Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume III/Lives of Illustrious Men/Jerome/Hermas

Chapter X.

Hermas[1] [2] whom the apostle Paul mentions in writing to the Romans “Salute[3] Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas[4] and the brethren that are with them”[5] is reputed to be the author of the book which is called Pastor and which is also read publicly in some churches of Greece. It is in fact a useful book and many of the ancient writers quote from it as authority, but among the Latins it is almost unknown.


  1. The date of Hermas depends on what Hermas is supposed to be the author. He is supposed to be 1 the Hermas of the New Testament, or 2 the brother of Pius I (139–54) or 3 a still later Hermas. All these views have distinguished advocates, but this view of Jerome taken from Origen through Eusebius is not much accepted.
  2. HermasA T 25 30 e; Herman Her. Val. a 31; Hermam H Cypr.
  3. Salute(omitting Asyncritus) A H T 25 30 31 a e etc. Cypr.; add Asyncritus Val. Her. Greek from the New Testament.
  4. Hermes Patrobas Hermas A H T 25 30 a e Val. Gr. etc.; omit Hermes. A Her.
  5. Salutethem Rom. 15. 14