. 2 The King's Cubit, twenty one inches, a Hand's Breadth more than the Common. 3 The Cubit of the Sanctuary; which is two of the Common, or a full Yard. 4 a Geometrical Cubit, containing six of the Common, or three Yards. According to this Cubit, 'tis thought, Noah's Ark was built.

A Reed is six Common Cubits and a Hand's Breadth, which is three Inches.

A Pace is five Foot.

A Furlong is one hundred and twenty-five Paces, or forty Perch.

A Mile is one thousand Paces, or eight Furlongs; but in the Scriptures, or Hebrew, it is much as a Man can go in Half a Day, or between Meal and Meal.

Judges xx, 16 Among all the People there were seven hundred chosen Men, that were left handed, that could sling at a Hair's Breadth and not miss.

Now a Hair's Breadth is the forty-eighth Part of an Inch, twelve Inches is a foot, sixteen Foot and a Half is a Perch, forty Perches a Furlong and eight Furlongs a Mile.

A Sabbath day's Journey, according to Scripture, is six hundred Paces.

Measures mentioned in the Holy Bible.

First of Dry.

A Cab is a Quart
An Omer is a Quart and a Half
A Seath is a Gallon and a Half
An Ephath is Half a Bushel and a Pottle
Half an Homer is seven Bushels and a Quart
An Homer, or Cor, is fourteen Bushels and a Pottle.
A Chenix is by some counted three Pints five Ounces and a Half, by others a Quart.

The Liquid or Wet Measures.

A Log is Half a Pint
A Hin is three Quarts
A Bath is nine Gallons and three Quarts
A Pot, or Sextary, is a Pint and a Half
A Firkin is four Gallons and a Half.

Of Legions mentioned in the Scriptures,

THinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve Legions of Angels. Twelve Legions is eighty thousand seven hundred and fifty.

Luke vii 30 Jesus said, What is thy Name? And he said, Legion, because many Devils were in him,

Romulus, who built Rome, his Legion consisted of three thousand Foot, and three hundred Horse,

After, in Julius Cæsar's Time, about one hundred and fifty Years before Christ, a Legion was five hundred Foot, and three hundred Horse

Hesysch says, a Legion was six thousand six hundred and sixty six.

After, in Augustus and Tiberius Cæsar's Time, Christ being born and suffer'd, a Legion was six thousand Foot, and seven hundred and thirty Horse.

Of Offices, and Conditions of Men.

PAtriarch is a Father of a Family, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his Sons, Judges, or temporary for a Time supreme Governors appointed over the Children of Israel, King over a Nation, or Kings after the falling of the ten Tribes of Israel, Elders or Senators, the seventy, or Sanhedrim Officers, Prevosts or Sherifts Judges or Rulers such as determined Controversies in particular Cities. An Hebrew, from Ab-Ahein. An Israelite, from Jacob, who was named Israel, call'd Children of Israel. A Proselite of the Covenant who submitted to the Law, and was circumcised. A Proselite of the Gate or stranger, who worshipp'd the true God, and was not circumcised: The Officer or Governor, appointed by the Kings of Asyria and Persia, Heads of the People in Captivity under the Grecian Monarchy The Macabees or Successors of Judas Macabeas, High Priests, who presided kingly Government or Power under the Roman Emperors. Presidents or Governors sent from Rome with Imperial Power. Tetrachs, who have kingly Power over force Provinces Proconsuls, or Deputies of Provinces, inferior Officers Publicans were Tribute or Tax-gatherers, and hated of the Jews, Centurian a Captain of an hundred Men. High Priest, who only might enter into the Holy of Holies. Priest, or Sæven, who supplied the High Priest's Office, in Case he was disabled, some set apart for the War for Expedition. The sons of Aaron, who had divers Ranks, Degrees and Offices in the Temple; also the sons of Levi, who were of three Ranks and Orders, viz Gershonites, Chehorites, and Macarites; also Nichimites inferior servants of the Priest, and Levites, not of their Tribe, to draw Water; and cleave Wood. Prophets, anciently call'd Seers who foretold Things to come, denounced God's judgements against Idolators and Evil-doers, and taught the People. Children of the prophets, their Disciples or scholars, Wisemen, so called in imitation of the Wisemen of the East, or Gentile Philosophers, Scribes, who were Writers or Expounders of the Law. Dissenters, who raised and determined Questions out of the Law. Rabbies, Doctors or Teachers of Israel, Libertines or Freedmen of Rome, who, being Jews or Proselytes, had a Synagogue or Oratory to themselves. Gaulenites or Galileans, who contended it to be unlawful to obey an Heathen Magistrate. Herodians, who shap'd their Religion to the Times, and in flatter'd Herod. Epicureans who placed their Happiness in the Pleasures and Delights of this Life. Stoicks, who denied the Liberty of the Will and presented, that all Events were determined by fatal Necessity. Simon Magus, Author of the Heresy of the Gnostics who taught, that Men, however vicious in their Practices should be saved by their Knowledge. Nicolitains, the Disciples of Nicolas, one of the seven Deacons, who taught the Community of Wives, or Men to have more Wives than one. Nazarites, who, under a Vow, abstained from drinking Wine. Nazarene, professing Christianity. Zealots or Siccori, or Murmurers who, under Pretence of the Law. thought themselves authorised to commit any outrages. Pharisees, separatists, who, having a high Opinion of their own Godliness, despised all others Sadducees, who denied the Resurrection, Angel or Spirit. Samarians, Mungrel Professors, partly Heathen, and partly Jews; the Off-spring of the Assyrians sent to Samaria. Apostle Mission or sent; our Saviour had twelve and after seventy, and sent them to each the Gospel Bishops or Overseers, and their successors, who had the Government of the church, as they are mentioned in the Epistles of Paul and Peter; also Deacons, who were to Preach the Gospel, and take care of the Poor.

Number of Chapters in the Bible, &c.

IN the Old Testament or Bible, are seven hundred and seventy seven Chapters.

In the New Testament, two hundred and sixty Chapters.

In the Apocrypha, one hundred and seventy three Chapters.

In the Old Testament are twenty three thousand two hundred and three Verses.

Several Books mention'd in the Scriptures, supposed
to be lost.

THE Book of Enoch, the Book of Osaldo and Gad Seers.

Samuel wrote a Book of the Office and Instructions of a King,

Solomon wrote a Book of three thousand Parables and five thousand Songs, also of the Nature of Herbs, Trees and Plants, from the Cedar to the Hysop.

A Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

The third of the Corinthians.

The third Epistle of Peter.

The Worth of God by Troy Weight.

One Pound of Gold is worth forty Pound. One Ounce is worth three Pound six Shillings and Eight-pence.

One Grain is worth three Half-pence,

The Worth of Silver by Troy Weight.

One Pound is worth three Pound.
One Ounce worth five Shillings.
One Penny weight worth Three-pence. And
One Grain worth a Half penny.

N. B. The above is the Weight of current Money.

By Avoirdupoise Weight one Pound of Gold is worth forty-nine Pound thirteen Shillings and Eight-pence-Half-penny.

One Pound of Silver, by the same Weight, is worth three Pound fifteen Shillings and Eight-pence Half-penny

By this it appears, that one hundred Pound of Silver weights twenty six Pound five ounces, Avordupoise; and one hundred Pound of Gold, two Pound and about a Quarter of an Ounce.