Index:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu

Title Fables of Æsop and Other Eminent Mythologists
Author Roger L'Estrange
Year 1692
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Pages (key to Page Status)

There is a gap between pp. 306 and 319 (that is, there are no pp. 307–318), but there is no gap in the text.


Alphabetical Table,

Referring to the NUMBER of the Respective


ANT and Fly. 34
Ant and Pigeon. 203
Ant and Grasshopper. 217
Ant formerly a Man. 188
Ape wanting a Tayl, and Fox. 51
Ape and Fox King. 116
Ape and two Brats. 248
Apes Dancing. 375
Ape and Dolphin. 169
Ape and Mountebank. 397
Ape Judge, Fox and Wolfe. 415
Ape and Lyon in's Kingdom. 416
Apes Kingdom. 413
Apples and Horse-Turds. 134
Arion and a Dolphin. 382
Aristotles Tyrant. 189
Ass and Lyon Hunting. 7
Ass Braying and Lyon. 10
Ass and Whelp. 15
Ass and Mastiffe. 191
Ass and Ungrateful Master. 24
Ass, Ape and Mole. 26
Ass and Wolfe. 36
Ase and Pamper'd Horse. 38
Ass Laden and Horse. 63
Ass, Lyon and Fox Hunting. 206
Ass to Jupiter. 208
Ass in a Lyons Skin. 224
Ass and Two Travellers. 376
Ase and Country-man (Alarum.) 262
Ass puts in for an Office. 306
Ass, Sick and Wolfe. 314
Asses Wish. 317
Ass Green and a Widow. 332
Ass, Lyon and Hare. 346
Ass Lyon and Cock 150
Ass Wild and Tame. 190
Asses to Jupiter. 191
Ass and Frogs 192
Ass Gall'd and Raven. 193
Ass, Lyon and Fox, [Treachery.] 194
Ass and Old Man. 358
Ass to be Taught Grammar. 263
Asses and Country-man. 372
Ass, Lyon and Wolves. 396
Two Asses Laden with Salt and Sponge. 408
Ass Judge of Musick 414
Asses Two. Laden. [Oats and Money.] 417
Ass Challeng'd by a Boar. 418
Ass and Shadow. 421
Asses Skin. 437
Ass carrying an Image. 487
Astrologer and Traveller. 94
Bat and Weazle. 39
Bat, Birds and Beasts. 40
Bat, Bramble and Cormorant. 144
Belly and Members. 50
Bear and Two Friends. 227
Beasts and Fishes League. 274
Bear and Bees 290
Three Things better for Beating. 316
Bever Hunted. 89
Bee-Master. 166
Bee went over to the Drones. 461
Bees and Drones. 474
Birds and Beetles. 289
Bitches Bed-maker. 463
Bitch ready to Puppy. 323
Bishop and Curate. 356
Blackbird afraid of a Kite. 409
Bladder with Beans. 423
Blinkard Buying of Wheat. 371
Washing a Black-a-more. 159
Boar and Horse. 56
Boy and False Alarums. 74
Boy and Fortune. 233
Boy and Thief. 241
Boy and Goldfinch. 295
Boy and his Mother. 98
Boy and Snake. 131
Boy and Cockles. 163
Boys and Frogs. 398
Boy would not learn his Book. 454
Boar and Fox. 319
Brother and Sister. 473
Bustard and Cranes. 212
Bull and Goat. 218
Bull and Mouse. 245
Bull and Ram. 331
Bull and Gnat. 450
Cat and Cock. 2
Cat and Venus. 61
Cat and Mice [Dissembling.] 318
Cat Counterfeiting and Mice. 115
Case of Conscience at Play. 498
Camel at first Sight. 70
Camel praying for Horns. 78
Capons Fat and Lean. 264
Cardinal and an Old Friend. 276
Christian and Pagan. 362
Cock and Diamond. 1
Cock and a Fox Case. 400
Cock and Horses. 439
Cocks and Partridge. 84
Cock and Two Young Men. 58
Collier and Fuller. 64
Country-man and Snake Frozen. 9
Country-man, Snake and Child. 30
Country-man and Fortune. 231
Country-man and an Oxe. 242
Country-man and a Boar. 244
Country-man and Hercules. 246
