Aboriginal peoples, 3
Academia Nacional de San Carlos, 81, 84
Acapulco, port of, 128
Acolhuans, 2
Acosta, 104, 174
Agriculture, 133–135
Agricultural gods, 12–13
Aguas Calientes, State of, 122
, conference at, 200, 201, 208
Agüeros, Victoriano, 69
Alarcon, Monsignor, Archbishop of Mexico, 106
Albarez, Victoriano Salado, 71
Alcarreca, Ygnacio, 93
Almanza, Cleofas, 93
Altamirano, Ignacio M., 74
Alvarado, Pedro de, 8
Anahuac ("Place by the Water"), 1, 2, 161
Arboriculture, Board of Forestry and, 150
Architecture, 9, 86–89
Armaments, 56
Army, 55–57
Art, 80
Artes y Letres, journal, 69
Artillery, 56
Asphalt, 152
Axayacatl, King, 6, 10
Aztec civilisation (type of), 9, 10, 14
Government, 10–11
Aztecs, 1, 2, 5, 6, 151, 156, 161–4
Bajio, 123
Baptista, Juan, 65
Barbarities, 175
Barra, Señor de la, 190
Beggars, 41
Biblioteca Nacional, 85
Big game, 114
Boatmen, 44
Bowling, 113
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbé, 105
Bribiesca, Alberto, 92
Bringas, Señor, 91
British trade in Mexico, 146–149
Building operations, 47
Bull-fighting, 109–111
Cabazeros (sheep's-head vendors), 43
Cabrera, Don Luis, 154
Café life, 45
Cakchiquel, 4
California, loss of, 16
Calumet, 52
Camaxtli (a god of the Tlascalans), 5
Campa, Luis, 92
Campeachy, 58, 131–132
Can-Ek, Jacinto, 102
Capello del Rosario at Puebla, 88
Carranza, Venustiano, 199–200, 202, 203, 206, 210
Carrasco, Gonzola, 93
Carvajal, Francisco, 199
Casa del Obrero Mundial, 200
"Castes" of Mexico, 4
Cateiteros (tray-sellers), 43
Cattle-raising, 136–137
Cavalry, 56
Centennial celebrations, 21
Central Democratic Club, 185
Centurion, José Maria, 92
Chalco Canal, 44
Chamber of Deputies, 53
Chapala, Lake of, 126
Chapultepec, 57, 90, 192
Charles IV of Spain, 82
Chavero, Alfredo, 97–98
Chazaro, Layos, 202
Chianpinolli, 100
Chiapas, 132
Chicago Exhibition, Mexican pictures at, 93
Chichimecs, 171
Chihuahua, State of, 54, 116, 168, 187
Chinampas (floating gardens), 44
Chontals, 3
Church, 99
Circus in Mexico, 96–97
Cisñeros, Luis, 92
Ciudad Juarez, 189, 190
Clavigero, Abbé, 65
Cliff-dwellers, 168
Clubs, 40
Coahuila, State of, 117, 185
Cock-fighting, 111
Cocoa, 134
Coffee, 134
Colima, 88, 124
Columbus, Statue of, 90
Comonfort, President, 21
Conservative Party, 63
Contraband of war, 23
Contract labour, 178
Contreras, Jesus, 92
Coras, 166
Cordier, Charles, 90
Corral, Ramon, 182, 186
Cortés, Hernan, 1, 3, 5, 7–9, 20, 80, 97–98, 127, 133
Costume, 25, 35, 48–51, 81
Coto, Luis, 93
Cotton manufacture, 150
Country life, Mexican dislike of, 46
Courtesy, 31
Courtship, 28
Cruelty to Animals, 46
Cuernavaca, 81, 87, 202
Customs (social), 39
Daily Record (of Mexico), 67
Debt, National, 55
Delgado, Rafael, 78, 79
Departments, State, 52
Diaz, General Felix, 191, 193
——, Porfirio (late President), 17, 18, 19–24, 54, 58, 59, 63, 80, 90, 145, 176–182, 186–188, 190, 203
Dinner-parties, 38
Divination, 174–175
Doctors, 40
Drama, Mexican, 97
Durango, 119
Dyke across Lake Tezcuco, 6
Education, 58–61, 121–122
El Argos, newspaper, 67
