2948716Motors and Motor-Driving1902Alfred Charles William Harmsworth


  • Accelerator pedal, use of the, 128, 324, 328
  • Accumulator Industries, Ltd.: type of plate employed in construction of batteries, 290, 291; system of electric cars, 298
  • Accumulators for electric cars, 289, 301; lowest point of discharge, 289; recharging, 290; overloading, 293; nesting-boxes for, 294
  • Ackerman steering-axle, the, 211, 212
  • Agricultural Hall, trade show of motors at (1900), 387
  • Aluminium paint for engines, 93
  • Alverstone, Lord, quoted, on motor appeals, 379
  • American Clubs, 395, 396
  • Ammeter, the, 300
  • Ariel motor-tricycle, the, 312
  • 'Autocar,' the, cited, 23, 64, 252, 268, 397
  • Automatic regulator for burners on steam cars, 248, 249
  • Automobile Club de Belgique, headquarters, officers, &c., 393
  • Automobile Club de Suisse, headquarters, officers, &c., 394
  • Automobile Club of America, headquarters, officers, &c., 395. 396
  • Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, origin and progress of, 15; its race from Paris to Marseilles and back (1896), 15, 16; its Glasgow Trial, 43; membership advocated as an economy to automobilists, 49; Hundred Miles Hill-climbing test, 57; Thousand Miles Trial, 333, 375, 386, 405; demonstrations of familiarising restive horses with motors, 358; efforts to secure an alteration in legislation for highways, 382; work done by, 384, 385; retrospect of its history, 385; officials, 385; fixture list, 385; amalgamation with the Self-Propelled Traffic Association, 385; increase of members (1899), 386; exhibition of motor vehicles in Old Deer Park, Richmond, 386; brake test trials on Petersham Hill, 386, 405; Dover exhibition, 386; membership in 1900, 386; club tours, 386; issue of 'Notes and Notices,' 387; conversion of the County Councils undertaken, 387; invites Chief Constables of English and Welsh counties to a demonstration, 387, 388; secures raising of the speed limit in Scotland, 388; in connection with the Motor Union, 388; items of work in latter end of 1901 and beginning of 1902, 388; publications issued by, 401; summary of trials and races, 405–408
  • Automobile literature, 397–400
  • Automobile locomotion, opposition to, by railways, 2, 3; report of select committee on, 3–6; killed by restrictive legislation, 7; revivified, 346, 385
  • 'Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal,' the, 23, 397
  • Beaconsfield, Lord, cited, 342
  • Beaumont, Mr. Worby, quoted, 312
  • Beeston motor tricycle, the, 312
  • Belgian nobleman, a, fatal accident to, 335
  • Belt-driving gear, 186, 187, 195, 196, 316
  • Benz car, 40; carburetter, 115; ignition for petrol engines, 157; gear, 196
  • Benzine house, 99, 100, 101
  • Berger, M. Georges, Deputy of the Seine, II, 390
  • Boilers for steam cars, 252 et seq.
  • Bollée, Léon, and Co.: machines at the 1878 Paris Exhibition, 7; cars, 8; omnibus at Paris-Bordeaux race, 14; carriage in Paris-Dieppe race, 20
  • Books on motoring, 400, 401
  • Boots for motoring, 76
  • Brakes, 218–223; testing, 332; using, 333
  • British Electromobile Co. Ltd., electric cars of, 290, 300
  • Broomfield Hill, Richmond, as a test for motors, 60–62
  • Broomhill, Tunbridge Wells, motor-houses at, 84 et seq.
  • Brown motor bicycle, the, 315
  • Bunsen burner for petrol cars, 139; principle, 243; battery, 288, 289
  • Burners for petrol cars, 139; for steam cars, 244-249, 259
  • Butler, Mr., on German-built cars, 368; hon treasurer of Automobile Club, 385
  • Buttemer, Mr. R. W., his adoption of the belt-driving system, 195, 196
  • Cairns, Lord, on the Mors magneto ignition, 159
  • Caniveaux on French roads, 335
  • Capon Heaton solid tyre, the, 241
  • Caprices of the petrol motor: refusal to start, 165;—causes: defects in carburation, 165; action of cold, 166; stale petrol, 166; starting handle not being turned fast enough, 166; leakage of compression, 167; no compression at all, 168; apparent excessive compression, 168; back firing, 169; defects in moving parts, 169; road troubles: motor stops completely through overheating, 170; causes of overheating, 170-172; how to detect overheating, 172; what to do when motor heats, 173; dangers of a 'seize,' 173; stoppage through starvation of carburator,1I73, 174; through a flooded carburator, 174; mechanical causes of stoppage, 174; ^oiiig by fits and starts, 175; causes of motor not ' pulling' well or missing fire, 175-178; how to find which cylinder misses, 177; engine races -defects in governing gear, 178, 179; causes of unusual noises, 179, 180; bunting of ignition tube, 180; advice in general, 18l. See Ignition in petrol engines
  • Carburetter (petrol engine), surface, Mi; Benz, 115; spray, 116; De Dion, 117; Longuemare, 117; automatic tor motor bicycles, 319
  • Carless and Lees' safety benzine lamps for motor-houses, 87
  • Carr, Mr., his story of an unskilled motor enthusiast, 370
  • Cattle on the road, anecdote concerning, 345
  • Chamois leather for coat lining, 68
  • Chapelle motor bicycle, the, 37
  • Chaplin, Mr. Henry, and the Light Locomotives Act, 23
  • Charms of driving in motors.
