Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume I/Constantine/The Oration of Constantine/Chapter 2

Chapter II.—An Appeal to the Church and to his Hearers to pardon and correct the Errors of His Speech.

Hear then, thou master[1] of the ship, possessor of virgin purity, and thou Church, the cherisher of tender and inexperienced age, guardian of truth and gentleness, through whose perennial fountain the stream[2] of salvation flows! Be ye also indulgent, my hearers, who worship God sincerely, and are, therefore, the objects of his care: attending, not to the language, but to the truth of what is said; not to him who speaks, but rather to the pious zeal which hallows his discourse! For what will be the use of words when the real purpose of the speaker remains unknown? It may be, indeed, that I essay great things; the love of God which animates my soul, a love which overpowers natural reserve, is my plea for the bold attempt. On you, then, I call, who are best instructed in the mysteries of God, to aid me with your counsel, to follow me with your thoughts, and correct whatever shall savor of error in my words, expecting no display of perfect knowledge, but graciously accepting the sincerity of my endeavor. And may the Spirit of the Father and the Son accord his mighty aid, while I utter the words which he shall suggest to speech or thought.[3] For if any one, whether in the practice of eloquence, or any other art, expects to produce a finished work without the help of God, both the author and his efforts will be found alike imperfect; while he has no cause to fear, no room for discouragement,[4] who has once been blessed with the inspiration of Heaven. Wherefore asking your indulgence for the length of this preface, let us attempt the theme in its utmost scope.[5]


  1. [The bishop who is thus metaphorically addressed as the guide and controller of the Church.—Bag.]
  2. Some mss. read πόμα, “draught.”
  3. “I read αὐτῆ φρ€σει…but regarding φρ€σει as derived not from the verb φρ€ζειν, but from the noun φρ€σις.”—Hein.
  4. “Ought not to shrink or to be neglectful.”
  5. Valesius, followed by 1709 and substantially by Bag., omitting πρός, renders “enter upon the head and principal matter of our design.” Hein. retains πρός, and like Molz. renders “proceed, as well as I may, to my theme.” He means rather that having God’s help he will not fear to “essay great things.”