El Democrata, 215
Electoral College, 52
El Imparcial, newspaper, 67
El Mundo, newspaper, 67
Illustrado, journal, 69
Eloquence, Mexican, 64
El Pais, newspaper, 68
El Paso, city of, 203, 207, 211, 214, 217
El Popular, newspaper, 67
El Semanario Literario, journal, 69
El Tiempo, newspaper, 68
Entierrez, Rodrigo, 84
Escuela Nacional de Belles Artes, 81, 83
Etiquette, Mexican social, 29
Expenditure, national, 55
Family life, 31, 39
Farming, 138–140
Feather-dresses, 10
Felixistas, 193
Fiction, Mexican, 76
Figueroa, 197
Finance, 55, 152, 155, 181
Financiero Mexicana, newspaper, 68
Fishing, 114
Flores, 142
Flower-sellers, 44
Folk-wanderings, 2
"Fomento" (Department of Industry), 52, 133
Food, 38–39, 45
supply, 153
Football, 113
Foreign policy of Mexico, 61
Forestry, Central Board of, and Arboriculture, 150
France, 17
Frijoles (beans), 32
Frontons, a ball-game, 112
Fruit, Mexican, 135
Fuentes (toreador), 111
Fuster, Alberto, 82
Galvanez, Antonio, 92
Gambling, 34
Gamboa, Frederico, 76–78
Game, wild, 114
Gardens, floating, 44, 162
Garza, Roque Gonzalez, 200, 208
Gentleman, the Mexican, 26–27
Gill, Geronimo Antonio, 82
Girl, the Mexican, 27
Goitia, Señor, 91
Golf, 113
Great Britain, 17, 188
"Grupo Cientifico," 54, 177, 181, 186, 204, 205
Guadalajara, 123
Guanajuato, 3, 123, 142, 144
Guatamotzin (nephew of Montezuma, and subsequently Emperor of Mexico), 9, 91
Guaymas, town, 117
Guerra, Gabriel, 91, 92
Guerrera Mountains, 196
Guerrero, State of, 128
Gutierrez, Eulalio, 200
, Rodrigo, 93
Haciendados, 139–140
Haciendas, 117
Half-breeds, 4
Hennequen, 134, 183
Hidalgo (revolutionary leader of 1808), 15, 81
, State of, 125, 198
Hill, Professor Roscoe R., of the University of Mexico, 204
Hohler, Mr., British Chargé d' Affaires, 201
Hospital de Amor de Dios, 82
Houses, 25–26, 32
Huasteca or Huastecs, 3
Huerta, 192, 197, 198, 199, 218
Huichols, 167
Huitzilopochtli (a god of the Mexicans), 5, 6, 9, 99
Human sacrifice, 15
Humboldt, 59, 158
Indians, Mexican, 34, 156–175
Infantry, 56
Inferniello Cañon, 81
Insurrectos, 189
Introductions, 38
Iturbide, Don Augustin, 16
Itzcoatl, 5
Ixtlilxochitl, 72
Izaguirre, Leandro, 82
Iztaccihuatl (mountain), 128
Jalapa, 131
Jalisco, State of, 122, 144, 162
Jara, José, 93
Jardin del Seminario, 91
Jesuits, 99
Jewellery, 10
Jimeno, Raphael, 82
Jiminez, Francisco, 91
Jockey Club, 113
Jordan, Dr. David Starr, American Minister, 203
Journalism, 67–69
Juanacatlan, Falls of, 81
Juarez, 17, 18, 73, 91, 99, 177
Justice, Courts of, 53
Kidnapping, 184
Kingsborough, Lord, 65
Lady, the Mexican, 27, 29, 30
Lancaster, Joseph: his system of education, 59
Lancers, Mexican, 57
Lansing, Mr., U.S. Secretary of State, 212–216
La Patria, newspaper, 67
La Revista Literaria, journal, 69
Las Casas, 159
La Tribuna, newspaper, 68
Lawyers, 30
Leather, 152
Legislation, State, 53
Léon, 124, 152
Leperos, 41
Liberal Party, 63, 180
Limantour, 181–182, 186
Literature, 64–79
Llorente, Enrique C., 208
Lower California, territory of, 52
Maderistas, 193
