Mohammed Ahmad Said Al Edah Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal 14 April 2006

Mohammed Ahmad Said Al Edah Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal (2006)
United States Department of Defense

Transcript of the Guantanamo CSRT interview of Mohammed Ahmad Said Al Edah (ISN# 033)

193846Mohammed Ahmad Said Al Edah Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal2006United States Department of Defense


Department of Defense

Office for the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combataats at US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay Cuba

14 April 2006



  1. An Administrative Review Board will be convened to review your case to determine if your continued detention is necessary.
  2. The Administrative Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all reasonably available and relevant information regarding your case. At the conclusion of this review the Board will make a recommendation to: (1) release you to your home state; (2) transfer you to your home state, with conditions agreed upon by the United States and your home state; or (3) continue your detention under United States control.
  3. The following primary factors favor continued detention:
    1. Commitment
      1. The detainee traveled to Pakistan to accompany his sister who required medical attention due to chronic back pain. While in Pakistan, the detainee and his sister were supposed to meet the detaincc' s sister's husband; however, he had moved to Kandahar, Afghanistan.
      2. The detainee states that his brother-in-law, had assisted in making arrangements for the detainee and his sister to travel to Afghanistan. Specifically, he delivered their passports to Sanaa. Yemen in order to get visas and tickets.
      3. The detainee took 15,000 Riyals with him on the trip.
      4. The detainee and his sister traveled from Sanaa, Yemen via Dubai, United Arab Emirates aDd finally to Karachi, Pakistan.
      5. When the detainee and his sister arrived in Karachi, Pakistan they were informed that the sister's husband was not in Karachi.
      6. The detainee stated thal his brother-in-law arranged for a Pakistani to facilitate their travel inside of Pakistan.
      7. The detainee, his sister, and the Pakistani traveled to Quetta, Pakistan to look for the sister's husband. When they arrived in Quetta, they went to Kandahar, Afghanistan.
      8. The detainee and his sister met her husband in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
      9. From Kandahar, Afghanistan the detainee's sister and her husband went back to Pakistan while the detainee stayed at the brother-in-law's guest house.
      10. The detainee remained in Kandahar, Afghanistan and then departed fOf Kabul, Afghanistan.
      11. The detainee decided to take a month vacation and traveled from Kabul. Afghanistan to Khowst, Afghanistan.
      12. According to the detainee, upon arrival at Khowst he took residence in the Omar mosque.
      13. The detainee then traveled from Khowst to Kandahar, Afghanistan to visit his sister and brother-in-law.
      14. The detainee learned that his brother-in-law had been killed and his sister had fled to Pakistan.
      15. The detainee remained in Kandahar due to the bombing raids. From there, he attempted to drive his brother-in-law's motorcycle out oftown. This is when the detainee fell from the motorcycle and injured himself. The detainee was treated at the El Sim hospital, teleased after two days and returned to Khowst. From there, he traveled to Miram Shah, Pakistan where the Pakistani Army arrested him with others.
      16. The detainee stayed in two prisons before being transferred to United States custody.
      17. The detainee was transferred from Peshawar, Pakistan to United States custody on 26 December 2001.
    2. Connections/Associations
      1. The detainee's sister was one of three spouses of active Yerneni al Qaida members; the spouses were deported to Yemen by Pakistani authorities.
      2. According to the detainee's sister, she traveled to Afghanistan accompanied by her brother the detainee, who is among the jihadists from Taiz, Yemen.
      3. Another sister of the detainee was one of three spouses of active Yerneni al Qaida members who had been residents in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    3. Other Relevant Data
      1. The detainee has been identified as being a key figure within the at Qaida network.
      2. The detainee has been identified as somebody who stayed at a guest house in Kandahar, Afghanistan and as someone who attended the al Farouq training camp.
      3. A source has identified the detainee as somebody he saw while he was imprisoned in an underground room near the Kandahar airport after he had been accused of being a spy, and tortured. The detainee entered the room with a few other armed men.
      4. The detainee did several security checks at the Nibras guest house in Kandahar, Afghanistan during the summer of2001 prior to a Usama bin Laden visit. The detainee would arrive at the guest house accompanied by four personal bodyguards.
  4. The following primary factors favor release or transfer:
    1. The detainee claims no knowledge of terrorist plans, Usama bin Laden, or al Qaida.
    2. The detainee has denied having any knowledge of the attacks in the United States prior to their execution on 11 September 2001.
    3. The detainee has denied knowledge of any rumors or plans of future attacks on the United States or United States interests.
    4. The detainee has denied any knowledge or planning of internal uprisings at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention facility.
    5. You will be afforded a meaningful opportunity to be heard and to present information to the Board; this includes an opportunity to be physically present at the proceeding. The Assisting Military Officer (AMO) will assist you in reviewing all relevant and reasonably available unclassified information regarding your case. The AMO is not an advocate for or against continued detention, nor may the AMO form a confidential relationship with you or represent you in any other matter.