Index:Robert Carter- his life and work. 1807-1889 (IA robertcarterhis00coch).pdf

Title Robert Carter: His Life and Work. 1807-1889
Author Annie Carter Cochran
Year 1891
Publisher Anson D. F. Randolph and Co.
Location New York
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
OCLC 1902736


Pages 1–31.

Early Days in Scotland. Birth and Parentage. Desire for Education. Adventure with a Dog. Buying Josephus. Village Fair. Foster’s Essays. Joining the Church. Anecdotes of his Father. Fireside Stories. Harvesting. Teaching at Fifteen. Walk to Peebles. Dr. Sloan’s School. Edinburgh University. Professor Pillans. Lubienski. Decides to come to America.

Pages 32–49.

Leaving Home. Incidents of the Voyage. First Day In New York. Dr. Griscom. Professor Anthon. Hon. Gulian C. Verplanck. Dr. Stark. The Scotch Church. Different Schools. Marriage. Entering Business. Bible the First Book sold. Resolved against Debt. Consecrating Half his Income.

Pages 50–76.

Death of his First-Born. Miss Catherine Sinclair. Visit to Europe in 1841. D’Aubigné’s History of the Reformation. Horne’s Introduction. Business Principles. Aim in all Publications. Tribute of Mr. Randolph. Incidents of Western Journeys. Death of his Father. Board of Foreign Missions. Hon. Walter Lowrie. Mr. William Steel. Free Church of Scotland.

Pages 77–105.

Voyage to Europe in 1846. Interviews with Dr. Chalmers and others. “God in the Storm.” Dr. Lyman Beecher. Dr. Thomas De Witt. Bookstore a Rendezvous for Clergymen. Authors his Friends. His Brothers made Partners. Affectionate Relations between Brothers. Peacemaking. Visitation of Sick and Afflicted. Story of Kate Curtis. Last Interview with Dr. Griscom. Mr. Carter’s Prayers. Testimony of a Unitarian Friend.

Pages 106–143.

Mr. Samuel Thomson. The Two Mothers. Home Life and Family Training. Europe in 1854. Enthusiastic Traveller. Dr. Norman Macleod. Mrs.Lundie Duncan. Loss of the “Arctic.” Hospitality. Fugitive Slaves. Katy Ferguson. Aged Slave Woman in Charleston. Desire for his Children’s Conversion. Temperance Stories. Sharon Springs. Professor Mitchell. Archbishop Hughes. Dr. Thornwell.

Pages 144–173.

American Bible Society. Princeton Seminary. New York Sabbath Committee. Europe in 1861. Dr. Macleod again. Journey with Dr. Guthrie. John Brown, M.D. Magdalen Asylum. The Queen at Crathie Church. Professor Mitchell. Italy. Archbishop Hughes again. Rome in 1862. Sunday at La Tour. Dr. Cesar Malan. Letters from Dr. and Mrs. Guthrie.

Pages 174–197.

Country Parishes. Stockbridge and Egremont. Interest in the Young. Southern Friends. An Aged Heroine. Death of his Mother. Letters from Dr. McCosh. General Assembly Experiences. Ministerial Relief. Peoria and Newark. National Presbyterian Convention. Prayer for Unity. Assembly at Albany. Story of Lord Kilmarnock. New York, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia.

Pages 198–230.

Dr. Cuyler. President Hopkins. Dr. Parker. Bishop Bickersteth. Golden Wedding. Testimonial from Booksellers. Mr. Randolph and Dr. Prime. Dr. Macduff. Deaths of Mr. Cochran and of Mrs. Carter. Letters. Interest for his Grandchildren. Last Illness.

Pages 231–242.

Resolutions of Board of Foreign Missions. American Bible Society and Sabbath Committee.

Pages 243–246.

Pages 247–250.