Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/54

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30º & 31º Victoriæ, Cap. 124.

Merchant Shipping Act, 1867.

  • Medicines and Medical Stores in accordance with the Scale appropriate to the said Ship, and also a Copy of the said Book or of One of the said Books containing Instructions :
  • (3.) No Lime of Lemon Juice shall be deemed fit and proper to be taken on board any such Ship, for the Use of the Crew or Passengers thereof, unless the same has been obtained from a Bonded Warehouse for and to be shipped as Stores ; and no Lime or Lemon Juice shall be so obtained or delivered from any Warehouse as aforesaid unless the same is shown, by a Certificate under the Hand of an Inspector appointed by the Board of Trade, to be proper for Use on board Ship, such Certificate to be given upon Inspection of a Sample after Deposit of the said Lime 6r Lemon Juice in the Warehouse ; nor unless the same contains Fifteen per Centum of proper and palatable Proof Spirits, to be approved by such Inspector, or by the proper Officer of Customs, and to be added before or immediately after the Inspection thereof; nor unless the same is packed in such Bottles, at such Time and in such Manner, and is labelled in such Manner as the Commissioners of Customs may direct ; provided that when any such Lime or Lemon Juice is deposited in any Bonded Warehouse, and has been approved as aforesaid by the said Inspector, the said Spirits, or so much of the said Spirits as is necessary to make up Fifteen per Centum, may be added in such Warehouse, without Payment of any Duty thereon; and when any Spirit has been added to any Lime or Lemon Juice, and the same has been labelled as aforesaid, it shall be deposited in the Warehouse for Delivery as Ship's Stores only, upon such Terms and subject to such Regulations of the Commissioners of Customs as are applicable to the Delivery of Ship's Stores from the Warehouse :
  • (4.) The Master or Owner of every such Foreign-going Ship (except those bound to European Ports or to Ports in the Mediterranean Sea, and also except such Ships or Classes of Ships bound to Ports on the Eastern Coast of America North of the Thirty-fifth Degree of North Latitude, and to any Islands or Places in the Atlantic Ocean North of the same Limit, as the Board of Trade may from Time to Time exempt from this Enactment,) shall provide and cause to be kept on board such Ship a sufficient Quantity of Lime or Lemon Juice from the Warehouse duly labelled as aforesaid, such Labels to remain intact until Twenty-four Hours at least after