    See under Motor-driving
  • Charron, M., accident to, in his petrol carriage, in the Marseilles-Nice-Turbie race, 18; in Pans-Amsterdam-Paris and Versailles- Bordeaux races, 20
  • Chasseloup-Laubat, Marquis de, on the history of the motorcar, 1 et seq.; at the Paris to Bordeaux race (1895), 12, 14; at the Paris to Marseilles race (1896), 15, 17; on the petrol motor, 19; his brother's electric racing car, 308
  • Choice of a motor-car, 38; advantages of the petrol engine, 38; Panhard carriages, 39; steam cars, 39; electric carriages, 40; light carriages and voiturettes, 42; the 7-h.-p. Panhard, 43; mixed tyres advocated, 45; points for and against pneumatic tyres, 45; horse-power, 46; care in car keeping, 46, 50; skill required in driving, 47; side-slip, 47, 48; safety tyres, 48; membership of the Automobile Club advised as an economy, 49; omnibus for country-house work, 51; the Scrpollet landaulet, 52-54; lighting and heating cars, 54; use of two cars in touring, 54; distance to be covered, 54, 55! luggage-car, 55; shape of carriage, 55; drawbacks to the use of very powerful cars, 55; hill-climbing powers, 56; testing speed up hills, 57-62; paraffin motors, 62; cars for doctors, 64; second-hand cars, 64, 65; motor engineers, 65
  • Churchill, Lord Edward, his daughter quoted on a breakdown, 375
  • Circuit du Sud-Ouest race, 403
  • City and Surburban Electric Carriage Company, 40; electric cars of, 297; electric brougham, 309
  • Clarkson's paraffin burner for steam cars, 249, 250, 251; condenser for engines in steam cars, 272
  • Clincher solid tyre, the, 241
  • Clipper-Michelin pneumatic tyre, the, 226
  • Clubs, English, Continental, and American, 384-396
  • Clutches, positive and friction, 191-194, 208
  • Collan oil for belt-dressing, 196
  • Collier pneumatic tyre, the, 237
  • Collinge's hinges for motor-house doors, 85
  • Colnbrook, railway level crossing at, 336
  • Columbia phaeton, the, 40
  • Commutator, function of the, 148, 155
  • Condensers, 217, 272
  • Contacts, 157, 158
  • Continental Clubs, 389-394
  • Controller for electric cars, the, 295, 298
  • Cordingley, Messrs., their trade show of motors, 387
  • County Councils, the, and motor locomotion, 387
  • Cradle, or metal nail-catcher, Michelin's, 236
  • Craig, Mr. A., of Coventry, against belt transmission, 316
  • Craig, Mr. A., of Putney, for belt transmission, 316
  • Crompton and Fawkes' heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • Crypto or epicyclic gear, 197 Crystal Palace Motor Exhibition, 367, 369, 386, 387
  • Cuenod, M., 286, 394
  • Cugnot, N. J., inventor of auto-mobile locomotion, 1; his steam carriage, 1, 2
  • Cupron battery, the, for electric cars, 287
  • Daimler petroleum motors, 9; quadricycle, 10; 22-h.-p. car (English), 39; 4-cylindered motor, 104; carburetter, 116; system of governing, 122; motor bicycle, 313
  • Darracq light motor car, the, 42
  • Dawson ignition, the, for petrol engines, 154
  • De Dion, Marquis, his steam vehicles, 8; meeting at his house of principal French automobilists, 10; race from Paris to Bordeaux and back, 11; 8-h.-p. light car, 42; carburetter, 117
  • De Dion and Bouton steam carriage, the, 8; cars in the Paris to Bordeaux contest of 1895, 13, 14, 17; petroleum tricycles in the Paris to Marseilles race of 1896, 16; steam carriage in same race, 17; motor tricycle, 312
  • Delahaye & Co., of Tours: vehicles in the Paris to Marseilles race, 16; light car,
  • Densitometer for determining specific gravity of petrol, 166
  • Deprez, M. Marcel, 11, 390
  • Derby motor bicycle, the, 316
  • Deutscher Automobil Club, head-quarters, officers, &c., 394
  • Dover, exhibition of motors at, 366
  • Dress, ladies,' for motoring, 60; for long journeys, 67; underclothing, gown and coat, 68; head covering, 69; veil, 70, 71
  • Dress, men's, for motoring, 72; cloth suit lined with punctured chamois leather, 73; underclothing, 73; overcoats, 73; dust-coats, 74; waterproof tent-shaped coat, 74; rugs, 74; coat built to avoid the use of rugs, 75; device to secure dry seats, and avoid rain, 75; waterproof kilt, 76; snow boots, 76; hats, 76; gloves, 77; goggles, 77, 81; warm clothing, 82
