Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison/Proclamation Forbidding settling, hunting and surveying on Indian lands

Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison
edited by Logan Esarey
Proclamation Forbidding settling, hunting and surveying on Indian lands (February 5, 1801) by William Henry Harrison
1040343Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison — Proclamation Forbidding settling, hunting and surveying on Indian lands (February 5, 1801)William Henry Harrison

Proclamation: Forbidding Settling, Hunting, and Surveying on Indian Lands

May 9, 1801

Executive Journnal, 3

The Governor [Harrison] Issued a proclamation forbidding all persons from setleing, hunting, and surveying on any of the Indian lands and requiring all officers Civil and Military to remove any that should have setled, and prevent as much as possible any such attempt in future. [Abstract]