Page:Robert Carter- his life and work. 1807-1889 (IA robertcarterhis00coch).pdf/199

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“The venerable Samuel Rutherford, writing to a lady sorely bereaved, uses this language: ‘Build not your nest on any tree in this forest, for your Master has sold them all to death, and he will soon come and take them all away.’

“Grandmother, Mrs. Carter, and all of us, deeply sympathize with you and Miss Brown. The Lord deal very tenderly with you, and show you wherefore he contendeth with you, and make you to become more and more fruitful. ‘Whom he loveth, he chasteneth,’ He hath taken your loved child to himself. He hath washed her, and made her white and clean, and hath clothed her with the spotless robe of Christ’s righteousness. How happy she is now! how holy! how loving! We cannot think of her but as the bride adorned for her husband.

“Richard Cameron was beheaded at Airsmoss, in Scotland, and the headless body was there buried. Shortly after, Alexander Peden sat on the grave, and, wayworn and weary, raised his eyes to Heaven, and exclaimed, ‘O to be wi’ Ritchie!’

“We shall go to her; she shall not return to us. She is not dead, but sleepeth. May we too sleep as sweetly as she does in the blessed Saviour when our day is done and the night cometh! ‘Peace be unto you.’ ‘The very God of peace dwell in you richly, and make you to abound more and more in the fruits of the Spirit.’ ‘The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble, the name of the God of Jacob defend thee, send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion.’

“I am glad that our dear brother M. is so near you. He is a wise counsellor, and loves you.

“May the Master open his lips, and cause him to speak comfortable words.