  • Dubrulle mechanical lubricator, the, for petrol motors, 172
  • Dundonald, Lord, and carriage warming, 54
  • Duryea transmission gear, 198, 199
  • Edison and Swan Co.'s electric lamps for motor-houses, 87
  • Edmunds, Mr.: tale of a sideslip, 372
  • Electric cars, construction of, 276; principle of propulsion, 277; description of the ordinary magnet, 277; effects and action of the electric current, 278; magnetic conditions produced by the electric current, 279; production of rotary pull or torque, 281, 298; current conveyed to the drum armature, 282; two-pole electric motors, 283; shunt-wound and series-wound motors, 284-286; compound motors, 284; four-pole motors, 286; qualities of the modern electric motor, 287; source of electricity to feed motors and secure propulsion, 287; primary batteries, 287; description of the ordinary galvanic battery, 288; the Bunsen battery, 289; process of the secondary battery, or accumulator, in supplying the motor with electricity, 289; lowest point of discharge, 289; recharging the accumulator, 290; pasted plates in accumulators, 290; Planté batteries, 290; process of manufacture of an accumulator cell, 290-293; accommodation of the battery of accumulators to power of motors, 293; overloading accumulator and motor, 293; nesting-boxes for accumulators, 294; arrangement of running gear of a car, 294-295; the controller, 295; differences of structure in running gear and controlling arrangements, 296; one and two motor vehicles contrasted, 297; principle of separate excitation, 298; differences of speed arranged by cell-groupings by controller as one or two motors are employed, 298, 299; development of more rotary pull by series motor, 299; recuperation of cells, 300; provision of voltmeter and ammeter for driver, 300; side elevation of the 'Powerful,' 300; running gear of electric vehicle, 302; ills and misfortunes cars are liable to, 302; burning up, 302; refusing to work, 303; testing the motor for defects, 304-306; charging the battery of accumulators, 306, 307; position arid prospects of electromobilism, 308
  • Electric ignition for petrol engines, 106, 107, 142; for motor cycles, 319. See Ignition
  • Electric light installation, storage batteries charged from, 145
  • Electric Motive Power Co.'s electromobiles on the Planté system, 290
  • Elliot, Mr. T. R. B., his 31/2-horse-power Panhard, 24; experience with same car, 366
  • Ellis, the Hon. Evelyn, his 4-horse-power Panhard, 21, 39; his patriotic adoption of the motor movement, 22; motorhouse at Datchet, 101, 102; puts his motor to a police test, 363; vice-chairman of the Automobile Club, 385
  • Enfield motor bicycle, the, 315
  • Engineers for motors, 65
  • Engines for steam cars, 262, 264
  • English terms used in automobilism, 418 et seq.
  • Excelsior motor bicycle, the, with Minerva engine, 314
  • Eyes, preservation of the, 77, 81, 82
  • Falconnet non-slipping tyre, the, 239
  • Fire, precautions against, in motor-houses, 92
  • Fire regulator, automatic, for steam cars, 248, 249
  • Flash boiler, the, on steam cars, 255
  • Fletcher's heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • French Automobile Clubs: Automobile Club de France, headquarters, officers, race competitions, &c., 390; Automobile Club Normand, headquarters, officers, &c., 391; Automobile Club Bordelais, headquarters, officers, &c., 392; Automobile Club de Nice (formerly the Auto-Vélo), headquarters, officers, &c., 392; Le Véloce Club Périgourdin et Automobile Club de la Dordogne, headquarters, officers, &c., 392
  • French terms used in automobilism, 418 et seq.
  • Callus non-slipping tyres, 49, 239
  • Galvanic battery, the ordinary, description of, 288
  • Garages, 65
  • Gauges, water and pressure, for boilers of steam cars, 261
  • German terms used in automobilism, 418 et seq.