Madero, 24, 182, 185, 186, 188, 190–194
Manchola, Juan, 83
Manufacturing, 144
Marriage, 163
Martinez, Enrico, 91
, Ramos, 82
Maximilian, Archduke Ferdinand, Emperor of Mexico, 17, 81, 90, 127
Maxtli (loin-cloth), 10
Mazatlan, 58
, port of, 119
Memorial to Carranza from Mexican leaders, 207–210
Merida, 132
Mescal spirit, 162
Mexico city, 47, 152, 190, 191–192
Mexican Herald, 67
"Mexican Painting and Painters" (work on by R. N. Lamborn), 92
Mexican Property Owners' Non-intervention League, 219
Michoacan, 126
, State of, 126
Military schools, 57
Mina (revolutionary leader, 1817), 15
Mining, 141–144
Mixtecs, 3, 6, 61, 168
, leaders, 207–210
Molina, Alonzo de, 66–67
Mondragon, Colonel, 56
Monotheism (Aztec belief in), 72
Monroy, Luis, 84
Montanes, Juan Martinez, 87
Monterey, 119, 152
, monument to the National Independence at, 91
Morelia, city of, 126
Morelos (revolutionary leader of 1808), 15
, Colonel, 193
, State of, 127, 134, 196, 203
Motecuhzoma (Montezuma) I, 5, 100
(Montezuma) II, 6–8, 10, 11
Motoring, 114
Museo Nacional de Argueologia, 85
de Pintura, 81
Music, 93–95
Nafarrete, General, 213
Nagualism, 100–105
Nahua, 2, 3, 156, 161–164
Nahuatlatolli (Native Mexican tongue), 2, 3, 156–157
Napoleon III, 17
Narvaez, Panfilo de, 8
National Debt, 191
Naualli (magicians), 171–174
Navy, 58
New Mexico, loss of, 16
Newspapers, 67–69
Nezahualcoyotl, 5, 12
Novarro, General, 188
Novena, Miguel, 91
Novi, Cessare, 88
Nuevo, Leon (State of), 119
Oaxaca, 129, 130, 133
Obregon, General, 200, 216
, José, 84
, Luis Gonzalez, 71–72
Ocaranza, Manuel, 83
Oil industry, 151–152
Oluido, Maximilian's cottage at, 127
Opera in Mexico, 95
Opposition, 180–181
Orizaba, Mount, 128, 131
Orozco, General, 189, 197
Ortega, Juan, 84
Otomi, 3, 7, 157, 168
Pacheco, Carlos, 90
Pachuca, 125, 144, 198, 201, 218
Palacio Municipal, 85
Nacional, 82, 85, 87
Riva, 73
Palo Alta, battle of, 16
Panama Canal, 22
Panduros (sculptors), 89
Panteon de San Fernando, 91
Pantoja, Felipe, 92
Paper-making, 150
Paper money, 153–154
Parra, Porfirio, 75–76
Paseo de la Reforma, 91
Pasteur, monument to, 22
Pasual, 206, 207
Peasant dwellings, 32
Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, department of Mexican paintings in, 92
Peon (peasant or workman), 32, 34, 35, 61, 67, 133, 134, 140, 160, 186
Peyotl (an intoxicant), 173
Pina, Salome, 83
Plaza de la Reforma, 90
Poetry, Mexican, 79
Police, 45
Politics, 62–63
Popocatepetl (mountain), 128
Popol Vuh, 102
Population, 3
Post Office, 55
Pottery, 85–86
President, office of, 52
Presidential elections, 23
Press, 67–69
Progress, 132
Promenading in Mexico, 115
Protestant Episcopal Church, 106
Provinces, the, 116
Puebla, 18, 87, 128, 129, 158, 187, 196
, battle of, 17, 58
Pulque, 33, 161
Pulquero, the, 42
Queretaro, 3
Quetzalcoatl (a god of the Aztecs), 11, 21, 127, 174
Quiche race, 4
Quintana Roo, territory of, 52
Racial feeling, 164
Rabago, Colonel, 189
Ramirez, Manuel, 93
Ranching, 133–140
Rayon, 15
Religion (ancient Aztec), 11–14
Religious life in Mexico, 99–100, 105, 107
