Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume II/Socrates/Book II/Chapter 29

Chapter XXIX.—Of the Heresiarch Photinus.

During this time Photinus,[1]

who then presided over the church in that city more openly avowed the creed he had devised; wherefore a tumult being made in consequence, the emperor ordered a Synod of bishops to be held at Sirmium. There were accordingly convened there of the Oriental bishops,[2]

Mark of Arethusa, George of Alexandria, whom the Arians sent, as I have before said, having placed him over that see on the removal of Gregory, Basil who presided over the church at Ancyra after Marcellus was ejected, Pancratius of Pelusium, and Hypatian of Heraclea. Of the Western bishops there were present Valens of Mursa, and the then celebrated Hosius of Cordova in Spain, who attended much against his will. These met at Sirmium, after the consulate of Sergius and Nigrinian,[3]

in which year no consul celebrated the customary inaugural[4]

solemnities, in consequence of the tumults of war; and having met and found that Photinus held the heresy of Sabellius the Libyan, and Paul of Samosata, they immediately deposed him. This decision was both at that time and afterwards universally commended as honorable and just; but those who continued there, subsequently acted in a way which was by no means so generally approved.


  1. A disciple of Marcellus (see ch. 18). See Hilar. de Synod. 61, Cave on Photinus.
  2. The bishops here mentioned, according to Valesius, took part not in this council, but in another held at the same place nine years later, under the consuls Eusebius and Hypatius.
  3. 351 a.d. So also Sozomen, IV. 6.
  4. The Ludi circenses, consisting of five games, leaping, wrestling, boxing, racing, and hurling,—called in Greek πένταθλον ,—with scenic representations and spectacles of wild beasts at the amphitheatre; with these the consuls entertained the people at their entrance on the consulate. Alluded to by Tacitus (Ann. I. 2) and Juvenal (Sat. X. 1). Cf. Smith, Dict. of Greek and Rom. Antiq.