  • Giffard, M. Pierre, organiser of the first meeting of automobile vehicles, 8
  • Glasgow, trials of motors at, 406
  • Glengarry caps for ladies motoring, 69
  • Glossary of terms used in automobilism, in French, German, and English, 418-438
  • Gloves for motoring, 77
  • Goggles for motoring, 77, 81
  • Goodyear pneumatic tyre, the, 238
  • Gordon Bennett, Mr., 11; cup, 39, 404
  • Gorham v. Brice case, the, cited, 379
  • Governing, systems of: petrol cars, 120 et seq.; electric cars, 295
  • Griffiths' enamels for motor carriages, 93; transparent varnish, 93
  • 'Guide Michelin,' the, 226
  • Gurney, Mr., trial trip in his steam carriage, 4; heavy tolls paid by him, 5
  • Hammersmith Broadway, 351 Hancock, Mr., steam carriage of, 3, 4; improvement on Gurney's carriage, 6
  • Hancock wood wheels, 223
  • Harrow, brake accident on a hill near, 334
  • Hats for motoring, 76
  • Health, influence of motoring on, 79; invigoration of nerve power, 80; insomnia mitigated, 80; beneficial effects of country trips on the brain-weary, 81; physical exercise to be maintained in conjunctioned with motor riding, 79, 81; preservation of the eyes, 81, 82; warm clothing to be used, 82
  • Heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • Highway improvements, 350-354
  • Hill-climbing tests for motors, 57-62
  • Holden, Lt.-Col., his motor bicycle, 184, 313
  • 'Horseless Age,' the, 399
  • Horses, motor-fright of, 356; grown used to bicyclists, 356; want of consideration of automobilists to drivers of horses, 356; law compelling motor-drivers to stop when required by man in charge of restive horse, 357; training horses to meet motors, 358, 359; relationship between motor-owners and horse-owners, 359; rule of the road, 359
  • House of Commons Select Committee (1831) report on automobile locomotion, 3-6 House steam car, the, 268
  • Humber motor bicycle, the, 316
  • Hutchinson, Mr., quoted, 373, 374
  • Hutton, Mr., his narrow escape through brake failure, 219
  • Ignition in petrol engines, 138; by a hot platinum tube (tube ignition), 138; Bunsen burner to bring the platinum tube to a red heat, 139; petrol supply to burners, 139; gas-tight joints, 140; cracked platinum tubes, 140; soot inside platinum tube, 140; how to light a burner, 140; to extinguish a burner, 141; faulty burners, 141; leakage in pressure-fed burners, 142; burners jumping out, 142; spare parts to be carried on petrol cars, 142; electrical ignition in petrol engines, 142; importance of time of ignition, 142; ignition with battery and induction coil, 143; the dry battery, 143; positive and negative poles, 144; pressure of electricity in volts, 144; flow of electricity (amperes), 144; coupling in parallel, 144; disadvantage of dry cells, 144; storage batteries, 145; charging storage batteries, 145; finding the poles of a generator, 145; how to charge storage batteries from an electric light installation, 145; avoidance of over-discharge of batteries, 146; use of the switch, 147; the induction coil, 147; function of the commutator, 148; sparking plug, 148; return of the current to the coil, 148; insulation, 149; defects in electric ignition: imperfect insulation, 149; insulation burnt, 150; insulation cut, 150; insulation of coil, 150; insulation chafed, 150; loose connections, 150; dirty connections, 150; broken or defective sparking plug, 150; dirty commutator, 151; weak or discharged batteries, 151; magnetic ignition, 151; the Simms-Bosch system, 152; possible defects in this system: failure of insulation, 153; failure of magnets, 153; faulty adjustment, 153; the Dawson ignitor, 154; the De Dion type of ignition, 155; the commutator, 155; action of the trembler, 155; adjustment of trembler, 156; removal of moisture, 157; remedy for short-circuited battery, 157; burnt contacts, 157; loose contacts, 157; oil on contacts, 158; retardation of sparking, 157; the Benz ignition, 157, 158; the Mors magneto system, 159-163
  • Imperial Institute, exhibition of motor vehicles at, 22, 367, 368
  • Instra, the, for warming motorcars, 54
  • Jacks for carriages, 94
  • James and Brown's brake, 221
  • Jarrott, Mr. C., his Panhard and Levassor car in Paris-Berlin race (1901), 45
  • Jeantaud, M., electric carriages of, 14
  • Joel electric motor, the, 287; controller, 295
  • Johnson, Mr. Claude (secretary of the Automobile Club): detection of injury to motor while driving, 204; two road experiences, 370, 371
  • Keith's heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • Kellner, M., designer of touring landaulet with Serpollet boiler, 52, 53
  • Kelly automatic fire regulator, the, fitted to the Milwaukee burner, 248
  • Kennard, Mrs. Coleridge, her anecdote of a parson motorist, 369
  • Klinger water gauge, the, for boilers of steam cars, 261
  • Koosen, Mr. J. A., his Lutzmann car, 21; experiences with it, 364-366; at the Imperial Institute, 368
  • Koosen, Mrs., diary of her experiences with a motor, 364-366; at the Imperial Institute, 368
  • Krièger electric cars, the, 284, 286, 297, 301
  • 'La France Automobile,' 399
  • Lamps, electric and safety-benzine, for motor-houses, 87; management of, when night-driving, 339; regulations concerning, 409, 413
  • Lankensperger, M., inventor of the Ackerman axle, 212
  • L'Auto-Vélo,' 399