Resaca, battle of, 16
Reserves, Army, 57
Revenue, national, 55
Revolution against Spanish Government, 15–16, 176–220
, present, 53, 176, 195
Reyes, General, 120, 186, 191
Riley, Rev. H. C., 106
Rivera, Carlos, 93
Robert N. Lamborn, 92
Robles, General, 198
Roman Catholic Church, 99–100, 105–106
Rosas, 91
Rubber, 135–136
Rurales, 21, 152, 179, 184
Sacrifice, human, 11, 14
Saddlery, 152
Sahagun, 65, 172
Salt-beds, 151
Saltillo, 152
Sanchez, Tiburcio, 85
San Luis Potosi, 120–121, 134, 151, 200
Santa Anna, President, 21
Scherzer, Dr., 103
Schools, 58, 59
Sculpture, 89
Senate, 53
Serna, Jacinto de la, 104
Servants, 35
Shooting as a sport, 113–114
Shopkeepers, 30
Sinaloa, State of, 119
Singing, 94–95
Slave-trading, 178, 182–185
Smoking, 34, 39
Socialism, 34
Society, 37–40
Soconusco, 6, 133
Solares, Eduardo, 83
Solis, Juan F. Molina, 76
Sombrereto, 143
Sonora, State of, 117, 183
Spain, 15, 16. 17
Sports, 108–115
Squier, E. G., 105
Suarez, Pino, Vice-President, 193, 208
Superstitions, 171–174
Surnames, 38
Suspicion of strangers, 37
Tampico, 151
Tarahumare Indians, 167
Tarascans, 164–166
Taxation, 55
Tecpancaltzin, 84
Tecpanecs, 2, 4, 5
Tehuantepec, Isthmus of, 6, 22, 151
Tejada, Lerdo de, 18, 19
Temperance movement, 60
Tenochtitlan, 1
"Teocallis" (Mexican temple-pyramids), 13–14
Tepic, territory of, 166
Terrazas, family of, 54, 187
"Territories," Mexican, 52
Teules ("gods," native name for conquerors), 8
Texas, annexation of, by U.S.A., 16, 62
Tezcuco, City, 5
, Lake, 4, 9
Theatres, 95–96
Tilmatli (cloak), 10
Timber, 150
Tizoc, 6
Tlacopan, 5
Tlaloc (a god of the Aztecs), 11
Tlascala, 5
Tlascaltecs or Tlascalans, 2, 7, 8, 157, 158
Tlatilulco, 65
Toledo, Juan Tellas, 85
Toledo, Señor, 91
Toltecs, 2, 11, 174
Tomochic, massacre at, 178
Tonalamatl (calendar), 174
Torquemada, 65
Tortilla (maize cake), 32, 43, 45
Totonacs, 3
Trades, 41–43
Tulsa, Manuel, 90
Tuxpam, 152, 162
Tezcatlipoca (a god of the Aztecs), 11, 99
United States of America, 16, 57, 62, 180, 187, 189, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 218, 222–223
Universities, 58
Upper classes, 25
Uxmal, 170
Valadez, Emiliano, 83
Valdez, Pablo, 93
Valladolid (Yucatan), 102
Vegetable gardening, 162
Velasco, José, 93
Velasquez, Governor of Cuba, 8
, Primo Feliciano, 74
Vera Cruz, 1, 7, 8, 17, 57, 88, 90, 130–131, 134, 151, 201, 202
Verse, Mexican, 79
Villa, 199, 201, 202, 206, 207, 208, 214, 218
War with U.S.A. in 1844, 16, 57
and Navy, Department of, 52
Water-carriers, 42
Weapons, 14
Wilson, President, 209, 211, 215
Woman, Mexican, 27, 31, 165
Xochicalco, ruins of, 127
Yaqui, 183–185
"Yellow Jack," 131
Yslas, the brothers, sculptors, 91
Yucatan, 4, 17, 102, 103, 134, 135, 160–170
Guard, 56, 183, 222
Yzaguirre, Leandro, 93
Zacatecas, State of, 121, 141, 142
Zambos, 4
Zamora, Manuel Gutierrez, 90
Zapata, Emiliano, 179, 192, 195–198, 200, 202, 218, 222
, Euphemio, 196
Zapatistas, 196, 198, 200, 218
Zapoteca or Zapotecs, 3, 6, 7, 61, 168
Zarapes, 164
Zumarraga, Archbishop, 67