Index:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu

Title Statutes of Canada, 31 Victoria, Volume 1
Year 1867
Publisher Malcolm Cameron
Location Ottawa
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 9037029
Volumes Vol. I: 1867Vol. II: 1868

Imperial Acts


  1. An Act respecting the Statutes of Canada
  2. An Act respecting the Office of Speaker of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada
  3. An Act relating to the Indemnity to Members and the Salaries of the Speakers, of both Houses of Parliament
  4. An Act for granting to Her Majesty a certain sum of money required for defraying the expenses of the Public Service not otherwise provided for, for the period therein mentioned, for certain purposes respecting the Public Debt; and for raising money on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund
  5. An Act respecting the collection and management of the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts, and the liability of Public Accountants
  6. An Act respecting the Customs
  7. An Act imposing Duties of Customs, with the Tariff of Duties payable under it
  8. An Act respecting the Inland Revenue
  9. An Act to impose Duties on Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange
  10. An Act for the regulation of the Postal Service
  11. An Act respecting Banks
  12. An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada
  13. An Act respecting the construction of "The Intercolonial Railway."
  14. An Act to protect the inhabitants of Canada against lawless aggressions from subjects of Foreign Countries at Peace with Her Majesty
  15. An Act to prevent the unlawful training of persons to the use of arms, and the practise of Military evolutions; and to authorize Justices of the Peace to seize and detain arms collected or kept for purposes dangerous to the public peace
  16. An Act to authorize the apprehension and detention of such persons as shall be suspected of committing acts of hostility or conspiring against Her Majesty's Person and Government
  17. An Act for the Settlement of the Affairs of the Bank of Upper Canada
  18. An Act to amend the Act of Incorporation of the Commercial Bank of Canada, to authorize its amalgamation with any other Bank or Banks, or for its winding up
  19. An Act to amend "The Grand Trunk Arrangements Act, 1862," and for other purposes
  20. An Act to incorporate the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company
  21. An Act to amend and consolidate the several Acts incorporating and relating to the Canadian Inland Steam Navigation Company, and to change its corporate name to that of the Canadian Navigation Company, and for other purposes

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