  • Law, points of, affecting motor-owners, 378; question of speed, 378; driver's limitations, 378, 379; vehicles drawing another, 380; light, 380; tax on motor mechanics, 380; taxes on various motors, 380, 381; non-liability of masters to drivers under Workmen's Compensation Acts, 381; accidents, 382; wilful obstruction of highway, 382; proposed changes in highways regulation, 382, 383; appeal on questions of fact from the decisions of justices of peace, 383; the Light Locomotives Act of 1896, 409-411; the existing Local Government Board Regulations, 411-417; regulation, affecting petroleum spirit, 414-417
  • 'Le Vélo,' 399
  • Lefevre, Mr. Shaw, and the Light Locomotives Act, 23, 362
  • Leicester, motor demonstration at (1901), 385
  • Leitner accumulators for electric cars, 301
  • Levassor, M., winner of the Paris to Bordeaux race of 1895, 12, 13, 14. See Panhard and Levassor
  • Lévy, M. Michel, Engineer-in-Chief of Bridges and Roads, France, 11
  • Licences for motor cycles, 312
  • Lifu Company's passenger brakes, 218
  • Light Locomotives Act of 1896, 23, 312, 378, 381, 386; copy of the Act, 409-411
  • Lighting burners on steam cars, 246
  • Literature, automobile, 397-400
  • Liverpool and Prescot Road, heavy tolls on, in 1829, 5, 6
  • Local Government Board Regulations, the existing, 410; 411-417
  • Locomobile burner, the, on steam cars, 244-246; Syndicate vaporiser to enable paraffin to be burned, 252; boiler, 252, 253; steam pump, 258
  • Long, Mr. Walter (President of Local Government Board), his remarks on motor-owners and horse-owners, 359
  • Longuemare carburetter, the, 117
  • Lubrication in petrol motors, 171, 172, 176, 331
  • Lutzmann car, the, 21
  • Macdonald, the Rt. Hon. Sir J. H. A., motor experiences of, 367-372
  • Magnet, the ordinary, description of, 297
  • Magnetic ignition in petrol engines, 151
  • Magneto-generator, the, 151
  • Magrath, Colonel, his road adventure in Ireland, 374
  • Manometer, use of, for petrol motors, 173
  • Married Women's Summary Jurisdiction Act, cited, 383
  • Marseilles-Nice-Turbie race (1897), steam and petrol cars in competition, 18, 19
  • Mayard, M., 16
  • Maybach, Wilhelm, 10
  • Mayhew, Mr. Mark, his experience on winter roads, 48, 337
  • Mellow's patent glazing skylight for motor stables, 84
  • Michelin, M., manufacturer of pneumatics, 14, 20, 21; his steam-brake in the Marseilles-Nice-Turbie race (1897), 19; tyres, 226; his nécessaire de voiture, 227; 'cradle' or metal nail-catcher, 236
  • Milwaukee burner for steam cars, 246; Kelly automatic fire regulator fitted to, 248
  • Minerva motor-bicycle, the, 314, 315
  • Mitchell motor bicycle, the, 315
  • Moore, Mr. C. Harrington, Honorary Secretary of Automobile Club, 385
  • Mordey, Mr., experiments of, 286
  • Mors magneto system of ignition for petrol engines, 159 et seq.
  • Mortlake, railway level crossing at, 336
  • 'Motor-Car Journal,' the, 23, 398
  • 'Motor-Car World,' the, 398
  • Motorcycles, 311; as an educational medium in connection with automobilism, 311; regulations concerning, 312; licences, 312; varieties of tricycles, 312; petrol bicycles, 313; gear, belt, and Holden systems of driving, 313; position of engine in bicycles, 313, 314, 315; various kinds of power transmission, 315, 316; experiments in spring frames and two-speed gears, 317; preparation for a run, 318; the surface carburetter, 318, 319; electric ignition, 319: sparking plugs, 319; good compression to be ensured, 320; detection and arrest of leakage, 320, 321; attention required, 321
  • 'Motor Cycling,' 398
  • Motor-driving, practice, requisite till automatic perfection is attained, 322; the first drive, 323; starting the car, 324; first speed, 324; second speed, 325; third speed, 325, 326; how to change speeds properly, 326-328; use of the accelerator pedal, 324, 328; overrunning the engine, 328; preparation for starting for a drive, 329; precautions before starting the engine, 330; lubrication, 331; driving backwards, 331; testing the brakes, 332; use of the sprag, 332; rounding corners, 333; descending steep hills, 333; using the brakes, 333; some of the dangers met with on the road, 334; side-slip, 336; greasy roads, 323, 336-338; ice-covered roads, 337; rutty roads, 338; difficulty in steering when tyre is punctured, 338; cautions on night-driving. 339; fixed habit of careful driving to be practised, 339; charms of English roads, 341-345; exhilaration on the motor, 341; power of traversing large areas of beautiful country, 342; delights of country life enhanced, 343; regarded as land-yachting, 344; scenes on the road, 344, 345; dealing with restive horses, 356-360; influence on health, 79-82
  • Motor laws as they exist, 409-417
  • 'Motor News,' the, 398
  • 'Motor Vehicles and Motors,' cited, 400
  • 'Motoring Illustrated,' 398
  • Napier car, the, 52
  • Nederlandsche Automobile Club, secretary and other officers, &c., 393 Nesting-boxes for accumulators, 294
  • Netherhall Gardens, Fitzjohn's Avenue, used to test the hill-climbing powers of motors, 62, 63
  • New Orleans 7-h-p. car, 44
  • New York pneumatic tyre, the, 238
  • Nice to Marseilles race, 404
  • Non-slipping tyres, 49, 239
  • 'Notes and Notices,' 337, 387, 398
  • Oesterreichischer Automobil Club, headquarters, officers, &c., 394
  • Ogle, Mr., steam carriage of, 4
  • Oil reservoirs and. pump, self-contained, 90
  • Oppermann electric cars, 293, 296
  • Overheating, causes of, in petrol cars, 170 et seq.
