Littell's Living Age/Volume 125/Issue 1611


Fifth Series,
Volume X.
No. 1611. — April 24, 1875. From Beginning
Vol. CXXV.

I. Modern Astronomy, London Quarterly Review, 195
II. Alice Lorraine. By the author of "The Maid of Sker." Part XXI., Blackwood's Magazine, 217
III. The Abode of Snow. Part II., Blackwood's Magazine, 229
IV. Fated to be Free. By Jean Ingelow. Part IV., Good Words, 246
V. The Tercentenary Festival at Leyden, Macmillan's Magazine, 251
Passing By, 194  Four Sonnets on a Philistine Theme.
A Question, 194 My Little Boy's Face, 256
Love, 194 Life, 256
The Classical Ideal, 256
The Gothic Ideal, 256
Miscellany, 256