Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series I/Volume IV/Donatist Controversy/On Baptism/Book VII/Chapter 27

Chapter 27.—52.  Also another Felix of Buslaceni[1] said:  "In admitting heretics to the Church without baptism, let no one place custom before reason and truth; for reason and truth always exclude custom."[2]

53.  To him our answer is:  You do not show the truth; you confess the existence of the custom.  We should therefore do right in maintaining the custom which has since been confirmed by a plenary Council, even if the truth were still concealed, which we believe to have been already made manifest.


  1. Buslaceni (Cussaceni) is probably Byzacium, the capital of province of Byzacium, since we know that it was also called Bizica Lucana; others place it in Africa Proconsularis.  For Felix, cp. Bk. VI. cc. 19 and 23.
  2. Conc. Carth. sec. 63.