  • Paints for motors, 93
  • Panhard and Levassor, controllers of the Daimler patents in France, 9; builders of the Peugeot motors, 9; winners of the Paris-Marseilles and back race (1896), 15; carriage in Versailles-Bordeaux race, 20; 4O-h.-p. car in Paris-Berlin race (1901), 45; 20-h.-p. car in same race, 47. See Races and Trials
  • Paraffin (pétrole ordinaire), 53
  • Paraffin burners for steam cars, 249, 259; motors, 62
  • Paris-Amsterdam-Paris race (1898), 20
  • Paris-Berlin race (1901), 45, 47, 405
  • Paris-Bordeaux and back Automobile race (1895), 12-15, 19, 402, 404
  • Paris-Dieppe race (1897), 20
  • Paris-Marseilles and back race (1896), 15-20, 403
  • Paris-Toulouse race, 404
  • Paris-Trouville race (1897), 20
  • Pecqueur, M. Onésime (1827), his ingenious devices, 7
  • Periodicals on motoring, English, Continental, and American, 397-401
  • Petersham Hill as a climbing test for motors, 57-59, 386, 405
  • Petrol burners for steam cars, 244-249
  • Petrol car: the, details of simple transmission, 183; variation of the ratio of engine speed to wheel speed, 184; action of gear wheels, 184; ratio between engine and road wheels varied by varying size of gear wheels, 185; belt-driving, 186, 187; chain-driving, 187; protection of the gear case, 187; 'block' and 'roller' chains, 188; bevel gearing and connecting rod, 189, 190; use of Cardan joints, 191; skew or screw gearing, 191; friction clutches, 191, 192; positive clutches, 193, 194; speed varying gear combined with transmission gear proper, 195; the belt-driving system, 195, 196; leather and dressing for belts, 195, 196; the Benz gear, 196; Crypto or epicyclic gear, 197, 198; the Duryea transmission gear, 198; wheel-gearing and chain transmission illustrated in 12h.-p. Daimler, 199-204; shifting the gear to obtain reversing action, 203; putting a lower gear into operation, 203; lubrication of gear and bearings, 204; unusual sound near transmission gear, 204; Renault shaft transmission, 204-206; reversing gear in the Renault, 206; full lubrication to be provided in all gear-driven devices, 206; varieties of design in frames, 207; diagonal staying for frames, 209; wheel-base, 209; springs, 209, 210; breakage of spring leaf, 210; spring hangers, 208, 210; axles, 211-213; action of the differential gear, 213-216; steering gear, locked and direct, 216-218; testing steering gear, 218; brakes, 218-222; brakes used by various makers, 221; Automobile brake trials, 222; wheels, 222, 223
  • Petrol engine, principle of the, 103; internal combustion, 105; illustrated by a single-cylindered Daimler, 105; force generated by explosion of mixed gas and air in combustion chamber, 106; fired by electric spark or red-hot platinum tube, 106, 107; suction stroke, 106; compression stroke, 106; explosive stroke, 107: exhaust stroke, 107; operation shown in a complete cycle, 107, 108; induction valves, 108; exhaust valve, 109; mechanical lift of exhaust valve, no; surface carburetter, in; twin trap or mixing chamber, 113, 114; Benz carburetter, 115; spray carburetter, 116; systems of feeding the spray carburetter, 117; the silencer, 118; systems of governing, 120; governing by advancing or retarding the sparking, 120; by exhaust-valve lifter, 121; by exhaust-valve closer, 121; by regulating the lift of the induction valve, 121; by mechanically governing the exhaust valves, 121; the Daimler system of governing described in diagrams, 122-129; the accelerator, 128; governing by throttle, 129; governing both by exhaust and throttle, 130; motors with more than one cylinder, 130; movements of double-cylindered engines with cranks set at 180 and 360, 130, 131, 132; water circulation, natural and forced, 133, 134; radiators, 134; the crank chamber, 135; the piston, 135; relative positions of induction and exhaust valves, 136; appliances for starting the motor, 137; various types of engine, 137; ignition, 138 et seq. See Ignition in petrol engines
  • Petroleum spirit (petrol), regulations concerning, 414-417
  • Peugeot petroleum vehicles, 9, 14, 1 6, 24; in the Marseilles-Nice-Turbie race, 19; 8 h.-p. (1902), 41