Country-man and Hawk. 257
Country-man and River. 259
Country-man and Mouse. 280
Country-man and Kid. 340
Country-fellow Climbing a Tree. 369
Country-man and Hog. 360
Country-man and Jupiter. 460
Country-man and Panther. 490
Covetous Man and an Envious 238
Covetous Embassador. 275
Counsel of Birds for Chusing Kings. 309
Cockle and Jupiter. 322
Corrupt Officer. 344
Cocks Fighting. 123
Cock and Fox [Peace.] 353
Counsel of Beasts. 399
Cobler turn'd Doctor. 401
Cobler and Financier. 402
Country-fellow and a River Running 422
Consultation about securing a Town 448
Crow and Mustle. 12
Crow and Pitcher. 239
Crow and Raven [foreboding.] 178
Crow and Dog. 179
Crow and Raven. 462
Crab Old and Toting. 221
Crows and Pigeons. 386
Cuckow and Hawk. 261
Cunning Woman. 93
Cuckow and Little Birds. 419
Daw and Borrow'd Feathers. 33
Daw and Pigeons. 181
Daw with a String at's Foot. 182
Demades the Orator. 253
One willing to put off Death. 350
Death and an Old Man. 113
Devil Refus'd to Marry. 459
Demetrius and Menander. 447
Dog and Shadow. 6
Dog and Thief. 21
Dog Old and his Master. 25
Dog, Sheep and Wolfe. 25
Dog and Butcher. 29
Dog in a Manger. 59
Dog with a Bell. 76
Dog and Lyon. 226
Dog run away from his Master. 250
Dog Invited to Supper. 288
Dog and a Wolfe. 106
Dog and Cock on a Journey. 119
Dog Trusty and his Master. 143
Dog and his Master. 464
One Bit by a Dog. 484
Dog and Cat. 88
Dogs and a Raw Hide. 488
Dogs Town and Country. 420
Dr. and Patient [All's well.] 95
Dr. and Patient [sore Eyes.] 114
Drs. and a Sheep. 485
Dr. Vint'ner and Botcher. 494
Droll and a Bishop. 296
Droll and a Crooked Old Man. 277
Eagle and Arrow 48
Eagle and Fox. 72
Eagle and Daw. 75
Eagle and Owl. 214
Eagle and Tortoise. 220
Eagle and Beetle. 378
Eagle and Pye. 279
Eagle and Rabbets. 333
Eagle and Man. 107
Eagle, Cat and Snow. 403
Eagle sets up for a Beauty. 445
Eagle and Leveret. 483
Eele and Snake. 271
Enemies Two at Sea. 91
Estritch, Birds and Beasts. 41
Father and his Sons [Unity.] 62
Father and Sons [Industry.] 108
Farmer and his Dogs. 69
Fawn and Stag. 124
Farmer and his Servant. 170
Fisherman with Little Fish. 216
Fishermans Good Luck. 110
Fishermen Disappointed. 112
One at a Fish-Dinner. 407
Fisherman and Pipe. 109
Fishing in Troubled Waters. 168
Fir and Bramble. 237
Fishes and Frying-Pan. 273
Fig-Tree and Thorn. 466
Fly upon a Wheel. 270
Flea and Man. 139
Flea and Hercules. 140
Florentine and Horse-Courser. 361
Flattery, No Law against it. 480
Fox and Lyon. 13
Fox and Stork. 31
Fox and Carv'd Head. 32
Fox and Sick Lyon. 54
Fox and Weazle. 55
Fox and Lyon [first sight.] 71
Fox and Hare to Jupiter. 79
Fox and Leopard. 252
Fox and Worm. 225
Fox and Cat. 374
Fox and Hedge-Hog. 254
Fox and Gossips. 263
Fox and Sick Cock. 315
Fox and Hare. 325
Fox Praising Hares Flesh. 338
Fox and Goat. 83
Fox that lost his Tayl. 101
Fox and Bramble. 102
Fox and Crocodile. 103
Fox and Huntsman. 104
Fox and Grapes. 129
Fox and Crab. 175
Fox Condemn'd. 406
Fox and Wolfe 410
Fox and Cock [sore Eye.] 432
Fox and Dragon. 475
Fowler and Pigeon. 66
Fowler and Chaffinch. 291
Fowler and Blackbird. 96
Fowler and Patridge. 132
Fool and a Hot Iron. 438
Fool and a Sive. 465
Fortune-Teller. 92
