Index:Gammer Gurton's garland, or, the nursery Parnassus (IA bim eighteenth-century gammer-gurtons-garland 1795).djvu

Title Gammer Gurton's Garland
Author Joseph Ritson
Year 1795
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Part I
  • The Frog and Mouse
  • The Lady and the Swine
  • The Cambrick Shirt
  • London Bridge is broken down
  • The Three Children
  • Robin, Bobbin, Richard, and John
  • The Short Courtship
  • The Old Woman that was toss'd in a Blanket
  • The Old Man and the Oak
  • A Solemn Dirge
  • Trip upon Trenchers
  • T'other little Tune
  • The Three Wise Men of Gotham, who went to Sea in a Bowl
  • Song of Sixpence
  • The Cat and the Fiddle
  • The Woodcock, the Sparrow, and the little Dog
  • The Two Birds
  • The surprizing Old Woman
  • The miraculoud Guinea-pig
  • Piper & the Fidler's Wife
  • Betty Pringle's Pig
  • The Nurse's Song
  • Another
  • Another

Part II

  • A Man of Words
  • The Valentine
  • Three Brethren out of Spain
  • Robin and Richard
  • Robin the Bobbin
  • Bah, Bah, Black Sheep
  • Patty Cake
  • Who's there?
  • Cross Patch
  • Mistress Mary
  • The Old Man & his Calf
  • Jack a Nory
  • Great A
  • See Saw
  • (unnamed poems:)
    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • Here stands a fist
    • A little old man and I fell out
    • Little boy, pretty boy, where was you born?
    • The man in the moon
    • Four-and-twenty tailors
    • Jack and Gill
    • See saw, Margery Daw
    • There was an old woman, she liv'd in a shoe
    • Shoe the colt
    • Is John smith within?
    • Ride a cock horse
    • Ride a cock horse, to Banbury cross
    • O that I was where I would be!
    • I see the moon, and the moon sees me
    • Cock a doodle doo
    • Round about, round about
    • There was an old man in a velvet coat
    • Little Jack Horner
    • Little Tom Tucker
    • A Diller, a dollar
    • I am a pretty wench
    • What care I how black I be
    • Lady bird, Lady bird
    • John, come sell thy fiddle
    • Goose-a, goose-a, gander
  • The Speech of the Horse that spoke to his Master
  • (more untitled poems:)
    • Come, let's to bed
    • There was an old woman
    • There was an old woman
    • To make your candles last for aye
    • I doubt, I doubt
    • Hark, hark, the dogs do bark
    • When I was a batchelor
    • Taffy was a Welchman
    • I had a little husband
    • Old father Greybeard
    • I will tell my own daddy
    • I had a little moppet
    • Up hill and down dale

Additions (handwritten)

  • Old woman, old woman, shall we go a shearing?
  • Shail, snail, come out of your hole
  • I'll sing you a song
  • Bell horses bell horses
  • Bake the cake bake the cake
  • Little Tom Dandy
  • O the little rusty dusty rusty Miller
  • There was a little pretty lad
  • The rose is red, the grass is green
  • Doctor Foster was a good man
  • Bee bye bunting
  • Sing jig my jole, the pudding bowl
  • There was an old woman She liv'd in a shoe
  • Little boy Bluet come blow me your horn
  • Pussy cat, pussy cat will thou be mine?
  • Danty baby diddy
  • Dingle dingle doosey
  • Fee dum fiddle dum fee

(More hand-written additions)

  • Little Tee Wee
  • Old Betty Blue
  • To market, to market
  • Come riddle me riddle me
  • Whiskum whaskum over my knee
  • Somersetshire Mummers at Christmas
  • On Shrove Tuesday
  • A little old man of Derby
  • Pussy cat Miaw jumped over a coal
  • Diddle diddle dumpling my son John
  • When I was a little boy
  • Behold a royal dog from Kew
  • Charley loves good ale and beer
  • Multiplication is a vexation
  • Rain rain go away
  • My head doth ache
  • Jack be nimble and Jack be quick
  • Onery, ooery, ickery ah
  • Three crooked cripples went through Cripplegate
  • My grandmother sent me
  • A Thatcher of Thackwood
  • When Jacky's a very good boy
  • There was a jolly miller