  • Phoebus motor tricycle, with Aster motor, 312
  • Phoenix motor bicycle, with improved Minerva engine, 315; two-speed gear, 317
  • Plante batteries, 290
  • Platinum tube for ignition in petrol engines, 138, 139
  • Pneumatic tyres, 20, 45, 49, 94, 226, 237; punctured, 228, 370. See Tyres
  • Postel-Vinay electric motor, the, 286
  • 'Powerful' electromobile, the, 290, 300
  • Pumps for boilers of steam cars, 257
  • Quadrant motor cycle, the,
  • Races and trials, English and Continental, in motor vehicles, 402-408
  • Railway level crossings, dangers of, 335
  • Rain covers, mackintosh, for cars, 95
  • Reading system for steam cars, 246; engine for steam cars, 268
  • Reminiscences of motoring, 361; mechanical traction on roads long delayed by obstructionists, 362; the Hon. Evelyn Ellis's introduction of the Panhard car to England as a police test, 362, 363; Mr. and Mrs. Koosen's enterprise, 363, 364; extracts from Mrs. Koosen's diary of experiences with a motor-car, 364-366; Mr. T. R. B. Elliot on his early motor-driving days, 366; Sir J. H. A. Macdonald's experiences on the motor, 367-372; Mr. Butler on early motoring, 368; Mrs. Coleridge Kennard's story of parsonic simplicity, 369; Mr. Carr's anecdote, 370; Mr. Sturmey's confession, 370; an adventure on the London-Uxbridge road, 370; a contretemps on the road to Gloucester, 371; Mr. Edmunds' hastily accredited skill in a side-slip, 370; account of a punctured solid tyre, 372; Mr. Graham White's conduct in an accident to steering-gear on a long run, 373; Mr. Rolls' pertinacity in calamities on a Paris-Havre run, 373, 374; Colonel Magrath's story of the old peasant woman, 374; Lord Edward Churchill and his daughter's relation of a sad time, 375; the Thousand Miles trial (1900), 375, 376
  • Renault 5-h.-p. voiturette, 43; shaft transmission car, 204-206
  • Richter Oil Economising Co.'s self-contained oil reservoir and pump, 90
  • Ripolin's, Messrs., paint for motor engines, 93
  • Roads, different types of surface of, 323, 336, 337; at night, 339; English, 341-345; the 'nerves and sinews of the land,' 347; their vast importance in the national life, 347; beauties of English, 348; competition of motor traffic with railways on, 348; illustrative case of superiority of reaching the seaside on road by motor to the use of railway, 349; highway improvements required, 350; decay of villages arrested by resurrection of the road, 350; improvement required in the approaches to London, 351; Roads Improvement Association's plan commended, 351, 352; effect of better roads and cheap and fast motor traction on town populations and small agriculturists, 352, 353; value of a good road system in France, 352, 353; compelling electric tramways, light railways, &c., to increase the metalled surface of roads they use, 354
  • Roads Improvement Association, plan of road reform, 351
  • Rolls, the Hon. C. S., his 31/2-h.-p. Peugeot, 24; accident to, in descending hill, 333; his courage and pertinacity on the Paris-Havre run, 373, 374
  • Safety tyres, 48
  • Salomons, Sir David, Bart., his demonstration of motor vehicles (1895), 22; aid in legislation for speed on roads, 23
  • Sampson, Mr. Lyons, his experience with the belt-driving system, 195
  • Savoy Street, Strand, as a hill-climbing test, 59, 60
  • Scotland, raising of the speed limit for motors in, 388
  • Secondary battery for electric cars, 289; lowest point of discharge, 289; recharging, 290; overloading, 293
  • Self-Propelled Traffic Association, amalgamation of, with the Automobile Club, 385
  • Serpollet, M., inventor of instantaneous vaporisation boilers, 8; his boiler on touring landaulet, 52, 53; first steam tricycle, 245; paraffin burner for steam cars, 252, 259; generator and burner, 256; water and oil-pumps, 259, 260; engine for steam cars, 270; condenser, 272
  • Shaw motor bicycle, the, 315
  • Sheep at night on the road, 339
  • Side-slips, 47, 48, 313, 314, 336, 372
  • Siemens shuttle armature, the, 282
  • Silencer, the (petrol engine), 118 et seq.
