Index:Sewell Indian chronography.pdf

Title Indian Chronography
Author Robert Sewell
Year 1912
Publisher George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.
Location London
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


List of Errata in the "Indian Calendar" xi.
Additional Notes xii.
Introductory 1
Dates of early inscriptions 2
Explanations and definitions 5
Solar Reckoning—
Saṁkrāntis 9
Calculation by mean motion 11
Tropical saṁkrāntis 11
Rules for finding moments of 12
The śōdhya, and Dr. Schram's calculations 14
Professor Jacobi's "Indian Antiquary" (Vol. XVII.) Tables 1 to 4 (pp. 161, 162) 18
Note on the Kollam era 18
Days of a civil month—The four rules 18
Conversion of results by the Ārya into results by the Sūrya Siddhānta, and vice versa 19
Correction I. (year-lengths) 19
Correction II. (month-lengths) 21
Correction III. (śōdhya-lengths) 22
Mēsha saṁkrānti according to the Original Sūrya Siddhānta 23
Mēsha saṁkrānti according to the Brāhma Siddhānta 25
Mēsha saṁkrānti according to the Siddhānta Śirōmaṇi 26
Luni-Solar Reckoning—
Preliminary 28
The beginning of the luni-solar year 29
The ordinary civil beginning 30
Amānta and pūrṇimānta systems 31
Computation by true lunar months and tithis 31
Rule for finding a, b, c in very early years 32
Professor Jacobi's "Indian Antiquary" (Vol. XVII.) Tables 5 and 6 34
Adhika and kshaya tithis 35
Computation by mean lunar months and tithis 36
Intercalations and suppressions of lunar months. True and mean systems 37
Conversion of results by the Ārya into results by the Sūrya Siddhānta, and vice versa 39
(a) The "true" or "apparent" system 39
(b) The mean system 40
Nakshatras, Yōgas, and Karaṇas—
Nakshatras 40
Yōgas 45
Karaṇas 45
The sixty-year cycle of Jupiter—General remarks 46
Calculation by the Sūrya Siddhānta without the bīja 49
Calculation by the Sūrya Siddhānta with the bīja 52
Calculation by the First Ārya Siddhānta or Āryabhaṭīya 53
Calculation by the Original Sūrya Siddhānta 55
Calculation by the Brāhma Siddhānta and Siddhānta Śirōmaṇi 58
Calculation by the Second Ārya Siddhānta 62
Calculation with reference to mean Mēsha saṁkrānti 64
Difference in reckoning in Northern and Southern India since about A.D. 908 64
The twelve-year cycle of Jupiter 65
Jupiter's mean longitude 66
Jupiter's true longitude 69
Note on preparation of Table XXXVIII. B., being a continuation of Table I. of the Indian Calendar to A.D. 1950 72
The lagna 74
Hints 75
Solar reckoning:
1, 2. Apparent Mēsha saṁkrānti. Time of—by different authorities 81
3, 4. Apparent Mēsha saṁkrānti. Time of—in very early years 81
5, 6. Mean Mēsha saṁkrānti. Time of—by different authorities 82
7, 8. Conversion of results by the Ārya into results by the Sūrya Siddhānta, and vice versa 83
9, 10. Tropical, or sāyana, Mēsha saṁkrāntis 84
11, 12. Other "true" saṁkrāntis 86
13, 14. Conversion (as above) 86
15, 16. Other mean saṁkrāntis 87
17, 18. Conversion (as above) 87
18a, 18b. Other tropical saṁkrāntis 88
Note to Examples 9, 10, 18a, 18b 90
19. The European civil day corresponding to a given Hindū solar day 90
Luni-solar reckoning:
20—22a. The true tithi current at any moment, and the times of its beginning and ending in mean time 91
23. How to find if a true tithi was added or suppressed 95
24. The mean tithi current at any moment, and the times of its beginning and ending 97
26. To prove a date where a given tithi is coupled with a solar date 99
"True" intercalations and suppressions of lunar months by the Ārya Siddhānta—
27. A common year 100
28. Year with intercalation 101
29. Year with suppression 103
The same by the Sūrya Siddhānta—
30. A common year 105
31. Year with intercalation 105
32. Year with suppression 106
33, 34, 35. Conversion of results (as above) 107
Mean intercalations of lunar months by the Ārya Siddhānta
36. A common year 108
37. Year with intercalation 109
The same by the Sūrya Siddhānta
38. A common year 109
39. Year with intercalation 110
39a, 39b. Conversion of results (as above) 110
40, 41, 42. Calculation by mean lunar months in case of a year succeeding one in which there was an intercalation of a month by the mean, but not by the "true" system. Use of table XXIV. 111
