Index talk:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Tolkien and Gordon - 1925.djvu

Latest comment: 3 years ago by Cygnis insignis

Welcome to this project to transcribe one of the first major texts by J.R. Tolkien to enter the Public Domain. Old and Middle English poems such as this one would serve as inspiration for his better known works, such as The Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This poem tells the story of how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who dares any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Little does Sir Gawain know...

A few things to look out for:

  • Þ þ known as thorn is a letter found in Middle English pronounced like "th." Þ is the capital form and þ is the lowercase form.
  • Ƿ ƿ known as wynn is a letter found in Middle English pronounced like "w." Ƿ is the capital form and ƿ is the lowercase form.
  • Ȝ ȝ known as yogh is a letter found in Middle English pronounced like "y." Ȝ is the capital form and ȝ is the lowercase form.
  • For line numbers use {{pline|the line number|r}}<br />
  • For the annotations at the bottom of the page use {{tooltip|original word|text from the bottom of the page}}

Thank you for contributing to this project! Languageseeker (talk) 14:40, 9 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

{{tooltip}} should only be used for Wikisource annotations, both because they won't show up or be easily accessible to some users, and because that's the convention, and using it for text in the printed book is confusing to anyone who understands that convention.--Prosfilaes (talk) 07:04, 10 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
It also will not show up in exported versions (PDF or EPUB). I think a footnote is the thing here. Inductiveloadtalk/contribs 09:43, 10 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

We actually had a long discussion about this in the talk page on the Yale Shakespeare portal. In short, tooltips allow for an uninterrupted reading while footnotes do not. I think that we should automatically convert tool tips to footnotes for ePub and pdf export. I’ll post that idea in the relevant discussion. Languageseeker (talk) 18:51, 10 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
You mean Portal talk:The Yale Shakespeare, which you could have linked for us? It seems an entirely different case, and I stand by my opinion that tooltips should only be used to represent Wikisource additions and should be able to be stripped completely without losing the original work.--Prosfilaes (talk) 07:33, 11 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
Agree with not using tooltips. The green numbering of the Pline template is undesirable, it also suggests an addition to the text; perhaps a fork to amend its functionality. CYGNIS INSIGNIS 19:02, 14 June 2021 (UTC)Reply