Fortune and Two Friends. 453
Frog and Mouse. 4
Frog Chuse a King. 19
Frog and Oxe. 35
Frogs and Tortoises. 286
Frogs wanting Water. 142
Frogs Two Neighbors. 165
Frogs and Bulls. 404
Frogs and Sun. 405
Fryer, Laique and Wolf. 366
Friends Few. 486
One had a mind to Try his Friends. 337
Gard'ner and his Dog. 151
Gard'ner and his Landlord. 387
Gard'ner and Mole. 440
Gnat and Bee. 345
A Man Refuses a Glyster. 313
Gnat and a Lion. 201
One Dreamt he found Gold. 359
Goat and Vine. 149
Gourd and Pine. 380
Goose and Goslin. 222
Hares and Frogs. 27
Hare and Sparrow. 431
Hare and Tortoise. 133
Hares, Foxes and Eagles. 187
Two Men and a Halter. 477
Hen and Golden Eggs. 247
Hermit and Soldier. 301
Hedge-Hog and Snake. 324
Hen and Swallow. 195
Hedge destroy'd. 449
Sick Hermit. 281
Hercules and Plato. 455
Horse and Lyon. 37
Horse and Hog. 299
Horse Skittish. 479
Horse-man's Wig Blown off. 228
Hound and Mastiff. 172
Husband-man and Stork. 73
Husband-man and Ceres. 256
Husband-man turn'd Soldier and Merchant. 305
Husband, Wife, and Ghostly Father. 357
Husband and Wife twice Marry'd. 302
Hunts-man and Currier. 300
Husband Jealous. 312
Hypocrite. 497
Image Expos'd to Sale. 446
Impertinent and a Philosopher. 327
Impertinent Doctor and Patient. 205
Impostor to the Oracle. 86
Industry and Sloth. 352
Joy and Sorrow near a-kin. 433
Jupiter and an Ape. 213
Jupiter and a Bee. 125
Jupiter and an Serpent. 138
Jupiter and Frauds. 183
Jupiter and Modesty. 184
Jupiter's Wedding. 185
Jupiter and a Herds-man. 200
Jupiter's Altar Robb'd. 385
Jupiter and a Farmer. 435
Jupiter's Two Wallets. 388
Kite Sick and her Mother. 17
Kite, Hawk and Pigeons. 20
King and a Rich Subject. 389
Kingsfisher. 167
Lark and her Young. 52
Lark in a Net. 145
Lapwing Preferr'd. 297
Lad Robbing an Orchard. 342
Large Promises. 111
Lamb, Wolf and Goat. 384
Laconique Try'd and Cast. 492
Lady in Tears for a Set of Horses. 496
Luck Good and Bad. 230
Lyon and Bear. 5
Lyon Old. 14
Lyon and Mouse. 16
Lyon and Frog. 202
Lyon and Goat. 210
Lyon and Bulls. 236
Lyon and Man. 240
Lyon and Mouse. 303
Lyon and Hog. 344
Lyon and Bull. 120
Lyon in Love. 121
Lyon, Fox and Wolfe. 156
Lyon and Man in the Wood. 430
Lyon, Boar and Vulturs. 456
Lyon Generous. 472
Lyon Raging. 412
Man and Satyr. 243
Man Wicked and the Devil. 308
One that Cur'd Mad-men. 368
Man and Weazle. 127
Man and a Swallow. 441
Man and a Wooden God. 105
Man and the Picture of a Lyon. 100
Man and Two Wives. 141
Unhappy Match. 173
Young Fellow about to Marry. 425
Matchiavel Condemn'd. 493
Mercury and Fishermen. 377
Mercury and a Traveller. 97
Mercury and a Carpenter. 128
Mercury and a Statuary. 170
Mercury and Tiresias. 171
Marchant and a Sea-man. 390
Mice and Oak. 287
Mice, Cat and Bell. 391
Miller and Ratt. 500
Miser burying his Gold. 146
Miser and his Bags. 351
Miser and Rotten Apples. 458
Mountain in Labour. 23
Mountebank and Bear, 478
No to Morrow. 495
Mouse in a Chest. 255
Mouse City and Country. 11
Mouse and Kite. 321
Mole and her Dam. 136
Moon begs a New Gown. 425
Mule Boasting. 418
Musician. 176
Nightingale and Hawk. 343
Nightingale and Bat. 462
One would here no Ill News. 457
Nurse and Wolf. 219
Oak and Reed. 215
Old Fellow and Young Wench. 278