Nakshatras, Yōgas, and Karaṇas—
43. The moon's nakshatra at any moment 113
44. Its beginning and ending times 114
45. The same—an example from N. India 115
46. The same, by Dr. Schram's method 116
47. The yoga at any given moment 116
47a. The karaṇa at any given moment 116
Bṛihaspati, or Jovian, saṁvatsaras—
48, 49. To find which saṁvatsara begain in a given solar year, and which was current at apparent Mēsha saṁkrānti 117
50. To find the time of beginning and ending of a Jovian saṁvatsara, by the Sūrya Siddhānta without the bīja 118
51. Ditto, and the sign in which mean Jupiter stood 119
52. Ditto . Rough process 120
53. To find the same by the Sūrya Siddhānta with the bīja 120
54. Ditto. The end of the saṁvatsara 121
55. Ditto, and the sign in which mean Jupiter stood 122
56, 57, 58. The same by the Ārya Siddhānta 122
59. The same by the Original Sūrya Siddhānta 122
59a. The same by the Brāhma Siddhānta and Siddhānta Śirōmaṇi 122
60. The Kollam era. The twelve-year cycle 123
61. To find Jupiter's mean longitude at any time 124
62. To find the true longitude of Jupiter at any time 126
63. To find the time of any day when a particular sign of the zodiac becomes, or remains, lagna, i.e., rising on the eastern horizon 127
XVII. For conversion of the time of Mēsha saṁkrānti as found by the Ārya Siddhānta into the same by the Sūrya Siddhānta, and vice versa 131
XVIII.A. Duration and collective duration of "true" solar months, with their increase in a, b, c; by the Ārya Siddhānta 132
XVIII.B. The same by the Sūrya Siddhānta 132
XVIII.C. Difference in time and in a, b, c between the Ārya and Sūrya Siddhāntas at the moments of the several solar saṁkrāntis 133
XIX.A. Collective duration of mean solar months, and increase at each saṁkrānti, by the Ārya Siddhānta 134
XIX.B. The same by the Sūrya Siddhānta 134
XX.A. The length of each "true" solar month in time and decimals of a day, by the Ārya and Sūrya Siddhāntas 135
XX.B. The ayanāṁśas, or amount of precession of the equinoxes in degrees, for 2000 years, according to the Sūrya Siddhānta 136
XXI. Collective duration in days of mean lunar months from new-moon of amānta Chaitra; and the same for the mean tithis of every mean lunar month 137
XXII. Correspondence in degrees of signs and nakshatras 138
XXIII. Dr. Schram's Table for determination of nakshatras and yōgas 139
XXIV. Commencement of the luni-solar year in certain years when the mean system of intercalations of lunar months is used 140
XXV. Conversion of ghaṭikās and palas into hours and minutes, and vice versa 141
XXVI.A. and B. Renumbered as Tables XLI.A and B below.
XXVII. and XXVII.A. The 60-saṁvatsara cycle of Jupiter by the Sūrya Siddhānta without the bīja 142, 143
XXVIII. and XXVIII.A. The same, by the Sūrya Siddhānta with the bīja 144, 145
XXIX. and XXIX.A. The same, by the First Ārya Siddhānta 146, 147
XXX. and XXX.A. The same, by the Original Sūrya Siddhānta 148, 149
XXXI. and XXXI.A. The same, by the Brāhma Siddhānta and Siddhānta Śirōmaṇi 150, 151
XXXII. The twelve-year cycle of Jupiter 152
XXXIII. For finding the mean place of Jupiter. His mean motion in terms of years 153
XXXIV. Mean motion of Jupiter and sun in days, hours and minutes 154
XXXV. For finding the true place of Jupiter. Tables of parallax and equation of the centre 155
XXXVI. Conversion of decimals of a day into hours, minutes and seconds 156
Preliminary note to Table XXXVII. 157
XXXVII. Elements of the several Siddhāntas. Motion of sun and Jupiter 158, 159
XXXVIII.A. Extension of Table I., Indian Calendar, backwards to 59 B.C., for fixing times of apparent Mēsha saṁkrānti by the Ārya Siddhānta 160-164
XXXVIII.B. Extension of Table I., Indian Calendar, forwards from A.D. 1900 to A.D. 1950 166-169
XXXVIII.C. Mean Mēsha saṁkrānti by the Ārya Siddhānta from A.D. 499 to A.D. 1075 170-173
XXXIX. Century-Table for luni-solar reckoning. (Jacobi's Ind. Ant., Vol. XVII., Table 6 enlarged) 174
XL. B.C. Year-Table for luni-solar reckoning. (Jacobi's Ind. Ant., Vol. XVII., Table 5, adapted) 175
XLI.A. and XLI.B. The European Julian and Gregorian Calendars 176, 177
XLI.C. Table for finding the day of Mesha saṁkrānti 177
Index 179–187