Merry fairs of Falkirk/Lay thy loof in mine lass

3220929Merry fairs of Falkirk — Lay thy loof in mine lass

Lay thy loof in mine lass

O lay that loof in mine, lass,
in mine lass, in mine lass,
And swear on thy white hand, lass,
that thou wilt be my ain
A slave to love's unfounded sway,
He aft he's wrought me meikle wae,
But now he is my deadly sae,
Unless thou be mine ain.
O lay thy loof in mine, lass,
In mine, lass in mine lass, &c.

There's monie a lass has brake my rest,
That for a blink ha'e lo'ed best,
But thou art Queen within my breast,
For ever to remain
O lay &c.

Dear lad, gin ye'll be leel and true,
There's nane I like sae weel as you,
Sae there's my loof I swear and vow,
For I fe to be your ain
Now there's my loof in thine lad,
In thine lad, in thine lad,
In hopes you will prove kin' lad,
and tak me for your ain