Owl and Little Birds. 379
Owl and the Sun. 434
Ox and Heifer. 249
Oxen and Timber. 294
Oxen and a piece of Timber. 265
One carry'd his Plough to Ease his Oxen. 373
Peacock tu Juno. 80
Peacock and Pye. 204
Peacock and Crane. 234
Peach-Apple and Black-berry. 135
Pigeon and Pye. 260
Pigeon and Picture. 196
Pigeon and Crow. 197
Pigeons Reconcile the Hawks. 347
Pike sets up for Sovereignty. 334
Plain Horse wins the Prize. 339
One that Lost his Money at Play. 370
Priest and Pears. 298
Priest and Epiphany. 364
Priest and Sick-man. 367
Two Pots. 229
Raven and Wolves. 381
Raven and Swan. 160
Rats that Eat Copper. 451
Raven and Snake. 180
Reason of State. 482
River Fish and Sea Fish. 251
River and Fountain. 307
Rich Man would be no Richer. 400
Rich Man and Poor. 468
Rich Man and Servant. 282
Satyr and Fire. 471
Sea-men Praying to Saints. 272
Sheep and Crow. 77
Sheep-biter Hang'd. 330
Sheep Quarrels with the Shepherd. 335
Shepherd turn'd Merchant. 99
Shepherd and Wolves Whelp. 155
Shepherd and Sheep. 199
Shepherd, Wolfe and Fox. 443
Shipwrack of Simonides. 476
Smith and his Dog. 117
Snake and File. 44
Snake to Jupiter. 285
Snake and Crab. 154
Soldiers and Two Horses. 191
Son Singing at's Mothers Funeral. 311
Sow and Dog. 152
Sow and Bitch. 153
Two Soldiers go Halves. 419
The Incorrigible Son. 329
Spider and Goat. 388
Spaniel and Sow. 293
Stag Drinking. 43
Stag and Oxen. 53
Stag and Horse. 57
Stag with One Eye. 147
Stag and Lyon. 148
Sun and Wind. 223
Swallow and Other Birds. 18
Swallow and Spider. 258
Swan and Stork. 267
Swan and Goose. 158
Swallow and Crow. 161
Taylor and his Wife. 354
A Tavern Bill paid with a Song. 365
Thrush taken with Birdlime. 49
Thrush and Swallow. 65
Thunny and Dolphin. 90
Thieves that Stole a Cock. 177
Tree and Wedge. 47
Old Tree Transplanted. 82
Trees Streight and Crooked. 266
Travellers and a Bag of Money. 164
Travellers by the Sea-side. 189
Two Travellers of Differing Humors. 393
Two Travellers find and Oyster. 411
A Bragging Traveller. 85
Travellers Dreaming. 481
Trumpeter taken Prisoner. 67
Tyger and Fox 235
Usurers and Curryers. 392
Vulturs Invitation. 211
Wax and Brick 304
Wasps in a Honey-Pot. 126
Wasps, Patridges and Husbandman. 137
Old Weazle and Mice. 81
Wench parting with her Sweet-heart. 269
A Creaking Wheel. 339
The Inconsolable Widow. 268
An Old Man gives over Whoring. 326
Widow had a mind to Marry. 283
Wife and Drunken Husband. 157
Wolfe and Lamb. 3
Wolfe and Crane. 8
Wolfe and Sow. 22
Wolfe, Kid and Goat. 28
Wolfe and Fox 42
Wolves and Sheep League. 45
Wolves and Dogs agree. 394
Wolfe, Lamb and Goat. 60
Wolfe and Kid. 207
Wolfe and Procupine. 320
Wolfe and Sheep-skin. 328
Wolfe and Lyon. 130
Wolfe and Kid. 174
Wolfe and Sheep. 186
Wolfe turn'd Shepherd. 395
Wolfe turns Religious. 436
Wolfe and Fox. 467
Wolfe and Hog. 469
Wolfe and a Weak Toung Man. 341
A Trepanning Wolfe. 499
A Woman and her Maids. 209
An Old Woman and the Devil. 282
A Woman would Dye for her Husband. 310
A Woman brought Fire into the House. 348
A Woman and a Fat Hen. 87
Woman and Two Daughters. 198
A Woman Drown'd. 355
Woman Trusted with a Secret. 427
Woman and Thrushes. 428
Woman, Cat and Mice. 442
Woman Reviv'd with Beating. 452