  • Simms, Mr. F. R., holder of the Daimler patents in Great Britain, 22; Vice-chairman of the Automobile Club, 385
  • Singer motor bicycle, the, with Simms-Bosch magneto ignition, 315, 316
  • Sirdar solid tyre, the, 241
  • Skylights for motor-houses, 84, 85
  • Solid tyres, 49, 240-242; punctures in, 372. See Tyres
  • Sparking plug in petrol engines, 148, 150; in motor cycles, 319
  • Speed, 388; regulations concerning, 413
  • Sprag, use of the, 332
  • Spray-type automatic carburetters for motor bicycles, 319
  • Squire and Macerone steam coach, 5
  • Stables for motors, 83; requisites, 83; means for examining machinery, 83; construction, 84 et seq.; skylight, 84, 85; doors, 85; floor, walls, and roof, 85; the pit, 85, 87; advantages of separate houses, 86; the wall shelves and brackets, 86; accommodation of repairing tools, 86, 91; plans of Broomhill houses, 87-90; lighting apparatus, 87; storage of benzine and petroleum, 90, 99; carriage-lifting contrivance, 91; duplicate special tools, 91; ventilation, 91; warming, 92; precautions against fire, 92; cleaning and painting motors, 93, 94, 95; preservation of pneumatics, 94; carriage jacks, 94; care of the clutch, 95; rain-covers, 95; the thermometer, 96; guarding against frost, 96; hot-water system, 96; province of the stable attendant, 96, 97; grinding valves, 97, 98; booking and gauging benzine, 98; repairs and rectification of faults in motors, 98; preparation for the road, 99; Broomhill benzine storehouse, 99, 100, 101; Mr. Evelyn Ellis's motor-car house, 101, 102
  • Steam cars, main essentials of propelling apparatus, 243; paraffin and petrol as fuel for heating boiler, 243; the Bunsen principle, 243; petrol burners, 244; the Locomobile arrangement, 244, 245; the Weston, Milwaukee, and Reading systems, 246; vaporising the fuel, 246; starting the burner, 246-248; automatic fire regulator, 248; paraffin burners, 249-252; Clarkson's paraffin burner, 249; Syndicate vaporiser and Serpollet burner, 252; generation of steam in the boiler, 252; steam at high pressure, 252; the Locomobile boiler, 253255; water-tube boiler, 255; Toledo boiler, 255; principle of the flash boiler, 255; Serpollet generator and burner, 256; use and manipulation of pumps, 257, 258; Serpollet water and oil pumps, 259, 260; cams, 260; water and pressure gauges, 261; description of the engine and its work, 262; action of the slide-valve, 264-268; piston, steam, and exhaust ports, 263-266; link motion, 266, 268; 'notching up,' 267; the Reading engine, 268; compound engines, 268; House engine, 270; Serpollet engine, 270; piston rings, 271; stuffing boxes, 271, 272; condensers, 271; the Clarkson condenser, 272; oil-separator and water-filter, 272; water-lifter, 273; main advantages of steam vehicles, 273; art of driving, 274, 275
  • Sternoline belt dressing, 196 Stone, Mr., steam carriage of, 4, 5
  • Sturmey, Mr., starts 'The Autocar' (1895), 23; his brake confession, 370
  • Summers, Mr., steam carriage of, 4
  • Syndicate vaporiser for burners of steam cars, 252
  • Terms used in automobilism, in English, French, and German, 418-438
  • Test (or Broomfield) Mill, Richmond Park, as a hillclimbing test for motors, 6062
  • Thomas motor bicycle, the, 315
  • Thompson, Sir Henry, on the relationship between motor-owners and horse-owners, 359
  • Tonneau, the, 55
  • Torque, 281, 298
  • Tour de France race, 403
  • Touring Club of France, the, 12
  • Trembler, the, 155, 156
  • Trials and races in motor cars, 402-408
  • Tube ignition in petrol engines, 138
  • Tyres, pneumatic, on motors, Michelin et Cie's, 20, 45, 49; mixed, 45; safety, 48; superiority to the solid for motor work, 225; introduction of the Clipper-Michelin, 226; choice of a tyre, 226; covers, 226; repairs, 227; the Michelin necessaire de voiture, 227; dealing with a puncture, 228; to remove the tube, 228-231; repairing the puncture, 231; repairing the cover, 232; replacing the tube, 232; replacing the cover, 233; changing and replacing a cover, 235; treating bursts, 235; general hints respecting, 235-237; the Collier, 237; the Goodyear, 238; the New York, 238; non-slipping, 239; the Callus, 49, 239; the Falconnet, 239; the Wilkinson, 240; solid, 240; types of solid in use, 241
  • Utility of motor vehicles, 25; electric and steam cars, 26; in town, 26; for station work, 27, 28, 29; in country life, 28, 29, 51; for hunting work, 29, 30; in Scotland, 31; for fishing and shooting, 31-33; household purposes, 33; farming and estate work, 34-36; transporting farm produce to London or market towns, 34, 35; in Post Office work, 36
  • Vanderbilt, Mr., 11
  • Vaporising fuel for burners of steam cars, 246
  • Varennes, M., 12
  • Veils for ladies motoring, 70, 80
  • Veloce Club e Club Automobilisti d'ltalia, headquarters, officers, &c., 394
  • Ventilation of motor-houses, 91
  • Versailles-Bordeaux race (1899), 20
  • Victoria steam carriage, the,
  • Voiturettes, wheels for, 222
  • Voltmeters, 146, 300, 305
  • Wallace, Mr. Roger W. (chairman of the Automobile Club), 385
  • Warming motor carriages, 54; motor-houses, 92
  • Waste, for cleaning motors, 93
  • Water gauges for boilers of steam cars, 261
  • Water-lifter, steam, 273
  • Welbeck Park, trial of brake-power at (1902), 388, 405, 406
  • Werner motor bicycle, the, 313, 315, 318
  • Westminster Tramways Bill, cited, Weston burner for steam cars, 246; apparatus for starting the burner, 246, 247; steam water-lifter, 273
  • White, Mr. Graham, his accident through brake failure, 219; pluck on the Thousand Miles run, 373
  • Wilkinson non-slipping tyre, the, 240
  • Wolseley car axles, 212
  • Workmen's Compensation Acts (1897, 1900), cited, 381
  • Wulfmuller motor bicycle, the, 313
  • Zuylen de Nyevelt de Haar, Baron de, his 20 horse-power Panhard and Levassor car, in Paris-Berlin race (1901), 47; 390