Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 9/Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Warren Parrish and Wilford Woodruff (May 16, 1835)

191864Latter Day Saints' Messenger and AdvocateVolume 1, Number 9, Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Warren Parrish and Wilford Woodruff (May 16, 1835)


PARIS, MAY 16, 1835.

Br. O. Cowdery,

DEAR SIR:—We sit down to inform you of the prospects for the advancement of the kingdom of Christ in this southern country, which are flattering. We have baptized 29 since we wrote you last, making the several branches that we have planted in this vicinity, 64. But do not understand, that we are gliding smoothly along without any persecution: this promise of the Savior is abundantly verified. Scourgings, imprisonment and death are threatened; but none of these things move us. It is as near from Tennessee to the Paradise of God, as from any other place: And while we are receiving persecution, the Savior is giving us more than a hundred fold, brethren and sisters, houses and lands, and the assurance of eternal life in the world to come.

May God make us instrumental in his hands of rending the shackles of priestcraft and superstition from many—to this end give us the assurance of your prayers.

Yours in Christ.