Men-at-the-Bar/Hildyard, John George Bowes Thorton

3354123Men-at-the-Bar — Hildyard, John George Bowes ThortonJoseph Foster

Hildyard, John George Bowes Thorton, B.A. Merton Coll., Oxon, J.P. Yorks East Riding, a student of the Inner Temple 1 June, 1850 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 1853 (4th son of Col. Hildyard, of Winestead Hall, Yorks); born 8 June, 1828; married 12 Feb., 1857) Caroline, dau. of Robert Denison, Esq., of Waplington Manor, Yorks, and has issue (see Foster's Yorkshire Collection).

Cherry Burton House, Hull.
