Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 9/Letter from J. Blakeslee (May 18, 1835)

Elder J. Blakeslee, of Ellisburgh, N. Y., writes under date of May 18, as follows:

"The work of our great Redeemer is progressing in this place and in the regions round about. The number of disciples in the church at Sackett's Harbor is fifteen. The cause is gaining friends in this part of the land."

We greatly rejoice to hear from the Elders abroad, wherever they have been permitted in divine Providence to journey, and proclaim glad tidings of great joy; that so many are willing to hear and receive the truth, and obey it, notwithstanding the adversary of all righteousness is spreading his influence to retard the progress of the cause of God, and to prejudice the hearts of the children of men, that they investigate it not, lest they should embrace it, and enjoy the smiles of their Benefactor: For it is evident, accor[d]ing to divine writ, that he seeks to make men miserable; that he desires to overthrow the designs of Deity, and make men believe that he has the kingdoms of this world at his disposal, and can give them to whom he pleases, on condition that they worship him: But we discover that his propositions to the Savior were rejected, and he reproved him with sharpness. Why not we, when the same things are presented to us, who are rational and intelligent beings, follow the example of the meek and lowly Jesus; especially those who have put on Christ, and profess to walk in the ordinances of the gospel; and more especially those who are set apart to promulgate the truth? Shall we have our hands defiled with the mammon of unrighteousness, and our hearts and tongues with unhallowed principles and doctrines, such as are not contained in the scriptures, and declare things that we ourselves know not, and set them forth for truths? Some who have not come to a knowledge of the true principles of the Latter Day Saints, as believed by the leaders and held forth in the revelations of God, think it their privilege to unfold the prophecies and mysteries of the kingdom, when in fact they are unacquainted with the first principles of the gospel, and in consequence of these things the church is often made to suffer the calumniating influence of Satan, to our grief and mortification.

But when the honest in heart are made acquainted with the truth, they will embrace it; and in these things we do rejoice, for truth will stand and will prevail until the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth—and when this period arrives surely wickedness must cease and righteousness abound, and joy and gladness fill the hearts of those who dwell on the earth.