Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XI/John Cassian/The Twelve Books/Book I/Chapter 5

Chapter V.

Of their Cords.[1]

They also wear double scarves[2] woven of woollen yarn which the Greeks call ἀνάλαβοι, but which we should name girdles[3] or strings,[4] or more properly cords.[5] These falling down over the top of the neck and divided on either side of the throat go round the folds (of the robe) at the armpits and gather them up on either side, so that they can draw up and tuck in close to the body the wide folds of the dress, and so with their arms girt they are made active and ready for all kinds of work, endeavouring with all their might to fulfil the Apostle’s charge: “For these hands have ministered not only to me but to those also who are with me,” “Neither have we eaten any man’s bread for nought, but with labour and toil working night and day that we should not be burdensome to any of you.” And: “If any will not work neither let him eat.”[6]


  1. Rebracchiatoria. The whole passage is somewhat obscure, and the various synonyms do not help us much in the elucidation of it.  ᾽Ανάλαβοι is given in Petschenig’s text, but ἀναβολάι has some ms. authority.  ᾽Αναβολέυς is the word used by Sozomen, who also mentions this cord. “Their girdle also and cord, the former girding the loins, the latter going round the shoulders and arms, admonish them that they ought always to be ready for the service of God and their work.”
  2. Resticulæ.
  3. Succinctoria.
  4. Redimicula.
  5. Rebracchiatoria.
  6. Acts xx. 34; 2 Thess. iii. 8, 10.